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I want to talk about the fear narratives that are going around. I hope you find this valuable.

Do you know who you are? Let's find out.

I'm gonna try to start making videos again. So here's an off the cuff, unscripted take on world events.

I made this thing awhile ago. This was my first attempt at a complicated video (I finally understood how long editing takes. Holy shit does it take a long time. I now understand why people employ editors). I look at fear in this one. You may find it tedious or cringey but, I hope you gain a new view of this emotional phenomenon. FEAR does not require you to act. FEAR is the emotional response to an imaginary threat and drives us to do things that may not be in our best interest. Only a physical threat with actual physical characteristics can be acted on. FEAR is limitless since it is defined by imagination. COVID19 caused many people to act out of fear. But few took the time to actually define the threat. It is a good discussion about something that can cause humans to be moved without reason. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening.

Plato's allegory of the cave was a useful parable to explain the fake world we live in. But. Once you break free, what then? Once you get outside, with no guidance or direction, what matters? especially considering the fact that value must be relative to something else? There is nothing else. At the end of life, can you find satisfaction? Many have tried to answer this question.

I'm going to discuss American history, particularly the parts that seem to me to have been left out. I grow tired of hearing the right wing constantly talk about how great the constitution is while in the same breath decry the "overreach" of the federal government. The Constitution was written expressly to empower the central government. Many don't even realize the constitution wasn't our original founding document. Here I'm going to read our original founding document. Perhaps you will gain insight into our founding.

In this video I discuss the mindset of one who has returned to zero. Your plan on the plantation was given to you. When you leave the plantation, where do you go? Why? Watch and find out.

In this video I discuss the point of zero. It is in fact what we all start with at birth. The mindset of a newborn. Can you develop such a mindset as an adult? Can you be free?

Chains of identity define who we are. What are they? Where did they come from? How do they affect me? I offer some answers to these questions. Remember, I'm attempting to deconstruct my own constructed world view. But to remove bricks from a wall, one must know what bricks are first.

This is the beginning of my journey to deconstruct my own constructed reality. A constructed reality is what the adult human is left with once they've passed their formative years. It defines the person absolutely. But it is fake. How can one see the world as it actually is? What method of analysis can one use? This is mine. Enjoy.

Just a video about the Creationism vs not creation debate

In this video I discuss the closed mind nature of the religious.

What is your purpose in life? This was the first video I ever made and I'm putting it up here on bitchute. We shall see if anyone watches it. Thanks for listening.


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

13 videos

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