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...monkey business pays well in ape season...



President of Canada / President of Australia. Exactly the same script, practically word-for-word. It's called political theatre for a reason.

[...Paul O'Neill - who was a member of the National Security Council as well as being in charge of fiscal policy - made a shocking revelation to Ron Suskind that not only are public events scripted, but even cabinet meetings within the White House with the President are scripted...]

When two become one. A short story so powerful it doesn't require subtitles...

Wild Tales (2014)
Original title: Relatos salvajes

...Never a frown, with golden brown...


Production Company: Gecko Productions/Junction 15
Film Editor: Dan Glendenning
Composer: Mat Davidson
Assistant Producer: Darren Teale, Andrew Rowell
Executive Producer: Viv McGrath
Commissioning Editor: Andrew O’Connell
Filmed by Ben Rogers
Camera, Producer, Director: Olly Lambert

Oscillate Wildly

"...He can become an inhabitant of the periphery of his own being..."

"When I look back, we weren't fighting each other, we were fighting ourselves" - Platoon (1986)

Those who cried "appease, appease" were hung by those they tried to please...

"If I started killing people... there'd be none of you left"

Always tip your dealer.

Creation and destruction are allies and enemies simultaneously. Both are necessary for life to flourish. We are sculpted into life by the hand of death. A fine blade cannot be sharpened without friction.

So... many... sacrifices.

David Dunn = David D unn = Davidian

DMT can cause psychotic outbreaks in those who haven't taken it.


Esoteric truths about language disguised as fiction. Notice how the meaning of words such as wicked, sick, ill and insane have all had their meanings inverted, at least for the younger generations. Language is code. Code defines behaviour.

Slanted truths in a video game from 2001.

Neil Kramer's talk, entitled Guerrilla Psychonautics, at the first ARC Convention in Bath, Feb 2010.


Classic slide presentation by Jordan Maxwell. Highly informative.

Credentials - Dr. Philip Savage

Born: Philippe Sauvage, December 30, 1953 – Paris, France

1974-1976. Police Academy of Cannes-Ecluse, Paris – Law Enforcement, Criminology - Rank: Inspecteur (Lieutenant), with honors.
2003-2004. PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy) – International University of Professional Studies, Hawaii, USA – Psychology, Consciousness Studies

1953-1974. Training and initiation in ancient Hyperborean science and wisdom, utilizing his lineage’s highest “healing” (shamanic) powers and practices, both female and male.
1975-1981. French Police Lieutenant (2nd Territorial Brigade, Paris-75018), Criminologist (Bureau of Scientific Police, Paris), Criminal Intelligence (research and analysis of crime data for French government), Laboratory experiments (for French government)
1981-1991. Private practice in Alternative Health Sciences in Brittany and Paris, including celebrity TV, radio and press acknowledgements for unprecedented “healing” results. Research and practice in Greenland, including establishing the first Archeo-Futuristic Bio-Institute.
1991-2001. Private practice, teaching, and training in Canada and the USA, with thousands of consultants, patients and students, including indigenous Canadian Mohawk Nation and US medical, wholistic and alternative doctors.
2001-present. Private practice, teaching, training in the EU, with hundreds of consultants, patients and students, including teams of medical doctors and health professionals.
1983-present. Author of six books, dozens of professional articles, videos, reports and subject of hundreds of news, radio and press articles.

"History is the story of conflict between sorcery and magic" - Michael Tsarion

Murder by Decree (1979)

Consider reading the book 'The Ripper and the Royals' by Melvyn Fairclough for further clarification on what went on with the Ripper phenomena.

Other 'whistleblowing' films:
Hidden Agenda (1990) [Masonic Irish Corruption]
The Name of the Rose (1986) [Hidden esoteric knowledge]


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

24 videos

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We are the characters of the love-letter God is writing to itself.