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Just some thoughts about compliance to the system in 2023. Canada is gone. The government legalized theft of your money and private property through crooked legislation, forgetting the fact that the entire government has already been criminalized due to the residential school genocide, but let's add some more reasons no one should comply to any of their BS going forward!

Hey! whats up?? sorry my voice got cut off in the beginning. All I said was that I've been busy and hadn't had time or quiet to record. Q team thanks for getting back to me about that bluewater thing. Wouldn't be doin ma job if I didn't ask questions like that. Also Thanks for the support so far along the way, And I hope all you folks out there on the internet enjoy these little tidbits of music that's in my head. God willing I'll do a rock tour before nuketown goes hot.
Feeling generous? support my channell here @
Cheers! hope to catch you in 5d

This is an original song I'm currently working on hope you enjoy it

Band practice for zombie land in April. Theres a part 2, will be up tomorrow. Cheers friends!

This channel is blocking certain people in their comment section. Why not let trolls be trolls?

Thanks for your support!

more great music on the way!

Just a quick song from one of my favorite video games of all time - Mega man 2.
I hope to get the time and support in the future to put all my effort to just creating great music for the world.


This is a quick video message to Kevin and Members of the republic of Kanata. Looking to vounteer in any way that I can moving forward. I hope to be of some service in some capacity in the near future!

turn up speakers for maximum effect

This man stopped me and approached my vehicle early last winter trying to give me a speeding ticket for driving a speed he didn't like! Still waiting for my day in court!

More footage from the new dash cam!

test shoot through Ashcroft, BC

I have some ideas for shows coming up for the next few months/years and I'll be reaching out for help to make them a reality. I just wanted to share this thumbnail, and talk briefly to everyone these new concepts.

Contact me @ [email protected]

Thank you for your support!


check out these court documents at
soldier on my dudes and gfs
sorry bout the low light quality

an original song by some friends of mine out of Hope, BC, Canada

Take a break from covid totalitarianism and come sing a song on the road with me while the province burns to the ground

take a break from covid insanity and come take a ride in a vintage 1978 dodge sportsman!

I filed a complaint with worksafeBC over the mandatory mask mandate back in October 2020. I requested any documents/studies they had pertaining to the new rule. Still waiting!! Also, I've been a social media outcast/big tech refugee for some time now. find me on gab! @Leejboutilier

Find me on Gab! @Leejboutilier
support my work at

find me on gab! @LeeJBoutilier



canada is now a haven from criminal activity from one end to the other!

something is wrong with the comment section of my channel! help please



Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

36 videos

Category None