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Looks into the apex of power, and who controls it . . .

Looks into the power and influence of Zionism . . .

Looks into Israeli spying on the US, blackmail, and the Scofield Bible . . .

Looks into the Great Reset, which is a pathway to a Digital Dystopian Future. We can stop the plans of the World Economic Forum by simply educating ourselves, and through mass non-compliance . . .


Stand your ground, speak your truth, you are not alone. No doubt it is frustrating as hell! None of the harm the elite causes us makes any sense, and that's a good thing, for if it did you would unwittingly be working with them.

We the people are global; we are connected through the internet of things let's use it to our advantage. All of us want to be free, that is what makes us human.

The big thing is they got the people divided, they got the money to fund all kinds of programs, psyops, think tanks, different organizations and whatnot. Sure, it is hard to know who to trust, and that's the way they like it!

The one thing to keep in the back of your mind is their end goal, what does anyone in power want? More power, and the consolidation of that power. Hence domination, to dominate the world by controlling us, aka ultimately a system of world governance!

History is replete with examples of systems of power and control over the masses, from religions to corporations, kingdoms and empires. This is the digital global age so think digitally, and how a global control grid would now be implemented. The "vaccine" passport is a splendid example, or digital ID's and currency, and never ever forget the term manufacturing consent! Better known as problem reaction solution.

Don't give up, don't despair, you are on the right side of history! I have been out on the street with my Cv-19 signs for over a year now since I lost my job for refusing the jab. I can tell you a lot of us get it, we are growing in numbers.

Compared to twenty years ago the awareness of these nefarious nonelected control freaks has grown a thousand fold. Stop and smell the roses, have fun when you can, enjoy life and all its beauty, despite the shitheads, most of all don't give up . . .

If you want to understand modern history, and what's happening today, understand Zionism, and its cause . . .

It is imperative that we wake up to the fact that we are at war. Those waging this war are trying to manipulate us in into a Dystopian future of enslavement.

A digital prison of control, be vigilant and attentive for it is truly a matter of staying free and sovereign. They need our compliance don't give in, stand your ground, we are indeed rebels with a cause, and that cause is freedom!

Looks into the manufacturing of consent through events like 9/11, and the Plandemic. I have often heard that Freedom Is Not Free, after losing my job for refusing the jab I have come to understand exactly what that means.

We are the many they are the self-chosen few, by simply educating ourselves about what they are up to, and by not complying we can defeat them, for we are rebels with a cause!

One question to ask is why do world leaders kowtow to the apartheid Zionist state? There is a world wide cabal that not only uses world events, but manufactures them in order to achieve world governance.

Another question to ask is what does it really mean to be chosen?

Looks into the lies of 9/11 and COVID-19 . . . We are the leaders we have been looking for!


The so called antichrist is not a man, but the ideology of world governance, or a system of enslavement i.e. technocratic totalitarianism.

The rise of the beast, or beast system is epitomized in the Federal Reserves' CBDC (central bank digital currency); coupled with a digital identity, aka mark of the beast!

One must be marked in order to buy or sell, the beast system is one of centralized control, or mono-governance rather than independent systems of self- governance.

In this system group think will be monitored and enforced by a draconian social credit score, where independent thought will be punished by the lowering of one's credits.

Facebook Jail is a good example of this system, where certain privilege's are taken away for spreading "system deemed" misinformation.

Freedom will be a thing of the past where as only conformity, and compliance will be tolerated by the ruling elite.

Deceptive means and events such as the plandemic are what will be used to implement this nightmare upon humanity. (problem reactions solution)

Only when the masses grasp this will they recognize what is happening to them and their loved ones.

No freedom isn't free, we the people must be vigilant in our pursuit of it, which entails educating those around us, who are under the spell of the antichrist of which I speak.

Make no mistake we are in a battle against powerful forces like the World Economic Forum, but alas we will prevail, for the human spirit yearns to be free . . .

You can help support my channel by getting a T-Shirt if you would like . . .

If I learned anything in 2021 it is that Freedom isn't Free, nope, you have to fight for it. As people give up their liberties for the promise of safety they will eventually end up with neither . . .

We will rise

RFK jr's site

If you wanted to support my work you can do so here by getting a T-shirt and help me launch my new business

This thing they are calling a "Pandemic" is just a means to an end, for who, for those who consider themselves chosen to rule over, and control the many.

Time to stand our ground, or lose what freedoms, and civil liberties we have left. We are talking about a dystopian, totalitarian, digitized future if we don't hold the line . . .

If you would like to support my work you can do so here

Thanks, Nicholas DeVincenzo

Looks into vaccine passports and the Plan within the Plannedemic . . .

If you would like to support my work you can do it here Thanks could use the help . . .


It is true that the powerful are going all out on this one (the plannedemic), but don't despair the war is not lost!

It is true that they control the media, and as a consequence many have fallen victim to their fear based mind control method of repetitive suggestions that we are indeed at war with a virus. It is highly likely that their novel virus was created in a bio-weapons lab with gain of function intent. That may have long term effects even after you recover from being infected; or at the very least they have been pushing that false narrative with high intent.

From personal experience and quite anecdotally, after having the flu last February, I can say my lungs do appear to have been effected, but I have always been chemical sensitive. It is true that they intend to profit and exploit from their plannedemic in various ways, both financially, and by using it as a means to implement their great reset, which is nothing more than a digital dystopian future of control.

Even still the war is not lost, many people are not buying into this attempt to create a "new normal". People are resisting on many levels, although they (Bill Gates & his ilk) are desperately trying to crush any resistance to their hideous plans and intentions.

So far, almost to their credit, they have not become fully violent in their methodologies of controlling us, but psychological warfare, gaslighting, and censorship are certainly forms of violence in and of themselves.

Since this war is being wagged in a psychological manner, and being in the belly of the beast, I find it difficult to be angry at those who are participating in all of this. Those on the front lines at this point in time will lose, and have lost their livelihoods, if and when they take a stance against what's happening.

Even still the war is not lost, I doubt that at the height of slavery in the United States, that the majority of slaves ever thought that for them as a people, chattel slavery would end.

They say we are all in this together fighting the "pandemic" I believe that there will come a point in time that we say, we are all in this together fighting the plannedemic! This shift will give those on the front lines the support they need to do the right thing, consider this the abolitionist movement of today.

This war is not lost, by reversing the trend, and the mind set of the people, this psychological war can be non-violently won! We face some difficult times, but I do see a great awakening, and that the mental slavery of our time will end, and it will be abolished . . .


Studies, or research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease, that's the Plannedemic in a nutshell!

Gain of function, are the sickos of our world wanting to get their way, but can't really do it honestly, because they're control freaks; and under normal circumstances people would absolutely say no to their dystopian vison of our world.

What has been created in the novel corona virus scenario is actually an enhanced version or reoccurrence of the false flag terrorist attacks that occurred back in 2001.

The Great Reset is nine eleven on steroids, with the same people behind it, make no mistake about it.
Using the exact same tactics, which is of course the fear of dying, works every time, right out of the tyrants hand book mind you.

This has been my gut feeling from the beginning of the lockdown, you simply do not shut down the world's economies, and then tell people there is a need for a Great Reset.

Thank God many have figured out what's actually going on, they intuitively know something is amiss.

Let's call it what it is, a eugenicists and bankers wet dream to control the population, and bring forth a digital new world order.
All as the elite contemptuously laugh at the sheeple gladly accepting harmful vaccines, digital identities, digital currencies, and their own nightmarish high tech enslavement!

This is gain of function at its very best, the pathogen of psychopathy spread virally through the mind control apparatus euphemistically known as the mass media.

Knowledge is power, spread the word, resistance, and non-compliance, are revolutionary acts, or in other words the people's

Looks at the relationship of US officials and the Zionist state . . .

Looks into the relationship between the United States, Israel, and the world . . .

The Zionist State Needs "Islamic Terrorists" In Order To Survive

So they manufacture them through False Flags such as the attacks in Paris and 9/11. The Self Proclaimed Jewish State was created within the bowels of deception.

Since the 1890's the Zionists have had their sights on the Land Of Palestine. World War I (1914) gave the Zionists a foothold in Palestine through Rothschild controlled England, amid the Balfour Declaration.

World War II fomented a mass migration of European Jews to the Zionist State, another Rothschild funded war. It just so happens that Hitler's Germany played into the hands of the Zionists. (1933 The Transfer Agreement ) Don't forget world Jewry declared war on Germany that same year.

Fast forward to September Eleventh 2001, Israel had/has a huge public relation problem. For the racist apartheid state was being recognized for what it is, i.e. an unjust colonial settler state.

September the eleventh was designed to demonize the Muslim world, whom the Self-Proclaimed Jewish State just happens to be surrounded by. (go figure) False Flag terror operations like the ones in France are perpetrated by Zionists in order to create the perception that the Zionists State's security concerns are also the world's concern.

ISIS is another manufactured perception management tool; least we forget that the balkanization and destabilization of the countries surrounding the Zionist State has been in the works since the 1980's, as was the war with Iraq, Libya, Syria, and a future war with Iran. One such plan,…/A_Clean_Break:_A_New_Strategy_fo…

It is of course my contention that most wars, and the current wave of so called terrorism are directly related to the Self-Proclaimed Jewish State. In other words, and keeping this in mind as world events unfold, that

The Zionist State Needs Islamic Terrorists In Order To Survive . . .

The old canard that Zionist Jews are not loyal to their countries, is not a canard, but a truth . . .

Are we to blindly accept the genocidal Zionist State on the mere words of those who stand to gain? Whom claim to be chosen?

Looks into Geo-engineering, and the lie that is being told about Climate Change. The climate is forever changing albeit slower then our weather.

Look to the Deep State and its political lackeys when thinking about our severe weather, and the increase of the cancer rate due to their extreme malfeasance . . .

Looks into the thread that runs through modern history . . .


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

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