SoulFullHeart Experience

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SoulFullHeart Experience

Soulfullheart Experience


This is a quick video clip with Divine Self Embodiment Teachers and Divine Union counterparts Raphael and Jelelle Awen playing their 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and toning together during a recent weekly lovestream live on FB. They are tuning into and transmitting 6/6 portal energies of union, stability, balance, and homecoming.

You can watch the full video of this 6/6 Portal lovestream transmission here:

More info about 1:1 emotional/spiritual/energy/sound healing sessions, books/writings and group events at

More sound healing transmissions at:

Follow on FB and to join us live for our weekly lovestreams with teachings, energy updates, sound healing and meditation transmissions on Wednesdays at 6pm Portugal/UK/WET - 1pm EDT:

A quick energy update with Divine Self Embodiment Teacher Jelelle Awen about the 6/6 portal energies and what they offering related to homecoming, reunion, and deeper grounding into goodness in your body, heart, and soul field.

Here is a longer sharing about the 6/6 energies and guided meditation/sound healing transmission video here:

More information about 1:1 sessions, group events, books/writings and more at

The lovestreams are free and we gratefully accept donations to support our free offerings such as this one and our mission in seeding the 5D divine self embodiment consciousness in the world... and other payment options at shop page.

In this lovestream recorded on June 5th, Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators and divine union mates Raphael and Jelelle shared about the 6/6 portal energies. We talked about the '6' energy (which is amplified during this portal) offering a bridge to homecoming frequencies of stability, balance, goodness, and renewal in your body, heart, geography, soul...inside and out.

We then offered a sound healing transmission with 432HZ crystal bowls, chimes, and guided meditation to connect with the 6/6 portal and through Divine Union toning/light language/I AM recodings.

Thank you to those of you who joined us live and shared your experience during the transmission via comments in the chat. You are welcome to share your experience any time and we will respond to your comments. You can see the comments here:

Join us for these lovestreams on facebook every Wednesday at 6pm UK/Portugal- 1pm EDT. All recordings will be available here on our Divine Self Embodiment YouTube Channel.

More information about 1:1 sessions, group events, books/writings and more at

The lovestreams are free and we gratefully accept donations to support our free offerings such as this one and our mission in seeding the 5D divine self embodiment consciousness in the world... and other payment options at shop page.

My book Free To Be 5D: Navigating Ascension Inside Out celebrates her fourth birthday today! Hard to believe it has been that long...and I’m so grateful for the soul wisdom and compassion that came out of me from my Divine Self/Soul Aspects/Guides for this book, the breadth and depth of it, and how it has landed in a select group of souls in an inspiring way these last four years.

Even just this week, I heard from a local facilitant/client of Raphael's, "I really love this book!" and he showed me his well-worn copy that he had also asked me to sign for him (my that was a precious moment for me!)

The feedback and comments I've received about it over the years have been so touching and inspiring, so personal to each person. I have often heard that what I share in this book helps them articulate their own experience of awakening and understand it more deeply as well. I share more of these comments below.

To celebrate the book's birthday, I feel to offer a free PDF of Free To Be 5D for those who send their email to me via PM on FB or [email protected] or via our contact form at I've given away nearly a hundred PDFs of the book as it just feels good to share it for those who are drawn to it. The book is included as a free PDF for those who have sessions with me/us and who join our local/virtual events as it serves as a great bridge and context for the Divine Self Embodiment process.

Free To Be 5D is also available as an e-book, print and also as an audio book in my voice on audible and itunes, over 14+ hours of transmission and encoding! All links to purchase at

The book that followed this one was my first as a collaboration with Raphael called Under The Bloated Banyan: Our Journey From False Light To True Love that we published near our 15th wedding anniversary in March...a memoir from both of our perspectives of several years before we met and falling in love in a cu..

In this lovestream recorded on May 29th, Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators and divine union mates Raphael and Jelelle shared transparently from our afterglow of deep, emotionally and energectically clearing lovemaking that morning. We talked about navigating sacred sexuality together with the bliss/altered state that we experience for many hours after and the tears of sadness that can come up, be poulticed out as well.

We advocated for being in the empowerment activation offered by being in non-resistive flow to your sexual energy/engagement with ALL of life. We then offered a sound healing transmission with 432HZ crystal bowls clearing and guided meditation to connect with your sexual energy in this moment and Divine Union toning/light language.

The invitation from the Divine in relationship to your sexuality is to move from suppression to expression; shame to innocence; shut down to empowerment. This is especially for women who can so often close down our sexuality as we get older (esp those in long-term partnerships it seems) and for men related to maturing their sexuality out of the teenage phase.

For women, I, Jelelle, felt strongly the message come through from Divine Mother, "Don't let your sexual spark die. Don't let the flame go out. Don't let parts of you shut down your sexual energy out of protection, despair or unworthiness."

Thank you to those of you who joined us live and shared your experience during the transmission via comments in the chat. You are welcome to share your experience any time and we will respond to your comments. You can see the comments here:

Join us for these lovestreams on facebook every Wednesday at 6pm UK/Portugal- 1pm EDT. All recordings will be available here on our Divine Self Embodiment YouTube Channel.

More information about 1:1 sessions, group events, books/writings and more at

The lovestreams are free and we gratefully accept..

This is a quick video clip with Divine Self Embodiment Teachers Raphael and Jelelle Awen playing their 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and toning together during a recent group healing day with community. They are tuning into the recent Pleiadian Portal 5D energies of unity, joy, and homecoming.

More info about 1:1 emotional/spiritual/energy/sound healing sessions, books/writings and group events at

Our awakening journeys are all truly unique, as unique as our individual souls. As we ascend and learn/re-learn how to invite 5D into our hearts and bodies, the struggle within that is certainly real for parts of us who have been quite mired especially in 4D consciousness and the necessary mirrors of self-realization and karmic reconciliation held up there.

I’ve had a really interesting and illuminating process lately as I continue on my own journey of shifting from 4D to 5D consciousness embodiment in a more consistent way, including around my own relationship to these mirrors.

I wanted to share about my process as it really could resonate for you and possibly even offer a bridge to your own ongoing process/journey and I hope that you do get something from this that feels supportive!


More info about 1:1 emotional/spiritual/energy/sound healing sessions and group events at ♥️

This is a sound healing transmission with Divine Self Embodiment Teacher Jelelle Awen with crystal bowls, chimes and guided meditation/toning/light language to connect with the powerful Aurora frequencies coming through right now with the intense solar flares/CMEs and storms.

She plays the chimes and 432HZ heart, root, and crown chakra bowls to open up your heart field to receive the love energies from the auroras; your crown to let in the cosmic codes; and your root to ground in the energies into your body. This can help with interrupted sleep patterns, body pains/aches, emotional difficulty/resistance and irritation/agitation that can come up with intense solar energies.

Best with head phones and closed eyes/relaxed setting to receive.

Here is an energy update by Jelelle about the Solar storm and aurora energies:

More info about 1:1 emotional/spiritual/energy/sound healing sessions and group events at

In this video, Divine Self Embodiment community member, Raianna Shai, reads part of her recent post that includes this divine message of an invitation to bring your parts into the divine love she has to offer. This is a transmission to feel with your parts and to hold them close into your arms and the divine’s.

Join Raphael or Jelelle Awen for a a free intro (30min over Zoom) as well as affordable 1:1 sessions for men with Raphael or women with Jelelle if you’re drawn to more support in this Divine Self Embodiment path. You can find more information about sessions here:

I’m this video, Divine Self Embodiment community members, Raianna Shai and Jasper Meadows, share their Beltane celebration with flower picking, tying their hands, jumping over a fire, and dancing together to commemorate this blessed day!

Join Raphael or Jelelle Awen for a a free intro (30min over Zoom) as well as affordable 1:1 sessions for men with Raphael or women with Jelelle if you’re drawn to more support in this Divine Self Embodiment path. You can find more information about sessions here:

This video features clips from our Divine Self Embodiment events and outings here in Central Portugal such as to nearby Mont Alto, Bucaco Monastery Forest and more. Featured in this video are Teachers Raphael and Jelelle Awen, plus community members Kasha Rokshana, Raianna Shai and Jasper Meadows.

Music is a recent Divine Union sound transmission with Raphael and Jelelle, playing 432 HZ Crystal Sound Bowls and letting Divine Union tones move through them. Here is the recording live:

More information about 1:1 and couples sessions, local/virtual conscious community events, writing/books at

In this video, Divine Self Embodiment community member, Kasha Rokshana, reads her recent writing about her own separation consciousness movements and fears that arise at times in her soul. She also shares a channeling of the Divine’s response to these fears. The message is one of not only hope for, but a promise of deepening love experiences as the separation consciousness within the heart and soul is let go of and healed. The result of this process, the Divine offers, is more unity and union experiences, not less.

Here is a video to connect with your Gatekeeper, which is an aspect that Kasha mentions in her writing:

Join Raphael or Jelelle Awen for a a free intro (30min over Zoom) as well as affordable 1:1 sessions for men with Raphael or women with Jelelle if you’re drawn to more support in this Divine Self Embodiment path. You can find more information about sessions here:

In this quick video, Divine Self Embodiment Teachers Raphael and Jelelle Awen share Divine Union codes through tones/light language and playing 432HZ quartz crystal sound bowls.

More sound healing transmissions with them at

More information about 1:1 sessions, group events and books/writings at

In this video, Divine Self Embodiment Teacher/Facilitator Jelelle Awen offers a heart chakra opening guided meditation to the 'healing pools', a safe higher frequency dimensional space with Divine Mother for healing, releasing, allowing and clearing. She plays her chimes and 432HZ heart healing quartz crystal sound bowl.

Jelelle also invites you to begin connecting to your Inner Protector, a part/aspect/energy that protects and guards your heart space. Here is a guided meditation to connect with your Inner Protector:

Info about Divine Self Embodiment sessions to go on a collaborative journey together for 1:1/Couples sessions with Jelelle or Raphael, group events, writings/books at

In this video filmed at a local park in Central Portugal, Divine Self Embodiment Teacher Jelelle Awen and her daughter/Faciliator Raianna Shai share about their upcoming women's group meditation transmission call over zoom exploring inner sacred union.

Inner sacred union (hieros gamos) as a woman is the experience of your inner masculine and inner feminine parts/aspects in balance, unity, vulnerable negotiation, ongoing desire/claim and healthy self-sufficiency. Inner sacred union allows for the embodied and transactable experience of overflow to a healthy sacred union with a mate/partner and other relationships.

For women, inner sacred union is often about connecting and negotiating with masculine parts (such as Inner Protector, Inner Punisher, etc.) that are overprotective, guarded, dominant, and try to control the inner feminine to keep her safe and small.

In this two-hour group call for women on Sunday, April 21st at 5:00pm -7:00pm WEST; 12:00pm EDT; 9:00am PDT Jelelle and Raianna explore inner sacred union on all of these grounds from the feminine experience.

We will share about:
- our own journeys individually in exploration of our inner sacred unions over many years and how this has impacted our sacred union relationships with partners
- the inner sacred union dynamic challenges and issues that we have seen and helped to support toward resolution in other awakening souls in our service work
- how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their relationship to each other to differentiate, negotiate and digest through them
- how connecting with your Gatekeeper and soul aspects in other lifetimes about inner sacred union allows for supported navigation and Divine support of deepening into it on a quantum level

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will play 432HZ quartz crystal bowls for energy clearing, offer a grounding meditation and also a meditation/to create a bridge to your current inner sacred union so you can start t..

This video is a short transmission to you from my heart amidst all the deep challenge and change we are all moving through to feel the superabundant Allness, the More that is always avaialable to you and I in all moments. It is only accessible from your real life as you know it, your sacred circumstances.

I invite you to feel the total absence of lack that you can feel in nature.

Join me, Raphael for a free intro (30 min over zoom) and 1:1 sessions for men (and with Jelelle for women) for support in this divine self embodiment path in person (here in Central Portual) or over zoom with THREE types of sessions now available.....Divine healing, self healing, and embodiment healing sessions by donation of 55-100 euros sliding scale, truly based on neg. and what you can afford...

In this video, Divine Self Embodiment Teacher Jelelle Awen reads a powerful recent writing of hers. It is a message from your Divine Self about the inner punisher-shame loop within you that creates suffering in smallness in life and in relationships. She offers that through connection with the Inner Punisher creating the self judgement and the younger part of you (usually) who is feeling the shame reaction allows for this cycle to complete.

Here is a video to connect with your Inner Punisher-Shame meditation:

Join Jelelle for a free intro (30 min over zoom) and 1:1 sessions for women (and with Raphael for men) for support in this divine self embodiment path in person (here in Central Portual) or over zoom with THREE types of sessions now available.....Divine healing, self healing, and embodiment healing sessions by donation of 55-100 euros sliding scale, truly based on neg. and what you can afford...

Inner Sacred Union (Hieros Gamos) is the alchemical dance of the inner lovers in polarity, in reunion...sometimes in flow and sometimes in contrast. Always holding mass capacity and potential (the seeds and template for) the ultimate Divine union experience generated from within and drawn on the outside.

In the video, Raphael and I share about our upcoming Inner Sacred Union group transmission call over zoom tomorrow Sunday April 7th at 5:00pm -7:00pm WEST (Lisbon, Portugal/UK); 12:00pm EDT (New York).

We filmed this video yesterday while taking in the Divine feminine codes of our nearby beloved Mont Alto and the Fonte Santa (holy fountain) Mother Mary altar tucked on its side. All four elements (esp as we come out of the 4/4/4/4 portal) invited our inner masculine/feminine into more balance...the passion of fire, the flow of water, the grounding of the earth, and the aeration of air (it was super windy yesterday!) all swirling from within and in relationship.

Jasper and Raianna joined us in a circle to digest more about what came up in their individual sessions with us earlier that day. We lit candles, offered personal intentions, connected with the trees around the 500 year old Mother Mary church at the summit of the mountain and took in the stunning panoramic views of the nearby mountains and villages.

During the Inner Sacred Union call, we will share about:

- our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our inner sacred union expressions both together as a couple and individually.

- We also offer how the Divine Self Embodiment healing process of conscious access to parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your inner sacred union as it allows a bridge to your inner masculines parts such as Inner Protector, Gatekeeper and Inner Punisher…and your inner feminine parts (younger such as Inner Child/Teenager to Inner Mother/Crone) as well.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion..

These eclipse energies are A LOT to show up for and ground in, feels like many souls are experiencing upheavals, clarities, completions, choice point navigation, letting gos and more. It felt like a good time for us to ground in Gaia for a bit as the weather finally cleared after unusual storms, winds and low temperatures here since the lunar eclipse.

We share here a video transmission with Raphael and I, Jelelle Awen as we lit candles for ourselves, the collective, and each other, placing them on the altar and receiving blessings from Mother Mary at the Fonte Santa on our nearby beloved Divine Feminine mountain vortex of Mont Alto.

We also offer some spontaneous toning that came through us as well...feels like tones that honor inner harmony unions/Hieros Gamos coming together inside and in relationships, esp those in Divine Unions and those desirous for one!

We hope this is helpful to you as you navigate the waves/mirrors/triggers being offered by this eclipse passage!
Raphael and Jelelle Awen

More info about 1:1 sessions, group events, books/writings and more at

In this video, Divine Self Embodiment teacher Jelelle Awen shares about when suffering/pain cycles and loops becomes a comfort zone for parts of you that doesn't allow for goodness, love and joy to come in and be felt consistently. She shares about how this suffering becomes 'home' for these parts.

She then offers a quick meditation bridge to Divine Mother's heart lifeline to any parts of you in suffering and supports your Divine Self to be there for them. Inviting these parts of you to join you in Divine Mother's higher dimensional Sacred Garden space with healing pools.

A writing from Jelelle as well:
Sometimes the comfort zone is actually the 'pain zone'. Parts of you get used to suffering on some level, in the physical body (illness/disease/inflammation), or the emotional body (post traumatic, depression, anxiety, fear reactions) or the mental body (negative mind set, false belief systems, suffering/shame thought spirals) or the soul and energy field (karmic looping, 'entity attacks', ceilings in awakening, disconnection from soul purpose.) . Or, in relationships (codependence, being/allowing abuse, flatness/deadness, etc.)

And this suffering actually becomes safe and comfortable to these parts of you. It becomes 'home'. The only thing they have ever known.

I know to the version of 'you' reading this right now that may seem strange or counter intuitive, yet I have seen/felt/witnessed this so many times in others and in my own parts, esp when we drop into the consciousness frequency 'below' the persona "I" voice as we do in sessions.

Parts of you may feel very, very deep a core level...that they do not deserve love. That they are not worth love. That they are not EVER going to truly be free of pain and suffering. That they do not trust that love will ever NOT turn into pain and loss.

I would offer, in fact, that we ALL have parts that feel that way...until we connect with them consciously to feel what has been comfortable for them, the dark pla..

In this livestream broadcast recorded on Facebook on Sunday, March 31st, Divine Self Embodiment (formerly SoulFullHeart) Teachers Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer a sound healing and guided meditation to connect you with the Easter codes and energies of death, resurrection and rebirth.

They respond to comments that appeared during the livestream, which you can read here:

You can purchase the sacred union memoir mentioned in the livestream written by Raphael and Jelelle at

Info about 1:1 sessions, group call events, writings/books, and more at

In this video filmed by our beloved Mont Alto here in Portugal, Divine Self Embodiment (FKA SoulFullHeart) Facilitators/Teachers I, Jelelle, Awen, and Kasha Rokshana share about our women's group transmission call on Sunday, March 17th at 5:00pm -7:00pm WET (Lisbon, Portugal); 1:00pm EDT (New York); 4:00am on 3/18 (Australia) offering healing of your sacred sexuality exploration.

In the group call transmission, we will share about:
- our own personal journeys and process of being in sacred sexuality healing and expression individually, with mates, and with the Divine

- how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their experience of sexuality and expression of it

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will play 432HZ quartz crystal bowls for energy clearing and create a bridge to your inner feminine (represented as a part of you or soul aspect) in her 'private chamber' so that you can feel, sense, and be with her desires and any pains she has about sacred sexuality expression and experiences. You will also tune into if there is a protective masculine standing guard in front of her chamber.

We will also create a higher dimensional bridge to Divine Mother's garden and healing pools for you and any parts/aspects of you to receive cleansing, transmutation, and release. We will offer messages of support from Mary Magdalene/Divine Mother as well as we recode together scared sexuality into sacred sexuality. Plus there will be room for sharing/receiving feedback for those who want that.

Even if not currently in a partnership, feeling into the relationship that parts of you have to your sexuality (the expression of it, the experiences of it, the trauma/karma from it) allows for openings to occur within you and eventually within a safe, trusting partnership too.

You can join us by donation to attend live and/or receive the recording with more info at or

Filming from our bed in afterglow 🙂, SoulFullHeart Teachers Raphael and I, Jelelle, Awen share about our next virtual group transmission coming up on Sunday 3/3 5:00pm -7:00pm WET (Lisbon, Portugal); 12:00pm EST (New York) offering healing of your sacred sexuality exploration. We will share about our experience together over the years individually and together in expanding our sexuality as a portal to soul awakenings/healing karmic conditionings around it being sinful, etc. And provide a transmission with a guided meditation and playing our sound bowls as well. Plus there will be room for sharing/receiving feedback for those who want that.

Even if not currently in a partnership, feeling into the relationship that parts of you have to your sexuality (the expression of it, the experiences of it, the trauma/karma from it) allows for openings to occur within you and eventually within a safe, trusting partnership too.

You can join us by donation to attend live and/or receive the recording with more info at or

Our crown chakra at the top of our heads is a thousand-petaled lotus receiving white light frequencies and codes that support all our other chakras. Your crown chakra can be blocked by protective parts of you who are concerned about moving into your soul bigness and what it might draw (in terms of attacks, exposure, persecution.)

Many light/upgrade codes can be stuck in your field above your crown chakra, waiting to be let into the body. These light codes are often from other higher dimensional lifetimes/timelines and other dimensions/planets/galaxies offering frequencies of bliss, Oneness, enlightenment, and Divine guidance and connection.

In this video, SoulFullHeart Teachers Raphael and I, Jelelle, Awen are playing our 432 HZ tuned crystal and especially the crown chakra bowl (B Note). The meditation that comes through us invites you to open your crown chakra to connect to your soul’s wisdom, your Higher/Divine Self frequencies, and universal Oneness consciousness channel.

We tune into our Divine Self embodiment for both women and men, plus Divine Union codes for opening up clear connection to the Divine and transmit these codes also through light language and toning/singing together in healing harmonies.

And we recode together, we affirm together:

I am a channel of light. I am a channel of love. I am receiving upgrade codes. I am Divine connection.

This is the seventh video in the Divine Self Embodiment Chakra video series, where we offer a recoding/upgrade transmission for each 3D Body/Energy Field chakra to 5D frequencies of light body. This provides a templating for each chakra to upgrade, yet also activates on a cellular level the imprinting of the light body. And, supports the detox and clearing necessary for the 3D body/energy field as well in its experiences of inflammation, indigestion, injuries, and illness. The Divine self vessel of vital health is what is needed to hold the higher frequencies of light and love that are possible now and going..

In this video, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators Jelelle and Kasha are joined by Jelelle's daughter/SoulFullHeart community member Raianna, to share about our upcoming women's group call on Sunday, February 18th at 5:00pm -7:00pm WET; 12:00pm EST; 9:00am PST, offering an exploration and transmission into sacred union.

We are standing by a beautiful Banyan/Ficus tree in the botanical gardens in the magical city of Coimbra, Portugal and share an invite in this video to the call and share with you a bit about where we will go in sacred union grounds together. Whether you are currently single, in separation/preparation or in sacred union, it feels like this offers a safe place with women to digest your journey and connect to your higher timeline around sacred union.

We will offer a meditation and sound healing transmission to connect you with your inner mate/feminine in the now and then as a bridge to your Divine counterpart/soul mate with Divine Mother through playing crystal sound bowls, a guided meditation, and toning/light language.

More information about how to offer a donation to join us for the call and to receive the recording at


For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen's latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit

For more information about a free intro call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, visit


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

54 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

SoulFullHeart provides a bridge to integrate, unify, and transform your emotional body and soul field via connection with your 3D Self parts and Metasoul aspects from other timelines through sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, writings/ books, events, videos and more. The videos on this channel share SoulFullHeart facilitators/teachers Jelelle and Raphael Awen, Gabriel Amara and Kasha Rokshana teaching about SoulFullHeart, along with guided meditations, channelings from the Yeshua-Magdalene consciousness, audio blogs, & live stream recordings. They cover topics such as 5D ascension, sacred union, parts work, disclosure, sacred human embodiment, the emotional body, disclosure and more. Come take in the energy, see if you resonate, and deepen your experience through 1:1 session and/or virtual group event!