NWCR's Removing the Liberal Blindfold

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NWCR's Removing the Liberal Blindfold

NWCR's Removing the Liberal Blindfold


New Mexico's democrats are showing the world, they are bat shit crazy, and want to make murdering babies and putting illegals over Americans the way that we are. These is the main reasons that it is time to remove them from office, en masse, and do the same to the republicans who won't follow our laws or the Constitution either. VOTE THEM OUT!

Biden's border policy is destroying America. No one really knew about this till Tx Governor Abbott started sending them all over to Sanctuary cities. Now they are crying out their discontent for what we down here near the border have known since the beginning. Time to purge the scourge in Washington DC and around this nation.

The Left, the media, Academia and the world are telling us that Israel is wrong for fighting a war that was brought to them in a massacre, and the world says it is wrong to fight? The world, the left, Academia and Americans who say they are wrong for fighting, have been lied to about what is going on there. God Bless Israel for the fight they are fighting.

Biden seems to thinnk that we Americans believe him lock stock and barrel, when in fact he is lying about everything. Our economy isn't good. but he says it is. Our borders are wide open and who knows what is coming in, but he says its fine. He has done more damage in his years in the White house than almost all president's before him....combined.

The gruesome murder of Nursing Student Laken Riley at the University of Georgia has gotten the attention of the whole country. The media has downplayed it. Biden has down played it. The left says that she was walking alone and that is what caused her death. NO. Her death was caused by someone who should never have been here. An Illegal Migrant, or Invader. who murdered her viciously, and the left wants to down play it. Like they do everytime an illegal murders someone.

New Mexico has some evil, and horrible people in charge, from our governor who my pastor calls the "wicked witch of the north" to the lady I am going to talk about today. Melanie Stansbury. She is a horrible person who wants us to believe the people running against then are evil. They are not. But hopefully Stansbury and others will lose this coming election. There is a good chance of that. For New Mexico's futrure we can hope the Democrats lose big in this coming election.

it seems that Biden is NOT our president because he won't do anything to save America from Invasion. He infact wants that invasion. So we need to stop listening to him and listen to those helping Like Kirsti Noem and other s who are helping.

All who have gone after Trump for imaginary things, but have allowed Biden and others on the left who have actively done everything they can to destroy America go free, are the real criminals here and we must start watching what is going on and put a stop to it all. If we don't we are next. It is as Trump has said. 'They are after you, I am just in the way.' Mark my words, they get rid of Trump, they WILL come after us.

We had the best form of government in the world my friends, but now it is perverting to an evil entity, that does not do anything but coddle to evil, because people who do right are going to jail, and people who do evil are being praised. This is not the way things should be.

Putin is telling America that Biden is better for Russia then Trump because he is more predicatble. Well, shouldn't we have a President who is better for America then our enemy? I certainly think so. I wonder why America doen't think that way anymore?

Not since the 1870's has this happened, but finally, Alejandro Mayorkas has been impeached. This is a good thing. Not like the democrats going after Trump because they didn't like him, but because Mayorkas was NOT DOING HIS JOB. It is about time, but this is probably where it will stop. The Senate will not move it forward., but they should. Like I said, the democrats don't care for America. Sadly too many of the Republicans don't either.

The latest jobs report seems to be a glowing acknowledgment of the good the Biden Administration has done. but it is nothing more than an indictment of it, if you look behind the headlines. Most will not, but I will. Here is what the media, Biden and the left won't tell you.

When it comes to the truth about America, the left doens't even know what it is, and the Elite GOP won't use their backbone to push the truth. But the truth is out here and we need to start pushing the truth or America is gone. Trump said as much in his rally in Conway, S.C.

Riley Gaines is leading the way with something that should have been done years ago. She is helping Female atheletes who don't want to compete against Trans MALE athletes a way not too. This is good and more people are joining in the effort to take men out of women's sports. Returning Women's sports to Women.

Ilhan Omar, Democrap from Minnesota, has been tellin gus that she hates America. She is in congress for Somali's and Muslims. *Her words not mine*. So why aren't the American people not 100% into getting her out of office. Hmmm?

Trump won the New Hampsire Primary last night in a decisive win, that is his third oin a row in that state. Haley is bieing prodded to drop out but she isn't. What will the next one do to her and Trump? coming up is Haley's home state and polls say Trump is trouncing her there.

MAGA now means Pro Borders, pro Jobs Pro Freedom and Pro America. How can anyone who is American hate that? The only way they can, is if they hate America. And we have so many who hate Trump so much that Aneruca doesn't matter to them,and for that they won't be guving him the chance he should have.

The left is in a tizzy and doing all they can to take our God given rights away from us using flowery terms that mean little to nothing, and only work to help them take our rights from us. We must start asking one thing. WHY? Ask why was the Constitution made? Why is there the bill of rights? Why is the line "Shall not be infringed" in the second amendment. It's not going to get better until we start asking why and holding them to account for their tyranny and crimes against America.

Last night Trump took Iowa in the first caucus of the 2024 election. Now as it sat when I did this, Trump was head 54% to 20 to 16% and it has stayed with Trump over 50% until I went to bed. If Trump wins by 50% or more, the rest should drop out and fall in behind him. I eill explain. And he won by 51%. MOre than anyone ever has in a Repulbican Caucus with others involved.

Common Sense is an endagered thing. Here in America, it seems we, *the left* would rather make up lies about things that are scientifically proven, than to tell the truth. Trans is a real thing. Men can compete in Women's sports and tell the truth about it and you are in trouble. We are a nation that cannot tell the truth anymore, and yet, we put people in jail for telling the truth. Our borders are OPEN but Mayorkis, who tells us it is not, is in office telling us he is taking care of it. He is not!? What are we doing?
At no point in history, have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys.

The democrats have gotten what they want. Another 8,000 illegals are heading for the southern border, in a mass bunch, as Mayrokis keeps saying the border problem is fine now. Uh no, it isn't fine. Chicago, and New York City are complaining about it, but what about here, near the border where the trouble comes in? Those cities in the north part think they have a problem. They don't. The country does!

The Deep State, run by the Democrats and the Socialists in this nation, never have to suffer their consequences due to the actions of their members. Hunter Biden is going to be the latest on this, because he did something worse, but will not be prosecuted. This is wrong and needs to be stopped or things will get much much worse. I guarantee you this.

Congress finally did what they should have done a long time ago. They pushed Impeachment after Impeachment on Trump when all the things they had were made up and not factual. Now with the Biden's the things against them are actual facts, but Hunter says that his troubles stem from MAGA extremists who are 'impuning his name, his family and his father' when the facts are, he has done all this himself. When it comes to the facts, the Biden's have none. But time will tell. There are enough liberal judges out here, who are blind to justice, and won't see it when it is shown to them......but only if it is against one of them.

The liberal leftist deep state and Governors like Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico are evil and what evil gets us is judgement from God. And NOT a good judgment at all. We are following the dictates of MLG the Wicked Witch of the North to kill babies and be murderers like she is. We must stop this or go to hell with her.

The democrats are supposed to be in Washington D.C., to work for you and me. But they are not there for You my friends, they are only there for themselves. To hell with us. Gun Control is their main topic now, but their only reason with that is to take away all guns. 'Assault Weapons' is their term to make it scary, but it means EVERY GUN HELD BY AMERICANS is to be taken away. Do not doubt me here. They are trying to disarm Americans so we can't protect ourselves and our families. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can get this country back on track.


Created 5 years, 5 months ago.

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