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some interesting academic proof showing e.g. mr. Fauci knowing about lethal causes:


English meaning Dutch (kind of sarcastic) text in video:

upper line: "functions best"
lower line: "those facemasks"


(Nederlandse vertaling onderstaande optioneel via copy/paste en services zoals


demonstrates the dysfunctionality of regular facemasks with e.g. viruses, demonstrated via condensating breath. many viruses are (much) smaller than water droplets.

while most types of facemasks, so called regular facemasks, aren't meant to stop viruses and more meant to avoid e.g. saliva coming into open wounds while talking at E(mergency)R(esponse) -which is rather why researchers at microbiology laboratories wear sort of 'hazmat suits' with potential hazardous microbiology such as viruses-, there is also another complication;

so while most types of facemasks, so called regular facemasks, aren't really stopping viruses, such as clearly demonstrated at this video post, these facemasks DO however obstruct the refreshing of breath out air, meaning:

these facemasks hinder the refreshing of air breath out, resulting to larger amounts of such as virus particles inhaled by its wearers.

to explain why that is not so healthy and not such a good measurement while dealing with situations such as a pandemy;

see more clearly via fontsize etc:
(Dutch version: )

or as plain text file:
(Dutch version: )

so people do *NOT* protect each other from viruses with wearing so called regular facemasks, and most wearing of most types of facemasks do *NOT* stop viruses and rather stimulate spread and disease than prevent it. legal developments to oblige facemasks without obliging refreshing/renewal of facemasks PLUS enforce also that, are basically per definition jeopardizing common interest even in combination with facemasks that DO provide sufficient barrier stopping virus particles to pass by (more expensive type of facemask, not easily commonly available and applicable with the mass of people and more of handy in situations when virus spread has not massively occurred yet).

so to speak, as an example.

Backup copy of this video;

Viktor Orbán July 19 2020 Brussel press conference

copy of appearing as if censored publication:

Backup copy of this video;

This upload involves part of a July 19 2020 Brussel press conference by Viktor Orbán about what he calls 'a new law mechanism' (to replace current state of law mechanism with).

Viktor Orbán has deliberately been positioned as if a 'right wing extremist' by corruption who try so much to keep more serious politics out of their criminal double agendas.

This kind of contribution via Viktor Orbán has lead to STASI like reactions towards Hungary and Orbán himself positioned as if 'on behalf of legitimate EU interest and leadership' while in fact deliberately organized biased tries to eliminate opposition regarding unfolding fascist like wrongdoing.

Some people regard the so called 'little people' as dumb and rather done with instead of represented, masses unworthy of 'costly democratic state of law', reason to de-populate the earth from, via public positions that are basically obliged by law not to give in to such bias and are basically obliged by law to act otherwise.

Related publications (please notify me e.g. per comment if any these links appear unaccessible/censored, if you get the possibility to do so):

Video via:

Original Description / Beschrijving:

The European and American public are being systematically lied to about the Ukraine crisis.
Sources & full transcript:

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Original upload date/datum: March 12th 2014


Via deze publicatie krijgt u meer correct inzicht over hoe Oekraïnse leiderschap posities gecompromitteerd zijn in het voordeel van illegale ANTI Rusland oorlogshitsers agenda, over de rug van Oekraïne. Illegaal naar legitiem NATO/EU/US wetgevingen en belangen. Veel huidig conflict is direct gerelateerd aan wat is uitgelegd via deze video.

Via this publication you get you more correct insight about how Ukrainian leadership positions got compromised to favor illegal anti Russian warmongerer agenda over the back of Ukraine. Illegal according to legit NATO/EU/US laws and interests. Much current conflict causes are directly related to whats explained via this video.

There have been horrendous crimes under disguise of Ukrainian government in order to subdue part of Ukrainian people, because their political and social stances did not fit perpretrators preferences of what Ukraine should be.

Attacked people involved a LOT of people who DID identify as Ukrainian although in a different manner than what perpretrators wanted to call Ukrainian. Let's better not make mistakes about this. Horrendous terror has been inflicted to those differently identifying Ukrainians in quite some cases, by pretty much traitors who try to blame Russia for it.

Part of this has not been addressed adequately by NATO/EU/US in order to secretly and illegally favor ANTI Russian provocative warmongering double agenda to try ignite hostility with.

Horrendous crimes which will not just fade away (including consequences to perpretrators) unseen.

Backup link:

This rather serious accounts about ~2014 Ukrainian Maidan affairs shows that extremists took power after the former Ukrainian president got ousted.

These extremists then started to terrorize what they called 'Moskals', a derogative term to Russian speaking part of Ukraine.

These extremists wanted to strip Ukraine from Russian influences and made it appear as legit common Ukrainian interest to try and do so, while they KNEW that a SIGNIFICANT part of the country identified as Ukrainian with partly Russian cultural habits.

Many millions of people born as Ukrainian, identifying as Ukrainian though not wanting to let go of their more of Russian rooted customs and habits regardless what politics would govern over Ukrainian affairs and Ukrainian people.

The extremist are a minority of Ukrainian people and they wanted to appear this 'stripping' as if a legit reaction to Russian occupational tendencies. However, according to MANY witnesses and recorded facts, Russia did not move to occupy Ukraine at all.

The extremist ran a ANTI Russia agenda which got partly funded under disguise of EU/NATO as if such would be in Ukrainian interest. In reality they figured they could bully, abuse, murder, torture and terrorize MANY thousands of Russian speaking part of Ukrainian citizens.

Many have passed away in horrific ways: through beatings, burning, mutilation and getting shot without seriously delivering anything like proportional cause to do so. Often because the extremists would not accept these people simply refusing to let themselves be robbed from their Russian rooted customs.

Extremists also figured that this agressive misbehavior would stimulate fear among the Russians speaking Ukrainian population, so they would not critize the new 'government'.

There is MUCH proof around, in multiple ways, how the Ukrainian government AFTER the so called 'Maidan revolution ~2014', got infested with hardcore extremist criminal influences. Of course, parts of so called 'western intelligence' knew about this, and also how people on the 'other side of political isle' got brutally opressed by these criminals.

However, instead of adequately addressing these unreliable factors who rather THREATENED legit common Ukrainian interest, corruption under disguise of NATO/EU/US interest figured they could utilize those criminals in Ukrainian government positions to serve -among other goals- 'corrupt globalist ANTI Russia supranationalist world government agenda' with.

The situation many Ukrainians got to endure during the past 8 years should be called 'severely threatening and even murderous'. The extremists didn't stop with bullying by trying to forbid the Russian language be spoken, at all. Some people got dismembered or shot out in the open without even trying to attack or deliver cause to such miserable violence.

Read more:

BACKUP video:

This publication has both English and Dutch subtitles, although the phone conversations audio part at the end of the publication only offers transcripts in the English language.

The fragment which start at about 4 minutes in the video, is a fragment from a another fragment shared via

People should notice how a STREAM of derogative, insulting and ignorant 'media messages' are LIKELY to stimulate ESCALATION instead of de-escalation, a STREAM that is organized and does not mainly come from the east direction, a STREAM that is not just LIKELY to cause increase of TENSION, on top of that is practically organized and constructed, deliberately, to cause war over the back of Ukraine with Russia, a STREAM that -again- does not stem from Russia.

People who don't want war, would not condone such a unprofessional derogative stream via the MainStreamMedia to happen and would not let its organizers just go like that.

You should know, already because of that STREAM, that there are western warmongers actively trying to cause war. Otherwise they would not try to stir up the conflict by such derogative remarks.

You should remember that the United States of America did not accept what happened via Cuba close to its borders, now Russia should accept kind of the same according to some bigoted goons.

Some people are trying to get private and commercial entities to 'join the fight', 'messing with Russia'. You better be careful joining that misinformed gang, not just would you pretty much support those who REALLY DID START THIS WAR;

if you get to act like a soldier, you better be prepared to be dealt with like soldiers because I get to know about some backup planning that isn't really healthy to those private and commercial entities.

Geopolitics, affairs between countries, where on top of that lots of proxy warring efforts are mingled in between, are NOT just your private person 'my little pony' 'call of duty' game stage.

To some of those 'hackers' who wanted to 'mess'; most of you don't get much clue how you're utilized by outright criminals, not to bring peace. This 'messing' is 'messing' with 'real people', 'real countries', 'serious affairs'.

There have already been some private people murdered outside the borders of Ukraine, with links to this conflict. I would not be surprised if a bunch of those 'hackers' 'messing around' get killed if this crap gets to continue. And those who really got the globe into the conflict, most typically don't care jack shit about it.

Wish ya'll lots of good. Better not 'mess around' and act up all 'tough soldier boy', life is not your tetris game and a LOT of people are affected.

Better think about the lies regarding the 'Arabian spring', 'Iraq war' etc. and better THINK TWICE TOO!!

Remarkable account of citizen experiences regarding Ukrainian/Crimea affairs AFTER 2013/2014 'revolution'.

This publication has got English subtitles.

This fragment stems from a larger publication, which got posted at and seems currently censored away from public view.

I do still get a copy of that youtube publication, whoever would like more information about it is hereby invited to contact me via either this platform, e.g. with a comment, or via mail: g.wellling [at] xs4all [dot] nl

English version of description:

--- Nederlands / Dutch ---

Deze video publicatie is een tijdje terug automatisch voorzien van Engelse ondertiteling via YouTube en deze ondertiteling is automatisch vertaald naar Nederlands. Resulterende ondertiteling is soort van ingebakken in het videobestand.

De vertaling zal dus niet perfect zijn, alleen in de kern krijgen Nederlandstaligen wel meer serieus overzicht aangeboden bij de 'Event 201' inhoud, want een significant gedeelte vertaling is praktisch werkbaar en toepasbaar te noemen. Het leek me onnodig om veel tijd in handmatige vertaling te steken terwijl de automatisch vertaling mij wel werkbaar lijkt.

Bij dat 'Event 201' proberen sommigen de suggestie te wekken dat, voordat de zogenoemde 'Corona pandemie' massaal bekend werd, op 'toevallige' grond een pandemie met een Coronavirus gesimuleerd werd.

Dat is uitdrukkelijk NIET het geval, daar is niet 'toevallig' met een Corona virus simulatie gewerkt. Waarmee ik uiteraard niet stel dat de betrokkenen bij het evenement per definitie op de hoogte kregen te zijn van het geplande karakter van de huidige 'Corona pandemie', ook bij die zogenoemde 'contrijen' is soms sprake van bedrog intern.

Wel is een verklaring via de organisatie achter Event 201 dusdanig verwoord dat daarbij de simulatie duidelijk niet een 'voorspelling' wordt genoemd. Alleen het is dus NIET toevallig dat daar vlak voor de huidige zogenoemde 'Corona pandemie' een pandemie met een Corona virus gesimuleerd werd. Momenteel behoor ik af te zien van het verspreiden van meer serieus bewijs daarover.

Screenshot aangaande bovengenoemde 'verklaring';

Link (digitale 'verkeersinformatie' bij dit link 'endpoint' wordt ZEKER geanalyseerd op niet de meest frisse wijze qua tracking zeg maar):

Ze krijgen de volgende stelling waarschijnlijk niet leuk te vinden, sommigen of veel mensen gelieerd aan 'Johns Hopkins Institute', alleen: een gedeelte van wat daar gebeurd is ZEKER niet academisch objectief en betreft feitelijk crimineliteit.

PGPF Conference, held at Putrajaya, Malaysia, March 9th 2015

About World Government or New World Order / NWO.

This is the introduction by YABhg TUN Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, first a small excerpt and after that the full introduction, Dutch subtitles are included. The subtitles of the full introduction are automatically translated from English, after checking there seem to be very little errors there.

Backup links with download option;

With Dutch subtitles:
With English subtitles: (the full introduction part is NOT automatically translated, meaning English subtitles are probably more accurate)

Backup video of the conference:

Quite interesting publication addressing errors regarding SARS-CoV-2/COVID 'measurements' such as vaccination, facemasks by Dr. Dan Stock

From: (currently removed, supposedly because 'violating community guidelines')

Excerpt from: (Mt. Vernon Indiana School Board Meeting 08-06-2021 - All Public Comments incl. Dr. Dan Stock MD)

DOCSFAIR Documentaire "COVID-19 The System"

Steun eventueel de documentaire en uitgevers via:

Kopie verkregen via (niet meer toegankelijk):

Meer kwaliteit en hogere resolutie te downloaden via:

Opmerkelijk dat sommigen dit soort publicaties proberen te censureren, dat behoort bij de gemiddelde mens als bewijs bejegend te worden.

De mate van 'bestuurlijke' corruptie waarmee Nederlanders momenteel te doen krijgen, is veel en veel ernstiger dan vaak gedacht.

Meerdere malen hebben meerdere personen geprobeert om deze publicatie weg te houden van de prangende ogen en oren van kijkers.

Deze versie bevat Nederlandse ondertiteling, de versie met Engelse ondertiteling:

Meerdere versies, waaronder hogere kwaliteit versies (ook te downloaden), via:

Het origineel is gepubliceerd via de organisatie 'Grenzenlos Leben'. Bij deze publicatie worden onderdelen behandeld uit:

"The future of life, Jacques Attali, 1981, Interviews with Michel Salomon, verzameling Les Visages de l'avenir, édition Seghers"

Met raakvlak ten opzichte van huidige zogenoemde COVID-19 crisis en beleid daaromtrent, er wordt beschreven wat sommigen als 'haalbaar publiek bestuur/massa management' denken te kunnen beschouwen.

De 'Grenzenlos Leben' organisatie is benaderbaar via;




Multiple times, several people, got to try censor this publication away from viewers prying eyes and ears.

This version contains English subtitles, version with Dutch subtitles:

Several versions, including higher quality versions (also downloadable), via

The original publication is published by the organization 'Grenzenlos Leben', is addressing excerpts from:

"The future of life, Jacques Attali, 1981, Interviews with Michel Salomon, Collection Les Visages de l'avenir, édition Seghers"

And is partly about current COVID-19 crisis/policy, describing what some would consider 'viable public management/crowd control'

The 'Grenzenlos Leben' organization is approachable via;




Misdadigers proberen deze video te censureren, dit betreft een kopie van wat bij gepubliceerd is geweest.

De video is gepubliceerd via de groep die 'vrouwen voor vrijheid' genoemd wordt, bereikbaar via;


Youtube kanaal:

Facebook groep:

Verschrikkelijk tuig probeert tot en met publieke middelen te misbruiken om te vermijden dat bij de zogenoemde 'massa' bekend wordt van welke mate van misdadigheid onder noemer 'bestuur' sprake is.

Mw. Berber Pieksma, huisarts te Haulerwijk, informeel over (avondklok) rellen, COVID-19, politiek, NWO (zogenoemde Nieuwe Wereld Orde/New World Order).

Verklaring Mw. Pieksma bij de BuitenParlementaire Onderzoeks Commissie met betrekking tot COVID-19:


BIG registratie:


Pentagon, DoD Presentation about Vaccine against Religious Fundamentalism; Dutch subtitles

Extra informatie (Dutch):

Download video link:

Video publication featuring supposedly dr. Hodkinson statements about COVID.

Citates from 'snopes [dot] com':

"audio actually originated from a city council meeting held in Edmonton on Nov. 13, 2020. ...

the original video of the call simply showed a telephone logo displayed on a black screen. ...

In other words, Hodkinson was not an advertised speaker at this meeting, and it’s possible (although not probable) that the audio featured someone claiming to be Hodkinson and not the doctor himself."

Beware, some people get to try and spin COVID into something different than it really is. It is increasingly experienced and recognized how so called knowledged people are actively censured and discredited as soon as they appear to differ from 'status quo preferenced views'.

Short documentary about CBS staging/framing 'false news' regarding COVID-19/Corona/SARS-CoV-2

Tanzanian President about unreliable COVID testing method delivering false positives

Remarkable scientific COVID/Corona/virus/psychology stances via Tom Barnett

Academics hold Press Conference to Stop Pandemic Panic

Spanish IC physician clashes with News Media over misinformation

Anthony Fauci (NIAID / CDC / Gates Foundation relations) predicts Pandemic - 2017 Georgetown Keynote Address

Microbioloog over Big Pharma, vaccinatie e.d.

The COVID Cult by Thomas E. Woods via Symposium, Angleton Texas, Nov. 7th 2020

Extra information:


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

26 videos

Category None

Via this channel video publications are shared, often controversial or sensitive material.