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Uncensored Truth


The European warriors - When united no other race can contend with the Aryan race. That is why we must come together as a White Tribe. That is what the Jews fear the most. They are spending massive resources to stop us from rallying as a race. Giving us labels of "White Supremacists" and "Domestic Terrorists." While they spend the rest of their resources encouraging all other races to form tribes and unite against us. The last time we came together was in Germany and it took the entire world to stop us. It doesn't take many Whites standing together to become a commanding force and it is the ONLY solution.

The first clip is Philippe Rushton on IQ differences between Africans, African Americans, and White Americans. Second part is Robert Sepehr on the genetic differences between Whites and Africans. 3rd part is Rushton on the physical differences between our brains. I highly recommend Robert Sepehr if you're interested in the out of Africa theory. He has some of the best information I have found. The anti white agenda wants to teach that you are a genetic mutation that came from blacks. That you are an imperfect
form of an African that is nothing more then Jewish propaganda


The real "Domestic Terrorists"

Black Culture Vol 2 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/VlygmIW0t60V/
Black Culture Vol 1- https://www.bitchute.com/video/MJY37wFk7EBg/
Chinese Culture Vol 1- https://www.bitchute.com/video/EfnsLrvmvMfD/

Going to be making a Telegram channel soon. Bitchute's censorship has gotten out of hand, channel is blocked in almost 20 countries.

Follow me on gab to keep up to date https://gab.com/rybread

If a White woman reproduces with a black she's done. Black males don't even raise their own children let alone a hybrid. If a White woman even has a sexual relationship with a black she's done and no other White male should have anything to do with her, but we will always have beta cucks that will take her in. However, in this case not even a beta would take in a White woman and her half black kid. She's off the menu for all races at that point. She will get fucked around by different blacks until she retires with 20 cats and no one.

None of us enjoy seeing anything happen to White women, but when the ultimate sin has been committed there is only so much we can do. When White-mudshark conversion takes place the result is typically one of two scenarios. The first is domestic violence between the mudshark and Homo Erectus as well as White Excommunication. The second and more damaging scenario is when impregnation with the Homo Erectus seed occurs. This results in a permanent dead end of the mudshark genetic line and the creation of a new inferior hybrid breed. At this point the mudshark has taken itself off the menu for all races and mutation from mudshark to cat woman takes place within 10-20 years.

Any White with confirmed coal burner status will no longer be eligible for return, with or without receipt. Any White store owners who accepts return of a coal burner may face excommunication and/or branding as a beta cuck.

https://gab.com/rybread Follow Me On Gab

"After Black Revolution comes WHITE Revolution" - George Lincoln Rockwell. Whites must never forget who they are. We have been warriors all throughout history. White power.

White On Black KO's - Volume 1
https://gab.com/rybread Follow Me On Gab

Cancerous Jewish Advertising - Vol 1. 9 commercials promoting race-mixing, homosexuality, trannies, and anti-Whiteness.

Blacks have been talking the talk. but they refuse to walk the walk. Time and time again they get together and chant about killing all White people while they hide behind the FBI, DOJ, and militarized police. It would be nice if they would just go ahead and try to take action so we can stomp them and end this, but they won't do that because they know what would happen.

Most Important Videos I Have Uploaded - https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/cyTg7LDEYxCT/

Most Important Videos I Have Uploaded - https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/cyTg7LDEYxCT/

V2K or voice to skull technology may sound like a conspiracy theory, but it's fairly old technology that has been around since the late stages of MK Ultra. We are quickly approaching a future in which we all may become victims of this technology. The brain linked to an AI interface using nanotechnology, allowing a constant feedback loop between AI and the brain. AI mind control taking over human conscience, reading thoughts, and predicting thoughts.

Aside from skin color there are extreme differences between the races and that is just the way it is. The average IQ of an Asian is higher then the average White's IQ. They also outperform us economically. Blacks on average have lower IQ's then Whites and are the lowest of any race except the Australian aborigines. Racism is a term started by mass murderer Leon Trotsky, to push Marxism and the lie of equality. Look at all that White's have accomplished in the last 100 years. Radio broadcasting, radar systems, robots, television, internet, jet engines, and the list goes on. Now look at what blacks were able to accomplish in 50,000 years with all of Africa to themselves. Nothing. They couldn't invent the wheel, no written language, and not even modern tools to shave. Races exist and recognition of differences between races does not make you a bad person. It just means you have common sense.

I have started a channel on Odysee where I will also be uploading all new videos. My videos are blocked in all of Europe on Bitchute and the censorship has been getting worse and worse. Here is an invite link to odysee https://odysee.com/$/invite/@UncensoredTruth:0

Don't take it

We must never let the majority's perception effect our own. For the weak majority, individual conformity to the herd trumps free will. By controlling the "perception" of society, governments use the media to brainwash us and think what they want us to think. Perception and reality are two different things. Perception can be manipulated and formed into anything. For example, repetitive one sided coverage of BLM riots, police arrests, and shootings of Blacks will mold the majority's perception to the belief that Blacks are oppressed and being killed in droves. When in reality more whites are killed, blacks commit most of the violent crime, and actually are more privileged then Whites. The goal of Jewish Marxism is not to portray reality. It is to deceive you into radical change.

African parking attendant in UK stalked and attempted to have sex with a 15 year old girl, but was caught by her father. He would wait outside her school. Took her phone and called himself to get her number. Then harassed her through text messages leading the father to become aware.

Compilation of animals and domestic terrorists

Manning details how Africans were not even able to build a monument before White colonization and how they are not able to run countries. “The Nigga ain’t got no sense. You talk to him, you talk to a black man. He doesn’t understand the world, he’s never built anything!”

Speech explaining the body's production of viruses as a means of excreting toxins. Germ theory is the hypothesis that external viruses cause sickness. Terrain theory is hypothesis that toxins in the body cause sickness and viruses are produced as a result. All major pandemics are explained in this video. Here is a great video explaining Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfBgN-NJiJs . This has been studied extensively. During the influenza pandemic, hundreds of individuals were injected with the snot of sick individuals and not one became sick as a result. Here is a link to "The Invisible Rainbow" PDF for anyone interested https://archive.org/download/firstenberg-arthur-the-invisible-rainbow/Firstenberg,%20Arthur%20-%20The%20Invisible%20Rainbow.pdf

Original German footage and images of Communist atrocities committed by the Jewish Bolsheviks. Audio overlay of Hitler speech describing what German soldiers uncovered and why they are fighting. The raping of women and girls, both young and old. The torture and mutilation of White Christians, and the sickening nature of the Jews.

Just in case you had any doubt as to who was behind Communism and who is still behind it today, you shouldn't have any doubts now. It's the Jews. It's has always been the Jews..

Credit to ProudPatriot - Check out their Telegram channel: https://t.me/proudpatriots

Important findings: There were only 50,000 slaves in America at the time of the ratification of the Constitution in 1788 - most were WHITE. White slaves began to arrive in America in 1618 which pre-dates the arrival of black slaves. White slaves were mainly made up of poor people, homeless people, and prisoners and they were treated worse then blacks. Blacks travelled in slave ships made for people, Whites travelled in cargo ships where the fatality rate was often as high as 50%. Of the first 300 White slaves brought to America - only 12 survived 4 years. At least 70k White slaves from England were shipped to colonies to be auctioned during the 170 year British rule of America. White slaves have been written off as "indentured servants" who served 4-7 year terms. These indentured servants only make up a small fraction of the hundreds of thousands of Whites who were enslaved for the entirety of their lives. Whites remained slaves until the Emancipation Proclamation.

Black slavery
Blacks were enslaved by Arabs for 1400 years. The European transatlantic slave trade only lasted 300 years. 95% of black slaves were sent to South America and only 5% were brought to North America. Descendants of black slaves in America have a higher standard of living then any African nation.


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

171 videos

Category News & Politics

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My goal is to help preserve content being censored on other platforms. And to preserve the accessibility of the most valuable thing we have, information. So I am scouring the internet daily to find removed and valuable content so we can spread awareness and knowledge. Please consider donating BTC to my address listed above

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Fuck censorship. Fuck Big Tech. Fuck Globalism.