Nigel Billington

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Nigel Billington

Nigel Billington


Here are 12 rules to dominate people, societies, countries, the world.


If you enjoyed this video you will enjoy my book: "The Future Is Set".

Find out more at:

Ironman athlete Jason Fowler provides a testimonial for the LifeWave X39 Patch, sharing his experience with the product. As a participant in competitions, Fowler emphasizes the positive impact of the LifeWave X39 Patch on his athletic performance.

Jason Fowler experienced a tragedy at the age of 17 that would stop most teenagers in their tracks. But Jason took that moment and turned it into a story of amazing triumph over adversity.

Watch this video to witness the heart of an Ironman champion!


For more LifeWave reviews and testimonials visit:

For more on LifeWave X39 Patch visit:

Listen to the excitement of these LifeWave patch user reviews and testimonials.


Listen to these LifeWave patch reviews and testimonials from ordinary people who are greatly benefitting from wearing them.


Hear the reviews and testimonials from people who have experienced the benefits of LifeWave patches.


Join Me and Become a LifeWave Distributor

After experiencing the amazing effects of their products, I decided to join LifeWave and become a brand partner, not only because of the genuineness of the company owner - David Schmidt - in helping people become naturally healthy, but also, I could see the amazing business opportunity LifeWave offers.

As a LifeWave distributor, I get to promote some of the most effective alternative health products on the market today. And in return, I receive multi-financial rewards through LifeWave's modern compensation plan. And, I have the support of an uplifting community of like-minded people.

Likewise, you can run your own LifeWave business - full or part-time, however you choose - and receive similar rewards by helping yourself and others with their health. So, if you feel this is up your street, I would love you join me as a LifeWave Brand Partner, along with the others in the NB VITALITY team.


What Is LifeWave?

Driven by innovation and proven by science, LifeWave is a breakthrough patented health technology company dedicated in the use of light and harnessing the body’s natural energy to reverse aging and maximize human potential.

About LifeWave's Alternative Health Solutions

In life, your efforts to remove or reduce the impact of problems like pain and inflammation can range from small to all-consuming quests. Your search for strength, both physical and mental, can also be a problematic.

LifeWave has combined the reality of science with the imagination of innovation to offer the only wearable health technology that harnesses your body's natural properties of relief, improvement and performance - including healthy stem cell activity - to promote a host of specific lifestyle benefits.

A Few Benefits of LifeWave Products

> Supports relief of minor aches and pains
> Enhances sports performance
> Improves mental clarity
> Improves skin appearance
> Provides energy & vitality
> Speeds up recovery from exercise

More About LifeWave Company:

Buy LifeWave Products:

Become a LifeWave Brand Partner:

LifeWave patches are a breakthrough health technology that harnesses your body’s own natural energy to reactivate its stem cells to naturally fix your body.

What LifeWave Stem Cell Patches Do:

Youth Renewal: Redefine your age with LifeWave's innovative product technology, which activates stem cells.

Energy: Harness the power of light to increase your energy and endurance during your fitness routine.

Sleep: Improve your sleep quality and quantity naturally without sedatives or next-day grogginess.

Performance: Elevate your performance and fitness metrics on a cellular level.

Fast Relief: Get quick relief from minor aches and pains.


LifeWave patches fit simply into your daily lifestyle.

Your body emits heat in the form of infrared light. When applied to the recommended placement on the body, the patch traps this infrared light and reflects wavelengths back into the tissue.

This signals your body to produce health benefits unique to each LifeWave patch. Start living healthier without the use of harmful drugs or chemicals.


Our enemies are multi trillionaires and billionaires, whose unlimited financial resources allow them to buy and deceive the whole world.

“MONOPOLY: Who Owns The World?” (September 25, 2021)

Less than a handful of mega-corporations dominate every aspect of our lives. From the breakfast that’s on the table in the morning, to the mattress we sleep on at night, and practically everything we do or consume in between contributes to the power of these corporations. In this video I show you how these corporations – or rather; their largest shareholders – are the protagonists in the play which we are currently witnessing, and the driving force behind "The Great Reset".

Video by Tim Gielen:


If you enjoyed this video you will enjoy my book: "The Future Is Set".

Find out more at:

Common Law is deeply connected with the freedom of UK citizens. Understanding how Common Law comes about and how you are afforded natural rights under Common Law is important to your FREEDOM.

Don't let UK politicians erase or hide your natural rights under UK Common Law. EDUCATE YOURSELF.


If you enjoyed this video you will enjoy my book: "The Future Is Set".

Find out more at:

The premiere of PLANDEMIC 2: Indoctornation set streaming records with 2 million viewers attending the global livestream. Journey deeper into the web of deception as Plandemic 2 uncovers the untold stories and exposes the powerful forces manipulating our world.


If you enjoyed this video you will enjoy my book: "The Future Is Set".

Find out more at:

The first PLANDEMIC, a 26-minute documentary, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide, setting a historic record. Dive into the explosive documentary that exposes hidden agendas, questions mainstream narratives, and sparks a global conversation. Brace yourself for eye-opening revelations that challenge the status quo.


If you enjoyed this video you will enjoy my book: "The Future Is Set".

Find out more at:


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

12 videos

Category Entertainment

I'm ex-military - UK armed forces.
I worked in security and investigations.
I had my own UK private investigation business.
I'm a self-taught website and graphic designer.
I'm self-taught in S.E.O. and online marketing.
I'm a self-published author:
I'm a LifeWave Brand Partner: