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Nothing too serious, just had a pretty happy clip for me to post.

Ranked Silver III: After a rough start of 1/4 in lane, I took the time to: farm up, get items, and climbed my way back into relevance. This clip was the last team fight which resulted in our victory.

I was playing a casual game with a couple friends. Thought this little bit was funny. I was playing Tristana and thought the enemy duo had enough sense to back away from the tower, but ensuing hilarity followed.

Pretty simple stuff, on Hanamura, I charge into the enemy team after Zarya drops her bubble and I tear into half the enemy team. It is norms at low elo, but thought it was a funny clip.

Honestly, couldn't find a good title for this clip. It's just me, the Pug'Maw Kog', in the middle of enemy blue jg trying to survive and kill as best I can. Couple note worthy mistakes would include cancelling two to three autos which could have killed the Pantheon sooner and one auto which would have also killed the Kalista. Still was a good (albeit awkward) team fight.

Just a little gripping clip of myself (DJ Sona) saving the Mecha Kha'Zix from the enemy team. It was a clutch moment that almost didn't happen (thought the Kha'Zix could have survived on his own).

Played on Nepal today as Battle Reinhardt (wanted to play Bastion, but it's Nepal). Had got a triple kill but this clip was just as good so I thought I would upload it.

Battle on Watchpoint: Gibraltar. Enemy team was unable to push past the first corner.

Just a fun little clip I made recently. Thought I'd save it.

One of my recent play of the games which I thought was pretty fun. Interesting part of this game was that our team was offense and we did not complete the full push, while the enemy team could not break our defense. We formed a 2 layer defense, where Mei, Brigitte, and one other hero (don't remember other than one other dps) held the front line in front and between the archway, while Orisa, one healer (don't remember), and myself (Bastion) held the line behind the archway (my position was shown in play of the game).

Thank you for watching and leave a comment if you are interested.

A few months ago, I was playing some Quick play on Overwatch and this Play of the Game caught my eye. This was because it happened to be that I was in my Recon Configuration for the major part of the clip. Leave comments if you want, enjoy!


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

11 videos

Category Gaming

I post my Overwatch Play of the Games till I find a way to record more video (I know there's probably a way, I'm just lazy, to be blunt).