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The video coda is an audio from a truck driver who got blocked by Pro-Bolsonaro indian protesters. Protests escalate as people get more and more evidences that the election was rigged in favor of socialist Lula, who is aligned with global powers.

Argentinian sources find serious inconsistencies in the Brazilian election that would directly alter the results. Bolsonaro won by a good margin!

Make no mistake, Brazilians are with Bolsonaro, don't trust the media, we do not want the despotism the oligarchs are planning for humanity, and Bolsonaro is the only one who has the balls to face them head on.

Many are alarmed by the recent statements calling patriots "the biggest threat to America". Well, this is being implanted into our heads for many years through (((Hollywood)))

Bolsonaro has the guts to talk about the looming global tyranny that those globalist psychopaths have in mind.




Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

11 videos

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