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Would be great if airports had raw milk in vending machines like in Germany, but they got start somewhere. - Max Kane

Retired CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operating) farmer admitted to feeding his dairy cows chicken manure and jelly beans. If you bought milk from the store, then maybe you drank some of the milk from this farmer's cows?!!! This is just one of the reasons I created FarmMatch (, that people can meet their farmer and know how their food is raised. - Max Kane

I saw these guys begging on the street while I was driving past with a minivan load of food. I felt inspired to turn around and share some with them. - Max Kane

While visiting Amos Miller, I shot some video inside his cooler, and of his farm. Amos' food operating is an example of how the food system should be. I'm traveling to his court rally and hearing to support him, and I hope you do to. Below is the information and I hope to see you there. - Max Kane

Court Rally: 11:30am
Court Hearing: 1pm
At the Lancaster County Court House
50 N Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17608

Right during the middle of my workday, while building software features at FarmMatch ( I looked out my window to find these young, wild deer playing around (and in) one of my ponds. After some splashing and fun, they slowly make their way back into the woods at their own pace. I'm so lucky that I had a video camera immediately available to capture such rare footage. People usually only see deer behaving in a state of threat, running away to protect themselves. Here's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see wild deer enjoying life in a playful way. It's touching, emotionally moving, and brought me back to my childhood. You may never see footage like this ever again. Also, after you watch this, you may never be able to feel good about hunting again either. - Max Kane

This video reveals the two vital determining factors that truly decide if food is really safe. - Max Kane

No oil. No gas. No coal. No electricity. This is how snow plowing should be. - Max Kane

If you invest in good food it will pay dividends for the rest of your life. Buy food farm direct at - Max Kane

I'm heading over to the neighbor's farm a mile down the road to pickup a load of hay. My haflingers Dawn and Dairy pull the 2 ton load of hay, people, and equipment with no problem. Of course lifting the bales of hay is a hard task for me, but because I eat healthy food that I get from farms at I have the strength to have this kind of fun in life! If you want to have more strength and more fun in your life, it's easy! Just get your food from farms at I know from proven experience that changing your diet to eating mostly fresh farm food will serve you in a positive way, just as it has served me. - Max Kane

Meet the friendliest horses on Earth. Four halflingers (Dawn, Daisy, Sunny and Rais) plus two perchersons (Ria, Thalassa) plus one quarter-horse Razi. - Max Kane

In this tutorial you will learn how to eat raw butter in a mountain steam waterfall and make sure to get your farm fresh butter at - Max

Here's the link to the Give Send Go campaign to fund Alvin's recovery. -

Alvin Schlangen is an American hero as he continues to help build a better food system by providing healthy food to hundreds of families in MN. Unfortunately Alvin was given mercury fillings before it was known to be unsafe, and now Alvin's health is declined for the worse. I invite you to please join me in supporting Alvin during his time of need. - Max Kane.

I'm so fortunate to own this beautiful property in the driftless region of the United States. I look forward to seeing you at one of the events I host. - Max Kane

QUESTION: Which food system will win the race for the retail dollar of the end food eater? ANSWER: Which ever food system has the most marketing behind it. If we are going to change the modernized sick food system to a health regenerative food system, then we need to amp up the marketing of these small farms. If this plan makes sense to you, then this is the opportunity for you. Here's the link to FarmMatch's affiliate program - FarmMatch is the first and only company to bring the power of the multi-billion dollar affiliate marketing industry to local, regenerative farms. Join today and make residual, passive income by simply talking about the food you love, AND feel absolutely amazing about the farms and products you are promoting. Click the link for all the details -

FarmMatch CEO Max Kane introduces Super food from small scale family farm is now accessible and easy to buy.
Find fresh, organic, and local food from a farmer

Buy top-rated foods from small farms and buying clubs. Select from an array of seasonal vegetables, grass-fed beef, raw milk, and fresh eggs. Delivery of delicious, high quality, organic food has never been easier!

Farms and the farmers we sustain are an essential part of a wholesome and nourished community. What better way to vote for what you care about than to put your dollars toward supporting the local food that will keep you and your family healthy!


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

17 videos

Category Health & Medical

The FarmMatch mission is to re-establish fresh, local, organic and sustainable food chains around the world by providing small scale farms with online web-stores and matching them with local customers.