The Trihard House

channel image

The Trihard House



Credit to Dwane Vod

a long comp of song troll videos archived from his channel

credit to erkko

credit to erkko

credit to Guido Mista

credit to erkko

Credit to uploader Dwane Vod

Credit to uploader Dwane Vod

Credit to uploader Dwane Vod

Credit to uploader Dwane Vod

Credit to uploader Dwane Vod

Credit to uploader Dwane Vod
Lotta videos from this guy and a lot of thumbnails to make so you can remember which vid is which. so may take a while

Credit to uploader: Sony Music Atlanta Rebirth PT 2

Credit to uploader TriHard NIBBa

Credit to uploader TriHard NiBBa

Credit to uploader Wareness Couch

Credit to uploader Vanilla Fraggers

Credit to uploader Vanilla Fraggers

Credit to uploader Vanilla Fraggers

Credit to uploader Vanilla Fraggers

Credit to uploader Wareness Couch

Credit to uploader Wareness Couch

Credit to uploader Wareness Couch

Credit to uploader Wareness Couch


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

58 videos

Category Entertainment


My channel to share the golden vids I've collected.

Shoot me a message on gab If you have any vids you're too lazy to upload or know of a vid on YT that has to be preserved here before it bites the dust.
Lets try and keep this content from being erased from the internet and gaslit out of memories.

⚠⚠⚠↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓PLEASE READ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓⚠⚠⚠

The videos uploaded on this channel contain offensive language, references and racist stereotypes. The videos you see are for comedic value and preservation purposes only. They are not meant to incite hatred nor discriminate towards a group of people or anyone in particular. The opinions shared through any of these videos do not reflect the uploader nor the viewers who watch them.

Any of the videos you see here are not meant to be taken seriously at all. It is meant to be laughed at. If you do not find these videos funny do not watch them again. Do not take up any problems you have with them to me. these are all for comedic value.