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Documentary: Marching to Zion - Not my work, just posting from Telegram since YouTube removed the video.

Big Mike.. taken from Telegram, not my work, just spreading the word!

Not my work. Just sharing the news from Telegram.

"Congress shall now vote for approval of HR 8791, the Homeland Terrorism Preparedness Bill. Said bill request emergency response funding up to and including 1 TRILLION dollars to prepare for national level terrorist attack and/or attack from UNIDENTIFIED BEINGS. Funding for first responder personnel and vehicles will be doubled if said attack leads to more than 80% of national population being effected by UNIDENTIFIED BEINGS. This funding shall commence in conjunction to the first attack on THE UNITED STATES or the first large scale outbreak of VIRUS X depending on upon which comes first. Civillian and military units shall be trained in containment and combat of UNIDENTIFIED BEINGS including iratirated MUTANTS with possibility of VIRUS X BEING airborne, OR THE POSSIBILITY OF flesh eating, HOSTS and/or all the above. In such event as A DOMESTIC REVOLT ON US SOIL OR spewing/UNIDENTIFIED BEINGS escape or released or otherwise become uncontrollable, Air Force units may also be directed to combat said BEINGS due to their enormous size and other worldly strengths. Should event occur in urban areas, Jesus... That's DANGEROUS, far surpassing our darkest nightmares. Should casualties exceed 100,000,000 PEOPLE, body disposal actions should be holded and associated resources shall be reallocated through SEWAGE SYSTEMS underground FEMA-BASED protective birthing centers. A new bill of rights shall be drafted and approved by THE ELITE OF TEN. Having now reviewed the bill, I ask you to please cast your votes."

Just trying to spread the word. Forwarded from Telegram, not my work.

They think they control us.. and think Jesus on earth and rising from the dead is fake news.

“Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimise total biometrics surveillance.”

Still think 9/11 wasn't planned by our own government? Pulled from Telegram. Just sharing the info.

Grabbed from telegram.. {not my work, just spreading the word) The audio is bad on the first part, but keep listening until the very end!

This video blows the lid on the biolabs in the Ukraine. Reposting from Telegram.

Chemtrails - Operation Indigo Skyfold - Reposted from Telegram

Reposted from Richard's Telegram Channel. Chat with Charlie Ward and Richard Citizen Journalist

Reposting from Telegram

Agenda 21 - Depopulation, Fluoride, Holograms of Alien Ships, Flu Outbreak

Dr. Zelenko - Lethal vaccine being pushed on the public - Reposting from Telegram

The truth about the vaccines - Reposting from telegram



Reposting from somewhere else

Reposting from somewhere else


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

20 videos

Category None