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On or off into the river
Up or down the stream
In or out of the waters
Is it a decision or a consequence?
In one direction the water flows
A bank of the lost
Currency disrupted
A path is carved for the rest
And in one direction it is given
And in one direction it is taken

Batter up

Batter up

Almost like you have a tracking device in your pocket.

It's almost like you have a tracking device in your pocket.

Just putting it out there saw some people ragging on the guy for talking about diversity on Fox news. I'd side with this dude before you ever saw me side with someone who can't make it through a conversation about race without having some race come out as superior..... Yes each race and ethnicity has their flaws.....Yes the flaws are very different.....Yes some of the flaws seem worse than other. But to sit there and flat out claim all of one specific group of people is inherently evil.... I've got no time for that. Yes I believe there are evil people.....Yes I believe there is a certain group that is the Synagogue of Satan...... Yes I believe that they are bad..... Yes I believe they will see certain destruction.... No I don't believe they are actual Jews..... Have y'all not read the Bible last time I checked we were all pretty much descendent of the biblical patriarchy.... That's not changing anytime soon. Just find it funny how in condemnation of one particular group for, particular actions, has led to people condemning themselves over and over all day, while also being in the same group commiting similar actions. Food for thought. If you are a Christian learn your history through the bible. You'll see.

Just putting it out there I still don't think "all" of any particular group is bad.

Just having some fun today✝️✝️⚔️⚔️What does 999 fine gold mean?
24ct gold is marked with 999, which indicates a gold content of 999.9 parts per thousand – the purest form of gold that you can get. It is regarded as impossible to obtain 100% pure gold with no impurities. Extremely pure gold can, in fact, be classified as up to 999.999 gold (but this is very rare indeed!). Pure, 999 gold is very valuable and yellow in appearance. It’s resistant to tarnishing, but it’s not very strong or scratchproof.
For those reasons, 999 gold is not usually used to make jewellery. It is typically sold in the form of bullion bars. These are kept for the purpose of investment. You can buy small bullion bars – about the size of an SD card – up to very large bullion bars. Did you know?
The world’s biggest gold bar was made by Mitsubishi, and is about the size of a kitchen sink!

Interesting documentary I highly recomend you watch it.

Rapture metaphor, Id hate to be on the wrong side of things when Jesus (the real boss) comes. But once that door is shut there is no opening it back up. Get on the boat while there is still time.

Do I wanna know? Arctic monkees cover. An original😂😂😂😂🤦🤦🔥🔥💯👍👍 That's called whoopin yo A**

Do I wanna know? Arctic monkees cover. An original😂😂😂😂🤦🤦🔥🔥💯👍👍 That's called whoopin yo A**

Nuff said... Anyone find it peculiar that those signs when you enter a town always have the super secret societies on them and then also unions and a bunch of other stupid crap it's almost like they work hand in hand.

Nuff said anyone find it peculiar that those signs when you enter a town always have the super secret societies on them and then also unions and a bunch of other stupid crap it's almost like they work hand in hand.

So you know how I like to take things and use them for God when actually they were used for the devil I really think that ticks him off coincidentally God also wore a crown of thorns on the cross and also describes himself as an all consuming fire. I think this music video is actually a depiction of the antichrist. Funny how that works. Its almost like they want to be God. Anyway I chose this song for the video I made yesterday for this reason God wins everytime and he is actually coming back as a conquering king and a victor and when he judges the world I believe it will be pretty destructive.
God clearly said in the bible he would never destroy the world again.... With a flood... He left a lot of options open for himself and he describes what he will do in revelation. Hopefully you see the same things that I do. I can only see the things I see because I read the bible... Y'all should do it too it's a real eye opener God is a real eye opener he's also an ear opener and a door opener... Jesus is king

Taking quotes from people who think they are wise and using it against them when everyone wakes up to the fact that they are hypocritical cowards and don't even know it is one of my favorite things to do. Cough cough Charles blow cough cough. Anyway enjoy the video! the world is gonna face judgement from God one day and tbh I would hate to be on the wrong side of Jesus's foot..... Anyway we should take that into consideration. Also the clip at the end is just a portion of what Ive been up to. Most of the indians and other folk were actually Christians. In a tiny town full of Indians there was about 5 churches... heaven is going to be very diverse I hope y'all can handle it... But not the bad kind of diverse the good kind of diverse where everyone is on the same page.... Can't wait.

Taking quotes from people who think they are wise and using it against them when everyone wakes up to the fact that they are hypocritical cowards and don't even know it is one of my favorite things to do. Cough cough Charles blow cough cough. Anyway enjoy the video! the world is gonna face judgement from God one day and tbh I would hate to be on the wrong side of Jesus's foot..... Anyway we should take that into consideration. Also the clip at the end is just a portion of what Ive been up to. Most of the indians and other folk were actually Christians. In a tiny town full of Indians there was about 5 churches... heaven is going to be very diverse I hope y'all can handle it... But not the bad kind of diverse the good kind of diverse where everyone is on the same page.... Can't wait

Also make sure you check out J.D Farag, Jack Hibb's, and Amir Tsarfati's channels. Much love and also happy early Father's day to all the father's out there Dads really don't get as much credit as they should so make sure to tell em you love em!!! And to the greatest father of them all Abba God Jesus Father my praise will forever be with the most loving father there ever has been or ever will be. Amen:)

A visual representation of what it looks like to fight against God.

I've known about this speech for quite a while now and I think it's fair to say it is one of my favorite. Like them or not, I know I've had my struggles with some of the things these men have some and been a part of. They were Godly men with a passion for the Godly things of life. Liberty, freedom, compassion, joy, courage, strength, steadfastness, perseverance, integrity, long term solutions as apposed to short term solutions etc. And the list goes on and on. Now being a Bible believing Christian, over the past year and a half or so I have learned a lot about the rapture and all that it pertains. I do not believe we will have our chance to fight these evil forces and powers that be physically before we are swept up by God's mighty hand. And despite the fact that I would love with every ounce of my body to fight and if need be die for my God against all the disgustingness in this world from the New age movements, to the LGBTQ abominationsto the child abuser and all the lies of this world. In this physical body I do not believe we will have the chance. Not that we wouldn't have a chance If we did. If we did have a chance to fight them we would crush them and we still will. But when we have the chance to fight them we will utterly destroy them not because of our fighting abilities, but because when the fight comes we will be standing behind a force no one has ever won against. A force so powerful and mighty the winds the animals, the mountains, the birds, the oceans and the trees bow before his throne. imagine fighting the wind....Imagine fighting against us.... Imagine fighting against Jesus. Amen and Amen

It's not what you want it what you need. And if you knew you need it so much you would want it.

Yesterday I was bored at work so I went around asking people if they wanted to know a secret. Of course everybody always wants to know a secret so when they said yes I preceded to tell them dinosaurs went extinct cause they were gay. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm still cracking up. I'm sorry I mean who knows if that was true all I know is I got to have a little fun sometimes to stay sane. Yes I am a bit upset with the homosexual community don't attack my God (Jesus) I won't attack you simple as that. Not too mention when I was a kid and I first learned that some guys liked each other I thought then how do they ya know do the thing?..... I never even entertained the idea of assholes until someone told me. I thought surely nobody could be that disgusting. Muslims are next...... Prideful, arrogant, boastful, self righteous fools... You pray in a direction that misses. Let me be clear if your were aiming a gun at a target you wouldn't shoot in the opposite direction to hit it right? if you did do that would you still claim to know where your target is? Could you hit it five times a day? Or could you not even hit it once? I want to be clear when I say the direction is Jesus why send a prayers to a god who misguides you?


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

131 videos

Category News & Politics