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Strange spirals keep appearing in the sky. What do you think they are?
This is a production of Demi H. Quins (
Also available in a version with French subtitles on my channel.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:
The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:
Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

D'étranges spirales continuent d'apparaître dans le ciel. Que pensez-vous qu'ils sont?
Ceci est une production de Demi H. Quins (
(Avec sous-titres français et également disponible en version sans sous-titres.)

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:
The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:
Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

For some unknown reason, the link to Part 1 of this film series no longer worked on Bitchute, so i place it again online. This movie is part of a series and you can watch other episodes also on my channel.

This is the first movie of a series where I discuss the ancient Religion of Light, which was known all over the world. This first episode is about the sun. What happened to the sun? What was the effect on religious thought? And... how does it relate to what's going on in the world right now? Also available in a version with French subtitles.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Pour une raison inconnue, le lien vers la partie 1 de cette série de films ne fonctionnait plus sur Bitchute, je le remets donc en ligne. Ce film fait partie d'une série et vous pouvez également regarder d'autres épisodes sur ma chaîne.

C'est le premier film d'une série où je discute de l'ancienne religion de la lumière, qui était connue dans le monde entier. Ce premier épisode parle du soleil. À quels changements le soleil a-t-il été soumis dans le passé? Quel effet cela a-t-il eu sur la pensée religieuse? Et... y a-t-il un lien avec ce qui se passe dans le monde en ce moment? Sous-titres français.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Animals are increasingly starting to walk and swim in circles. These signals can be seen all over the world. What does it mean? What are the animals trying to tell us?
This is a production of Demi H. Quins (

Also available in a version with French subtitles on my channel.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:
The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Les animaux commencent de plus en plus à marcher et à nager en rond. Ces signaux peuvent être vus partout dans le monde. Qu'est-ce que les animaux essaient de nous dire?
Ceci est une production de Demi H. Quins (
(Avec sous-titres français et également disponible en version sans sous-titres.)

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:
The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:
Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Horus is one of the oldest earthly gods who represents a special power. He has been completely overturned by the Cabal and became a god of secret societies, among other things. So, Horus was hacked! This episode first discusses the changes made by the Cabal and then discusses the ancient, much more interesting and forgotten Horus. His energy is powerful and can and can be re-examined. The ancient god Horus is in fact fully connected to the former Blue Sun and is a force of Blue Light. We must not forget this god, who can give so many answers to questions. His power is still transmitting messages, and it's time we start to see that again.
This is a production of Demi H. Quins (
Also available in a version with French subtitles on my channel.

Horus est l'un des plus anciens dieux terrestres qui représente un pouvoir spécial. Il a été complètement renversé par la Cabale et est devenu un dieu des sociétés secrètes, entre autres. Mais Horus a été piraté! Cet épisode aborde d'abord les changements apportés par la Cabale, puis aborde l'ancien Horus, beaucoup plus intéressant et oublié. Son énergie est puissante et peut être réexaminé. L'ancien dieu Horus est en fait entièrement connecté à l'ancien Soleil Bleu et est une force de la Lumière Bleue. Il ne faut pas oublier ce dieu, qui peut donner tant de réponses aux questions. Son pouvoir transmet toujours des messages, et c’est importante que nous commencions à le voir avec de nouveaux yeux.
Ceci est une production de Demi H. Quins (
(Avec sous-titres français et également disponible en version sans sous-titres.)

You can order this book at:
Title: The White Goddess of Truth
EAN : 9789403645421
Author: Demi H. Quins
Translator: my friend Art
Language: English
Subject: Other religions
Published: June 2022
Pressure: 1
Version : Paperback
Format: Large
Pages : 585

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

This episode focuses on Nehalennia, the forgotten White Goddess of our ancestors. She was revered all over the Earth and was preserved by the Druids, but also in many countries, such as France. What do special places such as Stonehenge and Rennes-le-Château have to do with each other and with this ancient religion? How can we serve the Old Light? And what happens during a cleansing of the earth, according to this religion? Who will be saved?
A complete historical document about the Ancient Religion of Light of which the teachings are becoming even more current in this time. Will the Blue Sun return? And what kind of changes might we expect in our planetary system?
Also available in a version with French subtitles.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Cet épisode se concentre sur Nehalennia, la Déesse Blanche de nos ancêtres. Elle était vénérée sur toute la Terre et préservée par les Druides, mais aussi dans de nombreux pays, comme la France. Qu'est-ce que des lieux particuliers comme Stonehenge et Rennes-le-Château ont à voir entre eux et avec cette ancienne religion? Comment pouvons-nous servir l'Ancienne Lumière? Et que se passe-t-il lors d'une purification de la terre, selon cette religion? Qui sera sauvé?
Un document historique complet sur l'ancienne religion de la lumière dont les enseignements deviennent encore plus actuels à cette époque. Le Soleil Bleu reviendra-t-il? Et à quel genre de changements pouvons-nous nous attendre dans notre système planétaire?
(Avec sous-titres français et également disponible en version sans sous-titres.)

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

No, this is definitely not an anti-Madame Blavatsky movie, quite the contrary. I have great respect for Blavatsky and her quest for Light. In this film I portray how Blavatsky was betrayed and how changes were introduced within Theosophy by her successors. The Cabal crept into Theosophy… Texts were then twisted, symbolism reversed and ideas turned into dogmas. Those who did seek Truth distanced themselves from the organization. What happened? How can we revive the true symbolism so that it can be used again? And what warning should we heed?
This overview of events is of interest to anyone who wants to gain more insight into the methods used by the Cabal. It is also an interesting document for Lightworkers, because the Theosophical emblem, when displayed in the correct form, can put anyone in direct contact with the Light Force.
This episode also includes an important warning that Rudolf Steiner shared with the world during his lectures.
Also available in a version with French subtitles.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Non, ce n'est certainement pas un film anti-Madame Blavatsky, bien au contraire. J'ai un grand respect pour Blavatsky et sa quête de Lumière. Dans ce film, je décris comment Blavatsky a été trahi et comment des changements ont été introduits au sein de la Théosophie par ses successeurs. La Cabale s'est glissée dans la Théosophie… Les textes ont alors été déformés, le symbolisme inversé et les idées transformées en dogmes. Ceux qui cherchaient la Vérité se sont éloignés de l'organisation. Qu'est-il arrivé? Comment faire revivre le vrai symbolisme pour qu'il puisse être réutilisé? Et à quel avertissement devons-nous prêter attention?
Cet aperçu des événements est d'intérêt pour tous ceux qui veulent mieux comprendre les méthodes utilisées par la Cabale. C'est aussi un document intéressant pour les Travailleurs de Lumière, car l'Emblème Théosophique, lorsqu'il est affiché sous la forme correcte, peut mettre n'importe qui en contact direct avec la Force de Lumière. Cet épisode comprend également un avertissement important que Rudolf Steiner a partagé avec le monde lors de ses conférences.
(Avec sous-titres français et également disponible en version sans sous-titres.)

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

In this extra-long episode, I show what a New World Order is and how what is happening right now relates to a piece of history that is still adored by those who are part of the Cabal. Lightworkers will be able to recognize the symbols of the Dark through this broadcast. I hope that scales will fall from eyes and that people will wake up, so that they can open up to the real Light, which I will pay more attention to in subsequent episodes.
Also available in a version with French subtitles.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Dans cet épisode extra-long, je montre ce qu'est un Nouvel Ordre Mondial et comment ce qui se passe en ce moment est lié à un morceau d'histoire qui est toujours adoré par ceux qui font partie de la Cabale. Les Travailleurs de la Lumière pourront reconnaître les symboles des Ténèbres grâce à cette émission. J'espère que des écailles tomberont des yeux et que les gens se réveilleront bien, afin qu'ils puissent s'ouvrir à la vraie Lumière, à laquelle je ferai plus attention dans les épisodes suivants. (Avec sous-titres français.)

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

This episode is entirely devoted to the Cathars who lived not only in the south of France, but in many other countries. Not only the history of the Cathars, but also their relationship with the Light Force is extensively discussed. What exactly did they believe? What can we learn from them? They were censored and killed. But… what did they want to tell us?
Also available in a version with French subtitles.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Cet épisode est entièrement consacré aux Cathares qui vivaient non seulement dans le sud de la France, mais dans de nombreux autres pays. Non seulement l'histoire des Cathares, mais aussi leur relation avec la Force de la Lumière sont largement discutées. En quoi croyaient-ils exactement? Que pouvons-nous apprendre d'eux? Ils ont été censurés et tués. Mais… que voulaient-ils nous dire? (Avec sous-titres français.)

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Blue blood? What does that actually mean? Where does the term derive from? In this episode a lot of information is discussed about the real blue bloodlines. The Light Force has shown itself several times to our earthly ancestors and these gods left us important information, which contained a warning our ancestors took very serious.
On my channel this episode is also available with French subtitles.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Sang bleu? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie réellement? D'où vient le terme? Dans cet épisode, toutes sortes d'informations sont discutées sur les vraies lignées bleues. La Force de Lumière s'est montrée plusieurs fois à nos ancêtres terrestres et ces dieux nous ont laissé des informations importantes, qui contenaient un avertissement que nos ancêtres prenaient très sérieux.
Cet épisode est également disponible sur ma chaîne sans sous-titres français.

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

L'histoire de la Terre est très différente de ce qu'on nous a raconté. Dans cet épisode, je vous montre ce que les adorateurs de Saturne ont détruit, mais aussi comment des groupes de personnes ont essayé de guérir la terre. Nos ancêtres ont créé des zones spéciales dont vous n'avez probablement jamais entendu parler auparavant, car les informations à propos de ce sujet sont rares et ont été supprimées de presque tous les livres d'histoire. Voulez-vous savoir ce qu'ils voulaient réaliser avec leurs Fosites Lands? Dans cet épisode, je montre le contraste entre l'obscurité et la lumière et j'expliquerai comment la connaissance de nos ancêtres païens nous montre comment nous pouvons façonner un nouvel avenir sur Terre. Quiconque veut participer à la relance de l'ancienne Lumière peut s'y joindre. (Avec sous-titres français.)

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Earth's history is very different from what we've been told. In this episode I show you what Saturn worshippers have destroyed, but also how groups of people tried to heal the earth. Our ancestors created special areas that you probably haven't heard of before, because information about them has been scarce and has been scrapped from almost all history books. Do you want to know what they wanted to achieve with their Fosites Lands? In this episode I show the contrast between the dark and light and i will explain how the knowledge of our Pagan ancestors shows us how we can shape a new future on Earth. Anyone who wants to participate in reviving the old Light can join.
(Also available in a version with French subtitles.)

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.

Sometimes this link doesn't work and i don't know why. If it isn't working, you can watch it also via this link:
This is a movie about how I came into contact with goddess Nehalennia. This goddess is said to be an idol worshipped in the Dutch province of Zeeland. I researched her and found that she was known almost all over the world. She was deliberately written out of history, but fortunately I found a lot of information about her in the old archives.

My book is currently only available in Dutch. It has already been translated into English and I am looking for a publisher for the English version.

Dutch information about my book:
Auteur: Demi H. Quins
ISBN 9789403608600
615 pages
Large bookformat 2 (19,3x26cm)

Een film vol met voorbeelden van manipulatie en indoctrinatie én waar dat toe kan leiden.

Het boek “Nehalennia; De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld” is gewoon verkrijgbaar, al komt het online over alsof dat niet zo is. Je kunt het bestellen via: en hebt het dan binnen enkele dagen in huis.
Het zijn vreemde ontwikkelingen…

Een filmpje over de toegepaste omkeringen die allen te maken hebben met Saturnusverering. Nehalennia is uit de geschiedenis verdreven toen Saturnusverering de overhand kreeg. Blijf waakzaam als er verhalen gedeeld worden waarin verteld wordt dat er een nieuwe messias zal komen. De lichtkracht werkt namelijk NIET op die manier. De lichtkracht is een energie en geen menselijke manifestatie. Allerlei vleesgeworden heiligen zijn benut door de Cabal om het volk te onderdrukken en om gedragsveranderingen in gang te zetten. Blijf waakzaam en wakker. (Op het Nehalennia kanaal op Bitchute zijn meer filmpjes te vinden.)

Demi H. Quins is de auteur van het boek: "NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld"
ISBN: 9789403608600
paperback, GROOT formaat boek, 615 pagina’s
Het boek is te bestellen via: maar het is ook verkrijgbaar bij iedere boekhandel.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

30 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

This is Demi H. Quins' channel. Videos related to the Ancient Religion of Light are shared here. Follow this channel to stay informed.

Demi is the author of the book: The White Goddess of Truth, a large format book of almost 600 pages that can be ordered at Amazon via this link:

The book has also been published in Dutch under the title: “NEHALENNIA: De geheimen van de lichtkracht ontrafeld", a paperback of 600 pages in large format, which can be ordered via this link:

Movies related to goddess Nehalennia are shared on this channel. If you want to get in touch with others who are also following this path, you can check out You can use the blog of that website to share information and to discuss with others about several subjects related to the old religion of our ancestors.