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Me on my way to fuck your mom

Cowabunga it is

Just in the case that it gets deleted off of YouTube. Thanks to SlackJawed to allowing me to reupload the video.
SlackJawed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLp0xOC0wY0tLRO_KIyMsAg/featured

panzer looks very angry

Stand alone original meme, this time I swear it's 100% original.

This video was uploaded to BitChute just in case the video gets taken down under YouTube's fucking retarded harassment and bullying guidelines. Hopefully it works after the third fucking attempt. Slack, if you're looking at this page you're welcome. Also, voice reveal at the end, I guess. Second time I had to upload it because I had to remove a certain picture to make it BitChute friendly.

NOTE: This video was uploaded to BitChute for archival purposes.

Original Video by SlackJawed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aijFP2R-ydw
Meme that got cut out to protect the video from AMC copyright: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgyCDoWHv0w&list=LL&t=1s

Slack's other videos on the topic:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPTq-q0sRTA .

A land whale tries to explain something something pig squeals.

I uploaded this video mainly to explain what's going on. You guys might be wondering why I've deleted several videos recently. Well, a COVID relief bill just passed and in this bill of 5,000 pages of legalese is actually a proposal to give people who stream copyrighted music a felony charge and 10 years in prison. Otherwise known as the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act. Many of these shitposts I've uploaded have copyrighted material in it, so I've deleted these videos to be safe even if they do fall under transformative use better safe than sorry.

This guy could've just made it a misdemeanor and take all the streaming donations as part of the fine but no. He had to make it a felony with 10 years in prison.

This was snuck in by career politician and RINOcon Thom Tillis. A man who's taken PAC donations from the same multinational corporations that run the legacy media, most likely to go to his crack fund. To give you an idea of how much of a cuck senator he is, he also wanted to preserve NAFTA in it's state. So he's not a MAGA Populist by any means at all.

So if you're wondering why I'm deleting videos on my channel. You can blame RINOcon Tillis of North Carolina. The stimulus sadly passed with the PLS Act hidden in the bill. Once again, this is proof that bipartisanship fucks this country in the ass. Also, funny enough this full +5,000 page bill was passed in a matter of only a few hours which is really suspicious. They rushed a 5,593 page stimulus bill in a matter of a few hours. I'd like to thank the Representatives and Senators who voted against the bill.

Funny enough, AOC voted for the bill so she fucked her own streamer friends in the process.

(also, haha slave labor funny)

TheVersaceGuy has an announcement for us all.
DISCLAIMER: Please do not commit any crimes, this is just a meme video for a group of friends that I'm a part of. THIS IS A JOKE VIDEO

1 in 40 billion, seems unlikely...

Dammit, he asked for minecraft...

>the fucking garden, lol

lmao, man fucking dies

Not an April Fools prank, I promise guys.

Haha, BFG 10k go BOOOOOOM

(I once again stole a meme from some dude named Poloski)

Will anyone stop me from stealing all these memes?

FUCK YOU WHORE, WE LIKE FORTNITE! *Autisticscreeching.mp4*

Another stolen meme

Wait, what the fuck are these? Are these drawings of girls with dicks? (I don't think audio is NSFW, to be honest.)

(Stolen meme, not made by me)

My friend made a video making fun of cringe filled gacha videos and their community. Because gacha is fucking retarded.

It's a fucking emu, you daft cunt.

I dug it out of my folder of stolen memes to treat the world to this video.

These mother fuckers know how to joust.

(Another stolen meme)

Give me your money to kill babies. ~Obama, 20??

(Another shitpost upload, stolen meme)


Created 5 years, 2 months ago.

21 videos

Category Entertainment

Thinking about what content to create.