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Good morning PUREBLOODS! Simple one today and a quick one today. You see we giver our Presidents Immunity, so that they can essentially break the law "For The Greater Good". However in no case does breaking our laws and acting in an illegal manner do any good for anyone other than The THEY.

So while it may mean Trump might go to jail because he bribed someone through hush money, I'm fine with that if in fact he broke the law. Because I'm more fine with removing ALL immunity from these people. This way we can do what needs to be done to:

- The Clintons
- The Bidens
- The Obama's
- The Bush's

All of these shitbags get hauled in, prosecuted, and jailed. And we finally learn what's been going on. Yes, I realize I'm describing a relatively impossible scenario. But in this imaginary scenario, I'm all but sure Trump hasn't nearly committed any of the crimes that those satanic communists have. It's time to hold all politicians accountable, especially the ones at the top.

Good Morning!

Yep, you heard it, the vaccine rollout will do more damage than the mathematically impossible 6Million Jews that were claimed to have been killed during the Holocaust.

Interesting, to say the least. What's so scary about this topic?

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk about the War on Whites and how the media started that way back with Honey Nut Cheerios. You may not be old enough to remember but there was an interracial commercial that drew a lot of attention as it was one of if not the first commercial to do that.

That was in 2013. And It's gone completely the other way since...

Don't believe me? Turn on the TV (I dare you.) and see how pervasive that is now. I do not watch TV regularly, because that is like drinking cool-aid of our enemies. Plus I wanted more time to play video games, but I digress. So I watched a little last night and paid attention.

There were no:
1. White and White couples portrayed on the TV.

But there were:
- White with Black
- White with Asian
- White with Latino
- Black with Black
- Asian with Asian
- Latino with Latino

But again, not a single one where a White family was portrayed. Oh and in those other commercials, The White married to a Black/Asian/Latino was a dumb, cuckold of a "man" who could barely count his fingers. And in the black/black asian/asian latino/latino they were immensely successful, had it all together and in some cases were helping out those "wretched Whites".

Of course, it's not something we can talk about. Pointing out the obvious is racist to those who have commoditized life, such as the Democrat/leftist/liberal/satanist/pedophiles among us. But to be fair, I care not what any of those "people" think do or say about me, anymore.

And neither should you, because as far as I can tell they hate you.

So watch the video below, I promise there are no Honey nut Cheerio Commercials. It's a good overview of what's going on in this systematic destruction of White Western Culture.

And Every Time you Turn on the TV, you are fanning those flames of tolerating this intolerable situation. I've turned the TV back off, my research is done. And I'm glad for it. So what are you doing? It's a simple thing really, to stop watching TV on a regular basis. You'll also find you have a lot of free time to do the important things in life:

- Like hunting communists/satanists/pedophiles like moose and squirrel.

Good Morning!

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk about studying and knowing your enemies in the world. So that you can destroy them.

Because they certainly spend a lot of time studying and learning about you.

You see, The THEY are hell bent on killing a large portion of us, and then enslaving the rest of us to bend to their will and bidding. Shit they put it on stones in Georgia until we blew those up. That excellent moment in the war notwithstanding, the intentions of The THEY are well documented at this point.

So, is it not time to begin to follow their example? Because in war, not knowing your enemy is suicide basically. It's about as prudent as taking a gene-altering therapy, because "Good Morning America" said you were a good person if you did.

So wake up and begin studying your enemies. Communists, satanists, and pedophiles make up roughly 99.99% of the actual tyranny in the world. And there's something you can do about it. Learn who these shit-bags are, learn their patterns and how they communicate, learn how they steal/consume/conquer free speech and thought through systematic social engineering.

Then learn how to completely and utterly destroy them.

Because that's exactly what The THEY are doing to you, me, and we.

Good Morning!

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to hear from one of the few doctors actively speaking out on a regular basis. In fact, let's make that our first point. There are 989,320 physicians in America, according to a 2023 aamc dot org/data-reports/data/2023-us-physician-workforce-data-dashboard.

As far as I can tell there's less than 100 of them publicly calling out against the vaccine.

There are few heroes among this elite group of Sunday Golfers, driving Mercedes paid for by bonuses received from diagnostics that lead to the distribution of drugs.

But there are a few heroes; such as Dr. Peter McCullough. In this clip, Dr. McCullough talks about how the vaccines can damage the immune system. Then he focused on the mRNA technology and its three ways that it can either accelerate dormant cases or even cause new cases of cancers.

The ties between the vaccines and cancers started out as a trickle of information. Yet now it's becoming more and more pervasive and very easy to find data on it. It would appear, the long game of The THEY has emerged before us. Detoxification is absolutely the most important thing for the vaccinated. Then probably turning off the TV forever, because the lovers of all-things-media apparently can't handle the mental manipulation and are very subjected to; and are easily susceptible to its powers and consequences.

There has been no reliable good news for those who have taken the vaccines. There has however, been much that was and continues to be suppressed about the vaccines.

- Tony Fauci did his part and has now been given the opportunity to retire and walk off into the proverbial sunset.
- Nancy Pelosi is likely vacationing with her lover, Mark Milley.
- Bill and Hillary still get to drink adrenochrome, on special occasions with their pal Huma.
- Gavin almost made a run for president in 2024 and will likely try in 2028.
- Joe showers with his children while raping America.
- Abroad, we have Boris and his Satanic wife shopping and shitting about.
- In Australia citizens continue to be pounded with mind-altering propaganda as they remain one of the worlds testing ground for oppression.
- And the Jesuit Pope has pedophilia scandals, just like Benedict.

Apparently, everything is back to normal, as far as The THEY are concerned because speaking of consequences the guilty have faced none thus far...

Doesn't seem fair, does it? So why are any of us tolerating this intolerable condition?

Good Morning!

Lots of lies to sift through, team...

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to ask a question:

"What would you do, if given the opportunity to deal with The THEY?"

Here's an old video from DJT where he talks about enjoying getting back at those who betrayed him. You know, I don't believe too much in anyone who promotes the genocide jab. But now and again, even the vaccine pushers get it right.

Because we will, very much enjoy serving legal and severe justice to those who betrayed the rest of us, and pushing this New World Order.

Every single one of you will atone for your crimes, fully. And we will all, enjoy every moment of hunting you down, bringing you in, bringing you to trial, and watching your inevitable sentencing.

And that's what scares The THEY the most. Once we start nabbing them and bringing them to justice, we will never stop until the last piece of human filth is brought to heel.

Good Morning!

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk about coincidence, because while they may exist, much evil is hidden within the myth of an actual coincidence.

Because it was not coincidence:
- When The THEY altered the definitions of "case", "gain of function", and "vaccine".
- When The THEY pushed Black Lives Antifa to justify mail in voting.
- When The THEY shut down 7 states at the same time to deliver the soft-coup.
- When The THEY bought social media and imposed severe censorship.
- When The THEY created a bioweapon in 2012.
- When The THEY manufacture a pandemic scare on every election year for decades now.
- When The THEY turned MSM into a propaganda machine.
- When The THEY stole over 400,000 children last year and every year before on average.
- When The THEY worked with China in the Wuhan lab (and about 300 other labs worldwide).
- When The THEY celebrate mental illness as an achievement - to keep you sick.
- When The THEY push mRNA poison in every product they can, as fast as they can.

Because we are very much at war and there are two sides. The side that simply wants to live in peace and be left alone to enjoy this life. And the other side who seeks to benefit by disrupting that side from living at all. Our tolerances, our laziness, and our ignorance to The THEY and their omnipresent rule over every aspect of our lives has put us all in a very dangerous position. People, all people are products of the data they consume. Watch a bunch of videos of Blacks beating up Whites and you'll grow up wanting to kill Black people, watch those same videos of Whites beating Blacks and you'll feel the same way in the opposite direction.

Once you understand that point, you'll understand how The THEY have, are, and will continue to control your lives. Data is the war we are in and our minds are the battle fields. So wake up, then wake someone else up, then kindly resist all of this bullshit.

Because there are in fact few coincidences, they are by definition rare. So when you see a collection of them. You KNOW, some bullshit went down.

Good Morning!

Just Watch and Think...

Re-post RealTimeNews: Interview with the man who tried to compress the wound of the 9-month-old baby stabbed by the Islamist terrorist in Sydney today.

He says the thinks the baby will be fine but is unsure about the mother as a lot of blood was coming out of her mouth.

Several people killed

Because there is no Democratic Party anymore, just a bunch of communists and thieves calling themselves politicians. Toss the Republicans in as well.

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to answer a question, that this young man very eloquently asks:

"How can people still be asleep to Joe Biden's performance?"

It's a great question and one that I see asked a lot of people with any president, but this one does have a good many more asking it would appear. You see, to anyone who doesn't know why people are still asleep to Joe's performance it's actually quite simple.

First, these people also believe vaccines work, television is good, God is bad, elections are fair, censorship is necessary, masks work, and on and on. These people believe every single lie they're told, and get indignant when they are called out for the idiots they are. It's incredible to watch really, the minds of a budding communist (aka Democrat).

But the big thing about these people, these, sleepy, dopey, people; and this is the most dangerous characteristic about them:

They're hive-minded. Meaning they want to form herds and belong to them and defend them. It's tribal and probably something in all of us. However, when you commoditize your education, when you commoditize virtue, and when you commoditize your spirituality --

Shit tends to hit the fan...

But not for those moronic, hive-minded, mask-wearing, vaccinated fools who still believe not only Joe won, but that he's doing a good job. Because they've believe every other lie that's been told to the herd, why not the fact that he's doing a great job. Because the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's think he's amazing, I'm sure...

Good Morning!

Good morning PUREBLOODS and Happy Friday! Remember when the Democrats watched a soft coup with the rest of us in 2020 and basically said:

"Don't care, my side won..."

Remember that?

Because I'd like to remind you of the consequence of some of the other decisions that have been left to Democrats that are affecting you, me, and even those insipid Democrats.

- Because a Democrat wants open borders.
- Because a Democrat thinks its OK to groom children.
- Because a Democrat loves and lives off platitudes.
- Because a Democrat loves to censor that which they disagree.
- Because a Democrat can define a woman or a man.
- Because a Democrat commoditizes virtue.
- Because a Democrat believes we are a Democracy (uh, we're not).
- Because a Democrat lives on a rich mixture of ignorance and arrogance.

And because we tolerate these Democrats far too often, and for far too many things, we have this:

Stop tolerating these intolerable Democrat Decisions, and Stay PUREBLOODED!

Good Morning!

If you don't see it by now, you don't want to see it. Here you go everyone. Let me begin, if you're a Trumper, I'm about to piss in your cheerios again. Sorry, I hope I'm wrong on him for sure, but hope is a shitty strategy.

So just listen. Then ask yourself, why hasn't he said more? Why hasn't he done more? Then ask yourself why you're still following anyone who doesn't understand what's going on with The Genocide Jab.

Wake the hell up. At some time, the "4-D Chess Match" has to come to an inevitable conclusion, or you're no longer "Watching The Show", you're simply getting played...

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk about how sometimes fantasy and faith can intermingle, generally with bad results.

You see, a lot of us dip into the realm of fantasy. We watch movies, we read books, we watch television, we even play video games. Because escaping into fantasy, for a little while, is generally considered a good thing. However, when you begin to BELIEVE in the fantasy, or have faith in the truths and outcomes in those movies, books, TV programs, and video games - well that's when our friend "crazy" enters the picture. And certainly the minds of those putting faith into fantasy.

Such as if you feel like you are masculine that must mean you are male, and if you feel feminine, that must mean you are female. Rational people understand your feelings don't matter when it comes to your chromosomal makeup. There are men, women, and actual hermaphrodites (which are rarer than a 5-leafed clover), that's it. Everything else is based on how someone feels, and that's complete bullshit, not science lol.

Stop tolerating the intolerable. Mental illness is not fake news, people out there are actually very sick mentally and are not getting the help they need. Moreover they are not being asked to integrate with society rather society is being asked to bend to the will of the people who put faith into fantasy.

Good Morning!

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk about COVID and where its victims died, when they were reported of dying from COVID.

- Hospitals.

That's it, that's the list. Most of the people who died from COVID did and continue to do so in a hospital. Why is that? Is it because COVID is SO dangerous that everyone who happens to have a severe case, also makes it to the hospital but sadly, doesn't survive?

- That's an amazing coincidence, isn't it?

It's also statistically impossible to have this many cases of people dying of something in one particular location. Our ambulance services must be incredible, to get so many victims successfully to the E.R. Where sadly, those lucky victims saw their luck run out as they met their maker, when introduced to our modern day death camps.

- Hospitals, where they were also incentivized with bonuses for COVID cases and deaths.

So why did hospitals kill their patients?
1. For the most part they didn't kill them directly. They simply attached "COVID" as a co-morbidity from everything including car accidents, to head wounds. Remember, they got those bonuses for every COVID death they processed.
2. The rest is ignorance and arrogance in the name of respirators, Remdesivir, and other "sciencey" stuff that's really just another corporation benefitting from your demise.

But to be clear, number one seems to have outnumbered the second by a good bit. Because hospitals are driven by the greedy, corrupt sons of bitches that run them. And The THEY knew they could count on that, when they recruited their unwitting deathcamps onto Team Genocide.

Toss the "Doctors" who pushed this bullshit as well.

Good Morning!

There isn't a single agency worth keeping. It's time to rip this corporation down to its knees, and light it on fire.

Probably vaccinated as well...


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

742 videos

Category News & Politics

Videos I find that YouTube deletes or I think people should see because MSM works against the public generally. Also like to mixup songs with meme's and goof on people that generally annoy. Not a fan of political correctness, nor am I a fan of Communism and stolen elections.

Wake Up, Wake Someone Else Up, Then Kindly Resist.

PUREBLOOD Means Unvaccinated, nothing more.