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Just wanted to share this Mario 35 footage of surviving a Lakitu Storm and duking it out with one other player for first place!

New trailer for FF16 on PS5 was released. Let's react to it!

Last time we were able to defeat the leader of the Sharks, Frank Fly! This time can we defeat our 1st Sanctuary Boss, and topple the mighty Onett Police Force? All in Japanese? Tune in to find out!

For Part 2 of Sunset Riders for SNES, we take on the next three wanted criminals here in the wild west!

Wanted to test my Earthboung knowledge by playing it in a language that I don't understand. Can we beat the game without understanding Japanese? Tune in to find out!

Sunset Riders if you haven't heard of it, is basically cowboy Contra. If that appeals to you, check this one out!

Recently a report came out in Canada about the dangers of intercourse without a mask during pandemic season. Here are my thoughts on this, and similar news stories this week.

Is it possible to beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake as a toad for every fight? Well we're going to find out! Today we attempt Chapter 1.

Livestream Footage from March 3rd 2020 of the Full Final Fantasy VII Demo for Playstation 4.

Harv to Get Along With is a series where I talk about things that piss me off! Today I talk about how much I hate the passage of time!

Today let's have a drink of Palmer from Final Fantasy VII's favorite drink, Tea! With lot of sugar, and honey, and oh yeah, don't forget the LARD too! It can't be that bad...can it?

Somehow Square Enix forgot the lard in the newest trailer for the Final Fantasy VII Remake! We have to stop them before they reach Rocket Town, before it's too late! #Squareforgotthelard

Hi Bitchute! I'm Andrew and I'm really nervous...but I've decided I need to go through my transition! Come watch my journey to transition from a Cisgender White Male, and support me through these hard times!

Today on Scratch Ticket Sunday we scratch off a $30 scratcher named Triple Million! With top prizes of $3,000,000, games 1 through 3 scratch off three identical prize amounts, you win that prize! Game 4 Scratch of the Lucky Numbers, if they match YOUR numbers, you win that prize!

Bowling themes scratcher with top prizes of $30,000! Knock down all the pins, you win that prize!


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

15 videos

Category Gaming

Variety channel that focuses on Gaming, and things that get a chuckle out of me. I also just figured out how to turn on comments here on Bitchute, so ask me anything!