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Is this the girl from the Hampstead Heath Satanic Cult Coverup?

I think the title says it all!

Interesting look at if the UK Royals are involved in pedophilia? Some thought provoking articles and connections.

Documentary by Katie Hopkins the truth in broken Britain!

This documentary was taken down because it showed the Muslim Community in a bad light. Well the truth is the truth, England is broken under the left!

A look into who’s bringing all the cultural enrichment into Europe. Out of their own mouths!

Eric Borgman 2016 insight into the destruction of Europe. Breathtaking video footage a must watch.

Report by 60 Minutes Australia- I hate no idea this even happened! The UK media are shameful for not reporting. I believe this will be the UK in another 5-10 years.

Can you believe that Jimmy Savile was knighted?! With his close relationship with the royal family then yes, how could they not know what he was doing? I guess he was protected!

Look at the difference in how the police deal with Tommy’s supports ‘Batons Out’ and then how they run away from the violent Antifa!

Time to show how we feel London 24th August unite together!

The UK government has hidden a cure for cancer. They have given decisions on medication to a private company who only care for profit and not our people.

What has happened in the last 100 years, a need to have it all!

This is a long one but addictive, definitely some thought provoking and really interesting concepts with real footage.

Make you’re own mind up. Disturbing content, be warned!

Probably one of the most important documentaries you will see concerning the collapse of Europe and who is responsible!

This is a short clip showing the tip of the iceberg in the Rotherham Grooming Scandal. Pure coverup within the police! The truth will always out!

Short news report, the figures from this report are hugely underestimated and reported.

60 Minutes disclose Dubai Princess Haya has flex to the UK to escape her husband.

Yasmins truth about being a Muslim wife.

Hear her truth and how she escaped Islam.

A sickening look into the multicultural rape, torture and murder of children in the United Kingdom.

TR Presents Extreme World Terrorism, various footage and information on world terror of Islam.

A collection of video footage containing various news articles and statements. Showing blatant cover up over the ages!

Jon is a whistleblower hear his testimony of corruption in the UK police force, pertaining to child exploitation, rape, torture of children in the UK.

Just for fun... How not to do it.. Detonator Malfunction.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

25 videos

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