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A few minutes with Marvin


"Nothing happens without personal Transformation." -W. Edwards Demming

How do you know if you've transformed your life after all the things you've been doing on your Spiritual Awakening Journey?
Sometimes you have transformed without even knowing it.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives

I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. If you are having trouble identifying the changes you need to make to transform your life, I can help you.

For more information go to:
Submit your email on my website for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

In this video I discuss the difference between Change and Transformation and whether or not they are the same thing. I also discuss the role of a Spiritual Transformation Coach and how we can help you stay on track to your transformation.

So, if you have more questions than answers about your Spiritual Transformation, press play now.

Change is inevitable if you wish to transform? Are you ready to transform your life? Are you ready to Create the life that lights you up?
I truly hope you are my friend.

I'm sending you love, courage, and blessings. Continue to take leaps of faith and stay on track to transforming yourself: Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Creatively, and Financially.

And have an amazing day.

Many blessings,

Join me on Meetup:

Check out my Courses on Udemy.com

Watch these videos:

The steps to becoming your Authentic Self. Your truth needs to be told-are you ready to embrace YOU?

What is stopping you from living your best life? Are you ready to take a leap of faith?

What is Spiritual Awakening? A Transformation.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am so very Grateful.

Please give this video a Like, Share it, Leave a Comment, and Subscribe to my channel.

In this video, I teach you and show you 3 Qigong exercises you can do every morning to shift your energy. If you wake up depressed, stressed, ill, hurting then this video is for you. I practice these 3 exercises every day and the benefits to my Mental, Emotional, and Physical health is priceless. So it's my honor and pleasure to share them with you. My intention is to introduce you to know exercises you can implement into your busy day that will actually heal you. Studies by the Mayo Clinic have proven that these 3 exercises in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise will reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, and have been used to heal cancer and heart disease!

So what are you waiting for? Press play now and learn how to heal yourself. You are worth it.

And have an amazing day!

Much love, blessings, and healing.


I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. If you are suffering from Stress and need a Coach to help you shift your life for the better, I can help.

For more information go to:
Submit your email on my website for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Join me on Meetup:

Find me on Udemy.com

Watch these videos:

What is Mindfulness Meditation? It's so easy to do, you can do it anywhere. Learn how. Watch now.

5 important things you can do to Attract Love on your Spiritual Awakening Journey.

5 things you can do to stop Overwhelming thoughts and situations from ruining your day. AFMWM

"Enjoy your journey." Dr. Alyn E. Waller

Are you having fun on your Spiritual Awakening journey? Don't take it so seriously; laughter is the best medicine. Learn to have fun and laugh more with me.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach.

Don't know how to have fun? If you aren't enjoying your Spiritual Awakening journey, maybe I can help. I can help you "Create the Life that lights you up". So you can start having fun on your path.

For more information go to:
Submit your email on my website for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Join me on Meetup:

Check out my Courses on Udemy.com

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am totally grateful.
Don't forget to give this video a Like, Share it, leave a Comment, and Subscribe to my channel.

In this video, I show you how I have fun on my Spiritual Awakening path. Sometimes we need to be reminded not to take it so seriously. Allow yourself to rediscover your Childlike Enthusiasm. Learn to laugh again. Learn to play again. Learn to let go and have fun again.

It's my honor and pleasure to serve you in any way. I love serving beautiful souls with no judgement and no expectations. Life is so much better when you focus on creating a life that lights you up. That can only happen when you give in and surrender to the process with faith and fun!

You are worthy of having more fun; allow yourself to just let go. It is freeing and healing.

And have an amazing day.

I had so much fun filming this video.

I send you Child Like fun, positive vibes, and blessings for your highest good.
Much love,

Watch these videos:

How Celebrating small VICTORIES will Change your LIFE...A few minutes with Marvin

Why you should Celebrate everyday like it's your Birthday...A few minutes with Marvin

How to be a Winner in life right now. A vision for success...A few minutes with Marvin

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony. -Thomas Merton

We all strive to have a balanced life right? What does having a balanced life look like for you? For me, balance is a combination of Spiritual Growth, Mental Stability, Physical Fitness, Emotional Harmony, Creative Flow, and Financial Freedom.

Just when you thought your life was really in balance...I post a video that will suggest that you are not.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

If you are unsure about how to bring your life into balance and are ready to make a commitment to and an investment in yourself I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. I can help you figure out where your life is out of balance and help you create the steps and changes necessary to address and fix the issues.

For more information go to:
Submit your email on my website for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Are you looking to balance your mind, body, and Soul? If so, join my Qigong Class on line at fulldistance.com
Qi is your vital energy; it needs to be harnessed and allowed to heal you from the inside out. It starts with you, that's the only thing you can control in this Matrix.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. You bring balance, order, rhythm, and harmony into my life and for that, I am grateful.

Please consider hitting the Like button, sharing this video, leaving a comment, and Subscribing to my channel.

There is so much more to creating a balanced life than we've been led to know.
In this video, I shed light on aspects of our lives that need to be in constant balance in order for us to thrive Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Creatively, and Financially.

Are you ready to invest your time to find out what those aspects are?

If so, click play now.

"Learn to Love yourself first, instead of loving the idea of other people loving you." -John Spence

Are you looking for Love in all the wrong places on your Spiritual Awakening Journey? If you are not doing some of these 5 things; you're probably getting nowhere.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. If you can't figure out what's blocking you from receiving all the love you deserve and desire, I can help you.
Check out my website:

For more information go to:
Submit your email on my website for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Also find me :
on Meetup:

and check out my Courses on Udemy.com

True love is hard to find. You spend so much time chasing it, but you rarely seem to find it. Is true Love outside of you?

In this video I discuss 5 Spiritual practices you can employ to attract your Soul Mate, a Relationship, Like-minded Souls, New Friends, Love from old friends and family. If you embrace and practice these techniques you are sure to attract Love. There is one important factor you may be overlooking, and it could be one of the 5 things in this video.

Take a leap of faith on Love and yourself by watching this video.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am beyond grateful and I give and receive unconditional love always and you can too.

If you Love this video, please give it a Like, Share it, leave a Comment, and Subscribe to this channel.

Many blessings to you dear Soul on your quest for Love. You are worthy of Love. Give it and receive it with gratitude.

And have an amazing day.

Much love and blessings,

Watch these videos:

How to make your Heartfelt WISH come TRUE now. Law of Attraction...A few minutes with Marvin

How Manifestation really works. Nikola Tesla 3 6 9 The Law of Attraction...A few minutes with Marvin

Is something blocking you from love, money, happiness, or a career? Who or what can it be? Find out.

"The thing about Meditation is: You become more and more YOU. -David Lynch

How many different types of Meditation have you tried? Are you happy with your current Meditation practice? Are you still fighting the Monkey mind? Maybe it's time for a new Meditation routine...

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me.
I am truly grateful for you.

Please hit the Like button, Share this video, leave a Comment, and Subscribe to my channel.

I can help you start a new Meditation routine if you are having difficulties with your current Meditation practice. I have a Meet-Up Monday Mindful Meditation you can join.
Also, I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach, if you are ready to invest in yourself and get on track with your Spiritual Life Purpose and Soul Mission

Visit my website for more details:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

In this video I introduce you to Mindfulness Meditation. It's certainly not new but it is quite different from Transcendental Meditation, Yoga Meditation, Guided Meditations, and any other Meditative practice. I discuss the benefits of Mindfulness meditation and how it differs from the others. I also give you 2 focal points in Mindfulness Meditation that will allow you to do it easily, anytime, anywhere.

So just click play to learn to practice Mindfulness Meditation so you can embody presence, calm, peace, good mental and emotional health, and happiness.

Have an amazing day.

Love and Light,

Watch these videos:

Resurrection Day. Are you Rising to the occasion or falling behind?

What is Spiritual Awakening? It is Starting Over.

What is Presence? Can being in Presence make you Wealthy?

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the World." -The Buddha

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.
I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach.

For more information go to:

Submit your email on my website for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

I'm on Meetup:

Find my Energy and Metaphysical Courses on Udemy.com

Please Like, Share, Comment on this video and Subscribe to my Channel.

In my previous video I introduced you to the 7 Principles of Natural Law, one of which, is the Law of Attraction. I also presented the "Lost Principle" or the 8th Principle called the Generative Principle which translates to "to Create".
Well this video came about as a result of my using the Generative Principles of Heart, (Care), Mind, (Knowledge/thought), and Will, (Action). It literally happened from night to day. I practiced the Law of Attraction on a situation that I wanted to create and the very next day; it manifested.

So if you still have doubts about the Law of Attraction actually working, watch this video now. It will change your mind.

For more Law of Attraction content watch these videos:

The Law of Attraction is one of the Natural Law's of the Universe. What others aren't telling you.

How to embody Financial Wealth whenever you want. The secret revealed - A few minutes with Marvin

The Law of Attraction Works. Most times not how you expect it, my update - A few minutes with Marvin

"True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self-being realized." -Dalai Lama XIV

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me.

What is Enlightenment? In this video we explore what it is. how to achieve it, and how to embody it.

Give this video a Like, Share it, leave a Comment, and Subscribe to my channel.

Welcome to the school of Enlightenment.

Have an amazing day.

Much love, light, and gratitude,

I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. For information on how I can help you on your Spiritual journey please visit my website:


Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

If Opportunity Knocks will you answer or ignore it? Opportunity speaks softly, listen loudly

How to Elevate your Frequency on your Spiritual path-Go Back to the Future

Spiritual Ego. Are you Stuck in a Spiritual Halfway House? What are Spiritual Distractions?




"The Law of Attraction and Manifesting: What they're not telling you."

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am beyond grateful.

Please Like and Share this video. Leave a Comment and Subscribe + hit the notification Bell.

I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. I can help guide you on your Spiritual Path and on your journey to Self-discovery.

For more information go to:
Submit your email on my website for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

on Meetup:

Check out my Courses on Energy and Metaphysics on Udemy.com

Most of us are already aware of and practicing the Law of Attraction Manifestation techniques in one form or another. But are we truly doing it properly?

In this video I introduce you to a Principle of Natural Law that has been omitted. There are currently 7 Natural Laws that we've been introduced to in the Matrix. However, there is an 8th Principle that only few people in the World have been privy too. If you are a 33rd degree Mason in the Order of the Masonic Temple then you are well aware of it. If you are not a 33rd degree Mason, then, like I was; you are clueless.

This "lost principle" is called the Generative Principle and that is the topic of this video. In it, I discuss the Generative Principle and it's importance to the Law of Attraction practice. If you are already manifesting using the Law of Attraction, wait until you start doing it properly using the correct procedures discussed in this video and see for yourself the instant results

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the Movie. We are all Actors on a stage. WE create our own Realities. Dream big and Manifest everything you desire using the 8 Principles of Natural Law including the Law of Attraction.

Miracles are normal.

Have a truly miraculous and blessed day.

Much love and light!

Watch these videos:

What is Enlightenment? Will we ever find it? How to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment.

The 5 Breathing Techniques that changed My life and could change Yours-Are you breathing properly?

What is Mindfulness Meditation? It's so easy to do, you can do it anywhere. Learn how. Watch now.

"Take a deep breath and let it go."

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

In this video I teach you 5 breathing techniques that activate your Autonomic Nervous system which can reduce stress, tension, activate your Qi, heal your vital organs, and bring you peace and calm in any situation.

I explain the proper way to breathe so that you get the maximum benefit for your body, mind and Soul.

These simple breathing exercises have changed my life and have strengthened my body, internal organs, muscles, and dramatically enhanced my immune System.

No special equipment or time commitment required.

Start breathing properly today and breathe with the Intention to heal yourself Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally.

You are worth it.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am beyond grateful.

Please give this video a thumbs up, share it, leave a comment and Subscribe to my channel.

Take deep breaths and smile!

Have a blessed day!

If you need more coaching with regards to your Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual practices, I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach.

Visit my website for more details:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

What is Mindfulness Meditation? It's so easy to do, you can do it anywhere. Learn how. Watch now.

Qigong moves for core strength, healing, calmness, and stress relief. The benefits of doing Qigong.

Spiritual Language and Words 101. Why we choose to change the way we speak on our Spiritual path.

"Before we can Conquer the world, we must first conquer the self."
-J. Oswald Sanders

I conquered Mt Shasta!! I encourage you to go for whatever it is you desire to achieve. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you joy, happiness, and freedom. "Just do it."

Welcome to the 100th episode of A few minutes with Marvin. I am so proud and grateful to Inspire those who Aspire to make positive changes in their lives. Thank you to All of my Subscribers especially those who have been on this amazing journey with me for over a year! Much love and blessings to you all.

I have been "called" to Mt Shasta for over a year and a half. I finally took action and the Universe met me there. My intention on this day was not to climb all the way to the top, but when I got there; my Soul said "Just do it!"
And I did.
What do you aspire to do? What is it going to take to make you take your leap of faith? What is stopping you from achieving greatness? For one, let go of the Fear, put it on your calendar, then do it.

If you need a little push or help in conquering your fears, I am a Transformational Life Coach, check out my website below for more information on how I can help you overcome your inner blocks and limiting beliefs.
If you are on your Spiritual Journey and wish to be of service to others as a Certified Spiritual Life Coach visit www.awakenedacademy.com and schedule an appointment with an Awakened Coach to learn about the Academy and to start your journey to your Divine Career path.

If you like the content of this video please Like it, Share it, leave a Comment, and Subscribe to my channel. I truly appreciate you.
Thank you for spending a few minutes with me!!

Consciously and Collectively yours,

For more information visit:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

How to manifest your Dreams, Money, and Life Journey

The Wim Hof Method and Cold Training, My Experience

What is the Meaning of Life?

"Signs, signs, everywhere a sign. Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind. Do this, don't do that. Can't you read the signs? -Tesla

What are all the billboards on the roads and highways actually telling you? Eat here, shop here, gas here, OBEY! Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am beyond grateful that you did.

Don't forget to hit the Like button, Share this video, Leave a comment, and Subscribe to my channel.

There are signs all around us. You may or may not see them but rest assured your subconscious mind sees them. Is it programming? It probably is. Are you driving around with blinders on? Do you believe you are immune to the hidden messages embedded in these signs? Not many people are.

Watch this video to be enlightened about the programming power and intentions of billboards and other advertising signs. It's time to know the truth.

And have a blessed day!

Gifts are welcomed and received with love,
Venmo: @marvincamachotlc

Have you come to the realization that you have been programmed all your life? Are you trying to deprogram yourself but need help? Are you ready to make an investment in yourself? If so, I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. I can help you see any programming and mind control clearly and help put you on the path to ridding yourself of any unconscious programming.

Check out my website for more details
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

Resurrection Day. Are you Rising to the occasion or falling behind?

How to Control your Ego so you can take back Control of your Life

The Importance of Living Your Life to the Fullest, Guilt-Free

Qigong is the world's oldest Healthcare System."

Do you suffer from stress, chronic pain, high blood pressure, fatigue, body aches, tension? Did you know Qigong can help you relieves these things that are making you suffer? Are you aware of the health benefits of doing a few easy Qigong movements everyday?
You're about to learn some new moves to create a new you!

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am grateful for you.

Please Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe.

In this video, I describe the benefits of doing Qigong. I share my experiences with the practice and the benefits I've received. I also guide and instruct you on a few very easy Qigong moves to help you relieve stress, high blood pressure, cancer, and chronic pain. They are so simple yet so effective.
I show you exactly how to do them properly. I invite you to try them with me. There is no downside to learning these techniques. There are no side effects. Qigong is very low impact, easy to learn, and practice.

Aren't you worth healing yourself with a few minutes per day of Qigong. I think you are!

Thank you for showing up for yourself. Learn to celebrate your small victories. Take leaps of faith toward your health and wellness goals.

And have an amazing day.

Love, Energy, and Healing.

If you are ready to heal your mind, body, and Soul but need guidance on finding out where to start...I can help. I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach and Qigong Instructor.
Please visit my website for more information:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

If Opportunity Knocks will you answer or ignore it? Opportunity speaks softly, listen loudly

The importance of taking care of yourself whether you are Spiritual or not

The 5 Methods you can use to Heal Past Trauma

"You are born of heavenly light. Gaze upon the night sky and know that you, too, are made of stardust and magic. Awaken to the beauty in your soul and seed your love into the world. You have come here to help evolve consciousness. You are here to help dream the world into a brighter tomorrow." -Laurel Bleadon Maffei

We are all ascending. Some of us are fully aware of it, while others are not. If you are on your Spiritual path then you have undoubtedly experienced at least one ascension symptom. You may have dismissed other ascension symptoms as a headache, aches and pains, or even the flu. Ascension symptoms present themselves in many different ways. Some are painful, while others feel like a blanket of pure love.

Have you experienced ascension symptoms?

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

If you love the content of this video please Like it, share it, leave a comment, and subscribe to my channel. It is my honor to serve you for your highest good.

How do you know when the tightness in your chest or the pressure on your head is a medical issue or merely an Ascension upgrade? Sometimes the symptoms are indistinguishable.

In this video I share my ascension symptom stories and teach you how you can distinguish the difference.

I am grateful that this video resonates with you. I encourage to share your ascension symptom story in the comments. You can help others by sharing how you came to know your were ascending and not having a heart attack.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me.

Ascending right beside you,

Check out my course on Udemy.com:

If you need help understanding your ascension symptoms, I can help you navigate it. I am a Transformational Life Coach.
Please email me at [email protected] for a free thirty-minute consultation.

For more information, please visit my website:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

Gaining Inspiration for your new Life. The benefits of Hibernation

Urgent message your SOUL needs to hear! Where Soul Meets Body

The Truth about who we really are! We are Eternal Spiritual Beings

"Life is like a movie, pick your own role, climb your own ladder, or dig your own grave." -J Cole

Do you like movies? Do you enjoy being entertained by the movie stars? Do you imagine yourself as the Hero or the Villain or the Victim? Are you the Movie Star or the Supporting Character? Are you entertained?

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. Please Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe if this video resonates with you. I am grateful.

Did you know you can create the life you truly want? The law of attraction works but you can also write your own story. Movies are scripted and take a long time to make. They require a lot of moving parts and different people to make it happen. Just like life, right? Are you the Actor, the Director, The Cast and Crew or the Executive Producer? All of the above.

What role are you playing in your movie? If you are not the main character, the Hero, or the Star, why not?
In this video I give you information on how to become the star of your life movie. Check it out.

Much love, light, and blessings my friend,

Do you want to re-write your movie, (your life), but need help editing, producing, and creating it? I can help, I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. I can help you figure out how to re-write your script.

For more information, please visit my website:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

The Secret to becoming FREE to do what ever YOU want.

The Keys to becoming a HERO.

What is Synchronicity?

"If we always choose comfort, we never learn the deepest capabilities of our mind or body." -Wim Hof

Hey guys, it's been 2 1/2 years since I began my Wim Hof Cold Exposure training and the Wim Hof Breathing method. Is it something you want to explore? Watch this video, it will help you make your decision.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin the Snowman. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes of cold exposure training with me. Are you ready to start your cold training?

So, what is the reason for starting a Cold exposure training routine? Quite simply, your health and immune system. That's why I started.

In this video, I give you an update on my cold exposure training. In it, I contemplate whether or not I should continue my cold showers and cold exposure training going forward. I speak honestly about what Wim Hof's methods and techniques have done for me mentally, physically, and spiritually. My results are specific to me and my diet. If you are considering starting a cold exposure training routine, just know it has to be part of a total life change. If that sounds like something you want to do, continue onto watch the video as well as my other videos linked below on my personal Wim Hof cold exposure results.

Judge for yourself it this is the right immune system boosting training for you.

I hope my story and experience inspires you to make positive changes in your life.

Sending you strength, courage, commitment, and resolution...you're gonna need it, lol.

Many blessings to you.
Always chillin'

Have you tried starting the Wim Hof Breathing Method and Cold Training but quit? Do you need some coaching to stick with it? I'd love to help you make a commitment to your cold training by being your Accountability Coach. Are you ready to make a strong commitment and investment in yourself?
If so, schedule a Free consultation today by visiting my website:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

How to build your Immune system with Cold Training

1 year of Wim Hof Breathing and Cold Training. My amazing results

2 years of Wim Hof Breathing and Cold training. Celebrating a milestone

"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a Crossroads. The Choices we make in those moments can define the rest of those days."

We are all at a Crossroads. There are many paths to choose from and then we get to the fork in the road. We are at a Spiritual fork in the road. It's time to make a definitive choice. Do you choose 3D or 5D? If you choose 3D you will be stuck there, if you choose 5D you can no longer dip your toe into the 3D. It's the Rapture! If you choose 5D the Rapture looks like Heaven, if you choose the 3D the Rapture looks like Hell. Where do you want to be? It's time to make a clear and decisive choice.

Why now? The timelines are splitting. The Schumann Resonance, the frequency of the earth has been dark for 8 days!! This has never happened before! I believe we are in the 10 days of darkness...the Schumann Resonance blackout. What does that mean? Watch the video to hear what I believe. I share my opinion. If it resonates with you please Like, Share, Leave a Comment and Subscribe to my channel.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me.

I am Marvin and I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.
If you are ready to make positive choices in your life that will lead you to positive changes and to experience the Rapture of love instead of fear but need some guidance, I can help.
I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach, please visit my website for more information:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Many blessings to you and your loved ones.
I choose the 5D, how about you?
Much love, light, and 5D frequencies!!

Gifts are welcomed and received with love,
Venmo: @marvincamachotlc

Watch these videos:

Love or Fear? The choice is yours. Which path are you choosing?🙄

Spiritual Awakening and the Dark Night of the Soul

The importance of taking care of YOURSELF right now

"Do your own Research. Enlighten yourself. It's better to know than to assume." -Scottie Waves

Do you believe everything you are told? Do you follow what you are being led to believe blindly? Do you do your own research? You should.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am beyond grateful.
May you be infinitely blessed with Wealth, Health, and Happiness.

If it hasn't become crystal clear to you, not everything is as it seems. What is truth anymore? Who do we believe? If you are like most people, you probably believe nobody. Kudos to you if this is you. There is so much going on in our world right now. It's getting harder and harder to know the truth. Do we take our Government leaders, Religious Leaders, World Leaders, Corporate Leaders, and News Leaders on their word? I certainly don't. Why?

Watch this video to learn why you should do your own research before blindly believing anyone.

Use your God given intuition and discernment. No one can take that from you. You are Sovereign and free, trust yourself.

Take back your Sovereignty; know your rights!

Have an amazing day.

Freely yours,

Are you having a hard time discerning truth from fiction in your life. Do you need help with this? I am a Spiritual and Transformational Life Coach and I can help. Please check out my website for more information.
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

It's time to Declutter your Mind, Body, and Soul. How to detach with love.

How to stop Judging Yourself and Others Now

What is Free Will and do we Truly have it?

"When we interact with nature, miraculous things can happen. Whenever you go beyond the rigid patterns thinking, challenging yourself, you can receive a bounty of experience from hard nature." -Wim Hof

Hey guys, it's coming up on 1 1/2 years of my Wim Hof Breathing and Cold Training. This is just a quick update on my cold training journey. This is the coldest weather I've trained in, to date and the results surprised me.
Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives. Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. Please give this video a Like, share it, leave a comment, and Subscribe to my channel if you enjoy the content. I am grateful.

I strongly encourage you to adopt some form of cold training. Taking Cold showers is the best place to start. Your immune system will thank you.
I have not had a cold, sniffles, flu, allergies, aches and pains, or any physical complications in almost 2 years! #truth

Try it, you might like it. I am addicted! There are times I really don't feel like taking a cold shower, but I've been doing it every day for so long it just comes naturally now. I get over it very quickly. And you can too.

Start a cold training routine today and change your life like I did.

If you are considering it but need some coaching, please check out my website and enter your email for a free 30 minute coaching session with me. I will share how I started and maintained it successfully.
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

The importance of taking care of YOURSELF right now

How to attain the Perfection you desire

What the World needs now is Unity not Separation.

"Practice what you preach or change your speech."

Am I a hypocrite? Are you a hypocrite? Are we all hypocrites?

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives. Yes, even hypocrites.

Thank you for spending a few judgement free minutes. I am grateful.

Please Like & Share this video if you love it. Also, leave a comment and Subscribe if you are called to do so.

Hypocite is a word I no longer choose to utter. It is not in alignment with my Authentic self.

In this video, I share a current situation in my life that may be considered hypocritical. I explain my views on the word Hypocrite and I teach you how to come to terms with Hypocrisy on your Spiritual Awakening Journey.

So, take this journey with me. No Hypocrisy or Judgements given.

And have an amazing day!

Many blessings to you and yours,

If you are surrounded by Hypocrisy and don't know how to release it from your life, I can help. I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. I can help you see where the hypocrisy stems from and how to release it with love.

Check out my website for more details:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

How to handle Death as a Spiritually Awakened Soul. Grieve or Celebrate?

Shift Happens and then you... Are you ready to shift into a new Reality?

Is your Spiritual Journey getting harder instead of easier? Here's why

"Silence gives answers." -Rumi

If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. Have you ever been told that? I've heard it a time or two, lol. Is that silence or someone else's idea of good manners?

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am beyond grateful to spend a few minutes in Silence with you.

Please give this video a Like, Share it with family and friends, leave a comment if it resonates with you and Subscribe to my channel and hit the bell notification to receive timely reminders about new videos I upload.

From my perspective that was part of a system of learned behaviors. I will upload a video on what effect learned behaviors have on you Spiritual Awakening journey.

In this video, I teach you how to embody Silence in a moment of stress, pain, disease, discomfort, or anger. I encourage you to practice being in Silence often throughout your day.

A few minutes of Silence a day will keep the lower vibrations away.

It's one of the most important things you can do for your own Self Care on your Spiritual Awakening journey.

The hardest part is being aware that you desire total silence and allowing yourself to taking action in the moment.

They say Silence is Golden. In this video, I put that to the test. Join me as I share my method of embodying Silence with you. If it inspires you to take action for yourself, that's amazing. You deserve a moment of Silence in your life.

Listen to the Sound of Silence more often to what others want you to think is your truth. No one knows what your truth is except for you! Embrace your silence and embrace your truth my friend.

And have an amazing day!

Gifts are welcomed and received with love,
Venmo: @marvincamachotlc

Are you struggling to find a moment of silence from your chaotic life? I can help. I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. I can help you discover what you are truly capable of accomplishing and how to buy back the time to take care of yourself.

Visit my website for more information:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

How Golden is your Silence?...A few minutes with Marvin

Listen to your Heart💚..A few minutes with Marvin

Learn how Nature can HEAL you...A few minutes with Marvin

Are you clear on your Souls mission? Do you identify as a Light Warrior, Protector, Defender, or Rainbow Warrior of the Hopi prophesy? If so, this video is a must watch for you!

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few critical minutes with me. Much love and gratitude for your sacrifice Light Warriors.

Please share this important message, give it a like, leave a comment, and Subscribe to my channel. I am honored to serve you dearest Soul.

This message contains a very specific message for the 144,000 Light Warriors, the Chosen Ones, and the Rainbow Warriors of the Hopi Prophesy. It is a call to action, to release what is keeping them back from their Soul Mission and Life purpose.
It is time to embody your strength, truth, sovereignty, freedom, strength, courage, and confidence.
It is time to put on your Full Armor of the Supreme Being and lift your Divine Swords and take your place on the front lines along side the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and all Benevolent Beings pledged to defend, protect, and heal Mother Gaia, Humanity, and all living Souls.

I encourage you to watch this video and if it resonates with you, take whatever action is best for you so you can stand in your Mission now.
We are at a critical point in History, the tide is shifting and we have to keep it going in the Supreme Beings direction.

Are you ready? I'm ready! Let's do this...it's go time!

Much love, strength, courage, and confidence to you beloved 144,000 Light Warriors, Rainbow Warriors of the Hopi Prophesy, and Chosen Ones!
And have an amazing day.

With gratitude,
your fellow Light Warrior,

If you are ready to stand on the front lines and embody your Soul Mission and Life Purpose as a Light but something is holding you back; I can help. I am a Spiritual Transform Coach and it would be my honor to help you identify what is holding you back so you can elevate your frequency to the next level.
Please visit my website for more information:
Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

Do you feel like you are a Prisoner in your current situation?

A Spiritual War is upon us. Here's what you need to do

How to become who you were meant to be, your Life Purpose

"Spiritual warfare is real. Be mindful where you go, the company you keep, and what you put into your mind." Trust God's words.

Forget about the "fake" war or threat of war being talked about in the media. There is a "real" war in our midst and it's been going on all of your life. It's time to lift the curtain and reveal the truth about the Spiritual War we are engaged in and what you can do about it.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.
Please share this video, give it a like so more people can be exposed to it, leave a comment whether or not you agree with me, and Subscribe. I am grateful to stand with you in battle my Soul family!

The truth is in plain sight. You should see it very clearly now. If you can't see it, you may need to go deeper within yourself so you too can see the illusion. Things are not what they seem. We have been deceived all of our lives for many reasons but mostly to keep us from realizing our true powers. We are powerful. We don't need weapons to defend ourselves and that is the truth.

The Spiritual war is not physical. Many people are awakening to their special and unique Spiritual gifts. It's time to use them! We are on the cusp of bringing beautiful change to this illusion we are existing in. Many of us willing to stand on the front lines will benefit greatly. Those who chose to believe what they are being told by Governments, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Social Media, and the Main Street Media will continue to live in fear and remain enslaved without their knowledge. We all have to make a choice: be Free or be micro-chipped and controlled. Which do you choose?
I Choose #freedom #love #peace #sovereignty #GOD #Courage #Strength
#My GOD-given abilities to fight in this War by standing in my Truth with no Fear!
It's time to put on the Armor of God and get involved in this Spiritual War.

Stand in your truth, love more, seek peace, don't judge anyone, listen to your heart
Have an amazing day!

Fearlessly yours,
Protector, Defender, Healer

Is fear keeping you from embracing your unique Spiritual powers and gifts? Are you ready to put in the work to free yourself? If so, check out my website and email me: [email protected]
I'd love to help you...We could use more Courageous Souls to join us in this Spiritual World. Be brave, don't be afraid. You are Powerful!
Believe in Yourself. I do!

Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

How to become who you were meant to be

You can Create anything you think of, anytime you want...A few minutes with Marvin the Creator

The Importance of Living Your Life to the Fullest, Guilt-Free

"It's the end of the World as we know it, (and I feel fine)." -REM

Do you the see the collapse of our Stock Market, the Economy, our Freedom?
It's happening! But it's a good thing, not a bad thing.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. Please hit the like button, share this video, leave a comment, and Subscribe to my channel. I am grateful.

The truth will set us free, the actual truth that is. Has the wool been pulled over us our entire lives. I believe so.

In this video, I share my views on why we are on the Eve of Destruction and what we can do to stand in our truth.

Take the blinders off. Put aside your pride. See the truth behind the lies.

And have an amazing day.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel amazing and blessed.

Many blessings my friend,

Are you in fear of the end of the world. Do you suffer from panic and anxiety about current events and don't know what to do? I can help you survive the eve of destruction. I am a Spiritual Transformation Coach. Check out my website for more information:

Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me.

Watch these videos:

To Obey or not to Obey that is the question. Are you following blindly or Critically Thinking?

A very IMPORTANT message about Critical Thinking. A MUST WATCH!.

A Spiritual War is upon us. Here's what you need to do.

"I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival." -Audrey Lorde

How much time per day, week, or month do you allocate to spend on yourself? If the answer is "zero", I strongly encourage you to watch this video.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives. Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I am beyond grateful. If you enjoy the contents of this video please give it a Like, share it, leave a comment, and Subscribe to my channel.

Right now is the perfect time to make YOU the priority in your life. We are near the end of the Pandemic of 2020/21. If this event has taught us anything it is that we need to take care of ourselves Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Financially, and Spiritually. This event changed all of our lives. It took away our loved ones, our freedom, our liberties, our social interactions, our physical activities, and our way of life. It introduced fear, anger, chaos, separation, and distancing. It took away our smiles, and our basic human rights. Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of what you believe or don't believe about the pandemic; I believe we can all agree that it changed our lives completely.

We have a unique opportunity to start over again. Are you going back to the same old habits and ways of thinking? I think it's time to start taking better care of ourselves. I don't mean just our physical health. I mean our Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual selves as well. What I've come to realize over the years is that taking care of myself is not being selfish. In fact for me it's the opposite. During the pandemic I became a hermit. However, I changed my diet, stopped drinking alcohol, I lost 40 lbs and increased my self care. I started doing Yoga, Meditating, Reading positive material I became an artist and created 2 coloring books. I didn't watch television or news/social media. I took a certification course to become a Transformational Life Coach. I took many walks, (maskless), in nature. I enjoyed life. And it was the best year of my Life...no joke! Yes, I lost friends and loved ones as well. I mourned them but kept my Faith. But through it all I focused on my Immune System through the Wim Hof Breathing Method and Cold Training. All of this attention on myself helped me become more empathic, compassionate, kind, considerate, and willing to help others. It was truly a transformation. I've never been more charitable, non-judgemental, or eager to serve my family, friends, and community. And I did help others with no expectations of getting anything back in return. No financial rewards, no pats on the back, and no bragging about it. I just did it and do it naturally now. And you can too.

I encourage you to start doing the things "you always wanted to do but had no time." It's time to make time. Not only will it benefit you, it will benefit your loved ones, friends, family, co-workers, and community. Help yourself so you can help others my friends.

Have an amazing day,

Gratefully yours,

If you are ready to focus on healing YOU so you can better serve your family, loved ones, friends, and community? If you are ready but need some coaching, I can help.

Please visit my website for more information.

Submit your email here for a FREE 30 minute Decompression Session with me. [email protected]

Watch these videos:

Why you should let go of the Past.

How to balance your Fitness.

A public service reminder.

How to Transform your Life.

Social Media:
Instagram: @afewminuteswithmarvin


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

25 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

A Few Minutes with Marvin.

Welcome to my channel. My name is Marvin and I Inspire those who Aspire to make positive changes in their lives.

This channel and it's content was created to reach people looking to improve their lives through positive change. My videos will contain positive messages, stories, and experiences relating to various subjects on self help and improvement. They are meant to provide guidance and resources to those seeking it. I talk and teach, I don't preach.

I am a Transformational Life Coach, if you're looking for guidance on making positive changes in your life please visit my Website link below. Send me an email to receive a FREE 30 Decompression Session Coaching Consultation.


Thank you for checking it out. I appreciate and welcome any and all likes, shares, and comments.