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"You Can't Stop the Yanks" is a World War One era song from 1918, written by Bostonians Jack Caddigan and Chick Story. The composition itself is in the public domain. But here's my rendition on ukulele, bass, and vocals. I wanted to do a WWI song at the last minute for July 4th, so I pulled this from a 1910s music book (I hadn't heard the song before today) and went ahead to learn and record it. Happy Independence Day 2020!

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the date in this song title, from Chicago's first album, "Chicago Transit Authority". The date marks the end of the 1968 Democratic National Convention, which has a lot of history behind it (see Wikipedia's article to read a lot about what was going on then) and allegedly the start of the popular anti-Vietnam War chant, "The whole world's watching", a recording of which precedes the song on the album.

Please note that I'm not covering this in support of Democrats or the DNC. I just like the song, and thought that the 50th anniversary of the date was a good reason to record and upload a version. I do think there are a number of ways to interpret it for 2018, though.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

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