Dutch Peasant

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Dutch Peasant



Millions of people took the shot, not knowing that they were lied to by the governments. There were early treatments for Covid-19 that cured 99% of the patients.
However many governments banned these treatments and fined doctors who prescribed them.
Now, after a few years of legal battle, the first victories are recorded. Physicians had started lawsuits against the governments and are now winning the battle aganst evil!
You will not hear this 'on the news', because the 'news' is in the possessions of the same people who invested in the pharmaceutical industry. The 'news' is still trying to sell the lethal shots the the sheeple.

Many people believe in a future second coming of Christ and a future 1000 year reign. However we live after the 1000 year reign, most likely in the season mentioned in Revelation 20:3 and 7-8

[Rev 20:7-8 KJV] 7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the sand of the sea.

The first part of this video explains all the pro’s en cons for the position of Jesus second coming and the millennial reign in our past. The proof is presented that the humanists have invented the heliocentric model at the same time they started changing history and adapting history to humanism, erasing all super natural events and theism from the mainstream history.
However when studying history, the historic documents about Jesus second coming and the millennial reign IN OUR PAST exist.
These documents prove that the 15th century Christians believed that Jesus second coming and the millennial kingdom happened in our past, leaving us with one possible ‘time’ we currently live in (Rev. 20:3&7-8). Witness the content of the notes of the Geneva Bible. The notes clearly specify a millennial kingdom starting around 70 AD and the loosing of the devil around 1073 AD.

The first 14 minutes deal with the passages of the NT and the deception created in history by the humanists.
From 14 minutes there is proof presented of the truths of the NT, Jesus and Pauls prophecies.

14:03 archeological evidence pointing to a great tribulation in our past. Footage of burned elements, cities and castles.
17:34 Jesus second coming in the clouds was documented in history. Historic documents confirm that Jesus and Pauls prophecies came true in the first century AD and that the Millennial Kingdom ended around 1000 AD.
19:58 The thousand year reign is mentioned in historic documents. Historic documents confirm that the 1000 year reign occurred between 70 AD and 1080 AD. Historic documents among which is a Geneva Bible with notes (1599) mention into detail about the 1000 year reign ending around 1080 AD.

The Bible is very clear about what was going to happen within the lifetimes of the people alive during the New Testament:
1. The great tribulation would occur around 70-80 AD
2. Jesus would return in his kingdom, everybody would see that (soon after the great tribulation)
3. The millennial reign with the saints would start soon after that.

Now we are about 2000 years later (if the timelines are correct). That implies that the events in Revelation 20:7-8 have happened.
We are now living in the little season mentioned in Revelation 20:3 and 7-8.
This video explains how the satanists rigged history a couple of centuries ago. The Apostolic libraries were changed into humanistic libraries. Today most Christians read the Bibel 'in context' with this rigged history, although most people do not realise it.
History has been rigged: they erased the great tribulation, Jesus second coming in His kingdom, the millennial reign and (very important!) the loosing of the devil after the millennium. We are lead to believe that there were always wars and darkness. And we are lead to believe that the advanced civilisations were from ancient aliens, hiding the advanced civilisation (millennial reign) they destroyed themselves. The deception is of such an advanced sophisticated level that almost the whole Christian world has fallen for this deception.

However there is a lot of archeological evidence of the great tribulation. Most of the evidence is shown on 'meltology' and 'mudfloods' sites. You can find them on FB and Telegram. Do your own research. Of course the evidence is 'written away' in history by 'wars with advanced weapons after which the aliens left (or was it the meteorites??) and all kinds of other garbage.

More on this subject will follow, especially the core reason why the satanists are lying about this. They are hiding the truth, but not only that. The satanists do not want us to know about the 'beloved city and the camp of the saints' mentioned in Revelation 20:9. The North Pole and the South Pole contain the secrets, however the Bible reveals everything!

In the case that you have seen the video "History & the Bible | Did Jesus return in our past or is Jesus going to return in our future??" you can look at the second part with the archeological evidence starting from minute 14.

Are you awake? We are lied to from the cradle to the grave.

Was Jesus telling the truth when He said (Matt 16:28) that the generation, He talked to at that moment in time, would still be alive when He would come back in His kingdom? Was Jesus right when He predicted that the generation, He talked to (Matt 24, Luke 21 & Mark 13), would still be alive when 'all thing be fulfilled'?
Was Paul correct when he stated in 1 Thess. 4:16-17 that his generation would be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air?
Or is history correct not mentioning anything of past a great tribulation, a past second coming of Christ and a past Millennial Reign?
Was Jesus mistaken? Was Paul a false prophet? Or is History lying?

Who controls history??

Could we be living in the 'little season' Revelation 20:3 & 7-8 mentions??

While the world is covered with footage of HAMAS and ISRAEL fighting each other, too many people seem to forget how this last battle started. Many Israeli people are screaming for answers to why the IDF did not respond when HAMAS attacked and why the IDF had withdrawn and left the best protected border wide open for invaders to enter.
Is this just a coincidence? Is this 'a mistake' of the IDF? Or is there a hidden agenda?

With footage of StopWorldControl, RT, CrowHouse and CBN News.

According to the Genesis Creation narrative the earth is covered with a firmament and located in the midst of the waters, with waters above and waters below the earth.
Genesis 1:6-7 KJV: "6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters which [were] above the firmament: and it was so."
However the scientists claim that we live on a spherical planet, spinning in an airless space at speeds of 66,660 miles per hour.
Which one is true? Is the Genesis creation narrative true? Or are the scientists right?

In this video I show the real face of the scientists, who are behind the 'globe-spinning-through-space':
01:02 The Bible about the location of the earth
01:38 The scientists about the location of the earth
02:50 Who are the scientists that created the globe-spinning-through-space (Heliocentric Model)
06:11 According to NASA the 'globe' and the 'planets' are all Computer Generated Imagery
09:57 The technical specs of NASA, the Military and the Aviation industry are based on a flat non-rotating earth (documents from their websites)
12:35 The UN, the IMO, the WMO, the WHO and the ICAO all have the flat earth map in their LOGO
13:19 The ISS is a big scam to keep the masses in their evil spell of a globe spinning through an airless space
17:30 The Mission Control Center of NASA uses 'green screens' to create the fabricated footage of zero-gravity
20:59 The SpaceX rocket of NASA hits the firmament and starts water skiing against the firmament
24:45 The sun is not 93 millions miles away from earth (footage of the sun and moon close te earth)
27:10 The limits of perspective, also called the 'vanishing point' scientifically explained
28:12 When scientifically checking the official specifications of the curvature of the earth the curvature does not exist.
29:50 The scientific channels are used to lie about the curvature of the earth (lies exposed)
33:07 A journey to THE FIRMAMENT, footage of the Firmament.

And Fire Came From Heaven

Wat is de werkelijke reden waarom er oorlog wordt gevoerd in de Oekraïne? Waarom werd een vredesakkoord tussen de Oekraïne en Rusland getorpedeerd door de VS en Europa? Wat zijn de verborgen belangen van een lange 'derde wereld oorlog'?
Het antwoord is: geld. En wel naar de zakken van de wereldleiders!

Max Blumenthal, onderzoeksjournalist, doet zijn verhaal bij de VN Veiligheidsraad. Baudet van FvD geeft een ijzersterke analyse - met bewijzen - van de corruptie binnen de USA overheid. Symptomatisch was dat de gehele kamer - behalve PVV - afwezig was tijdens de spreekbeurt van Baudet. Eveneens symptomatisch is dat de main stream media als de NOS, RTL en consorten hier geen aandacht aan besteed. Ze zitten ten slotte ook indirect in de zak van Blackrock, dezelfde investeringsmaatschappij, die goud verdient met deze oorlog.

Miljoenen van ons belastinggeld wordt zonder ons medeweten en zonder onze toestemming gebruikt voor een oorlog, waarvoor wij niet gekozen hebben. Via Ponzi achtige structuren komt het geld terecht bij ondernemingen van hoge functionarissen.
De media geeft een leugenachtig beeld weer van de feiten ter plaatse in de Oekraïne. Luister maar eens goed naar Max Blumenthal's verslag bij de VN Veiligheidsraad (startend op 07:35 minuten in de video). Baudet inventariseert het verslag, zodat je in het Nederlands de belangrijkste feiten kunt horen.

Een goede toehoorder hoort Blumenthal duidelijk verklaren dat er in 2014 een staatsgreep werd gepleegd in de Oekraïne. Dezelfde lieden die deze staatsgreep pleegden, zijn nu aan het bewind in de Oekraïne. Ook hoor je Blumenthal zeggen hoezeer het leger van de Oekraïne burgerdoelen beschiet. Spreekt Blumenthal de waarheid? Spreekt de NOS/RTL nieuws de waarheid? De main stream media heeft hun geloofwaardigheid totaal geëlimineerd. De televisie zenders worden gefinancierd door dezelfde partijen, die geld verdienen aan de Oekraïne oorlog. Follow the money...

This video handles the very question: Evolution: fact or fiction. Unfortunately everybody is being lied to about evolution. When you investigate the narrative of evolution, you can only conclude that the whole science behind evolution is fake. The whole hoax of evolution is made to cover up the truth.

Everybody is entitled to believe lies. However I'd rather have the truth, no matter how bitter it is.

This video gives a very clear overview of the fraud and deception of the Covid-19 'pandemic'. The whole pandemic was created to scare everybody into taking an injection, made to subjugate to the Internet Of Things. The Jab injects an operating system that functions like software in a computer (according to Moderna). The proof with all documents are in the video.

This video was published 26nd of May 2022. This publication does not seem to work any more, so there is a new release one year later.

The Heliocentric Model, that is the ball-shaped spherical globe in an airless space, only exists in the imagination of NASA, the Military and the people. The whole thing is a front for a much bigger lie, a massive deception, which was called 'the final card' by Wernher von Braun (the rocket scientist of the US government).

The enemy has made humanity believe that we are travelling through an endless universe. We are lead to believe that there are aliens and UFO's. However all these ideas have been made up by satanists and luciferians. These people serve the 'father of lies' the devil.

This production, made by Founded Earth Brothers, gives a very thorough and complete overview of all the lies of the governments about space and all.

What is your believe system? In this video I present the scientific evidence of the Globe and the Planets. I present the scientific evidence of NASA and the MILITARY documents about the shape of the earth (sphere or flat non-rotating??). I show the very obvious and clear proof that the NASA footage - original from NASA - show about the International Space Station and the launch of the SPACEX rocket. The footage is genuine and proof the true status of NASA.
A MUST SEE for the truth seeker 'globers' and the FE persons!

I have switched off the ability to discussions. It is quite straining to reply to believers of the evil sources that call themselves 'science'. When you believe NASA and all the others, no problem, but I don't need any more of their wicked lies on my channel.

Watch this very alarming video on the new mass murder weapon: HAARP. This weapon is more lethal than a bomber squad. The USA can send an earthquake to anywhere in the world with the push of one button and everybody thinks it is a natural disaster.

After seeing this documentary, posted by Counterspin, I hope you'll be more aware of the secret weapon arsenal the USA possesses. Like the "unidentified" flying objects, the HAARP is another occult weapon to delude the human race.

Do not take the information lightly. There is a ton of evidence that this HAARP, in combination with CHEM-TRAILING - is used to destroy the world.

Once enough people wake up, the few satanic leaders will have a problem governing the crowd. So share this video, so that your friends also see what's going on in the world.

This is a video about the heliocentric model (globe, planets, space travel etc), as it is presented to us by the scientific community.

Are you convinced that the globe is fact, the planets are fact and space travel is fact. I challenge you to look at this video and use your reasoning.
In this video I show the scientific data of the spinning globe, the 'travel' of the globe through space and the solar system 'traveling' through space. I show you the flip-side of NASA's wonderful footage. Nasa, the military and the governments documents show their actual position regarding flat vs spheric earth. This is stuff you do not find on TV or on science channels.

It is nice to know the actual proof of the scientific community versus the Biblical Genesis account.

Additional information (11 feb 2023)

It is funny to see so much frustration and name calling when it comes to this subject. it makes me wonder why? Why do people go about and put bad content comments, when it is about the Globe, the planets and NASA?

When you look at my video you see the following proof: the planets are CGI (by NASA's own admittance), the earth is CGI (also by NASA's own admittance), the ISS is a science fiction production and all the SCIENTIFIC documents from NASA, MIL and GOV that confirm a flat non-rotating earth.
So if that's the evidence, indisputable, why the bad comments? Nobody wants to be lied to. I don't want to be lied to! But if I look at all these senseless comments I wonder what is wrong with these people.
They actually want to stay in their fake comfort zone? Well, that's their choice.

But I think this has nothing to do with 'fake or fact' but with religious motives. You see, admitting that the globe is fake, the planets are fake and the ISS is fake, has massive ramifications! Because then NASA and all are liars, their narrative collapses and what 'narrative' remains....? GODS WORD. And that hurts many people. It also pains Christians, because most of them are too high headed to admit they never detected the lies in their lifetime!


Is humanity being poisoned by the governments. Well, they are satanists and luciferians and their goal is to kill off these 'hackable animals' as they call us. According to the experts talking in this StewPeters production there is a very big possibility that snake poison is used for elimination.

www.covenomseries.com by StewPeters.com (info from their website):

The experts you’ll hear from in this video have done everything they can to alert government officials.

They’ve notified the FBI and other governmental agencies and have received minimal reply, if any.

Why is the government ignoring this urgent research?

We know the truth, and they are simply ignoring it…

The studies prove it, take a look at these…

One study from the University of Arizona found the vaccine to contain an enzyme very similar to one found in rattlesnake venom, and concluded this could be the cause of many COVID deaths.1

Another study noted that anti-toxin medication was found helpful in the treatment of patients with severe COVID.2

More coincidences or not?

Here’s more about what you’ll hear about in this shocking video:

Why so many researchers are seeing positive results from studying snake venom AND why it’s not being talked about (Big Pharma hasn’t found a way to profit… yet)
Why the PCR testing at the beginning of the pandemic was faulty (and why it was totally useless according to Dr. Bryan Ardis)
The exact methods they’ve used to envenomate victims in the past
More about the real hidden agenda behind the so-called pandemic (and why this is only the beginning of what they have planned)
How the CIA used a “heart attack gun” and what it has to do with venom research
Whether or not C0V!D is a respiratory disease (Dr. Tau Braun says it isn’t, and you won’t want to miss his research – he even emailed the FBI about it in early 2021)
Plus so much more shocking and censored information
We cannot tolerate this blatant violation of our medical freedom any longer. They’ve lied to us and it’s time that YOU discover the truth about what’s really inside this experimental vaccine…

Take a look at the 9 episodes we will send you once you register to receive them.

This video is made by The People’s Voice, Rumble, proving the correlation between 5G radiation and Corona. This is not a conspiracy, but proven with an abundance of scientific evidence. I reposted this video to shown you this evidence. Remember that the roll out of the 5G networks worldwide preceded the 'outbreaks' of 'Corona'.

All governments are participants in the scam called 'Covid-19 pandemic'. The proof of this is provided in this 5 minute video.

https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/748 and click on 'all actions' to see that this bill was introduced to Congress on 01/24/2019.

So one year before the 'pandemic' Congress was already planning a bill for the Coronavirus Aids Relief and Economic Security act H.R. 748. One year before the 'first case'!

This provides all the proof you need to conclude that a hidden agenda is bing played out with this so called virus as weapon. They used a common virus called 'Corona' (the 'flu' virus) to scare the world into taking the jab. The jab provides the NWO the opportunity to connect everybody to the Internet of Things. Everybody that is jabbed will be controllable and many will die. The knife cuts on both ends. Depopulation as well as Crowd control.

How do you know that what you know is the truth? The whole world is under the control of satanists. Watch this documentary. The truth shall set you free.

A reposted video from John's Backupagain FB page. BlackRock is the investment's company the runs all big cooperations from the shadows. The owners of the cooperations are not in charge any more, but the investors decide the policies. Not many people realise that when one group of investors own banks, pharma, media, education and governments, they can conspire against humanity, without the people realising it.
And that's exactly what is happening. The BlackRock investors are not known, however it takes no imagination on who is in charge and what kind of 'people' run the cooperations in which they have invested their money.
Everything leads via investment companies to 'clubs' like freemasons and other cults, who are satanists and luciferians. It does not matter what your belief is, it matters what their belief is. Whether you like it or not, all the sh*t that comes out of the governments, media etc (e.g. climate, plandemics, wars etc) is orchestrated by these 'invisible' people.

Today I found this recording on the internet about the second airplane crashing into the twin towers. On first sight it looks very genuine however after close inspection the recording is a pathetic attempt to keep the lie alive. Several CGI glitches and other blunders are visible as soon as a closeup is made of the airplane approaching and crashing into the building. See for yourself.

A repost of a video of 'the People's Voice' that proves the existence of weather modification programs. Documents of the military and government are shown as proof. It has been going on and used for the last 50 years.
The world leaders are capable to generate any weather and climate disaster they see fit to use.

Is coming climate lockdowns the new enslavement for the masses?

A film by Bill Cooper, that was reposted on Tiktok. The video exposes the link between the One World Order, the secret cults and satanism.
It does not matter what your believe is, it matters what their belief is. The exposure of satanism answers the question where 'evil' comes from. If the God of the Bible exists, so do satan and lucifer. And it exactly these entities satan and lucifer the secret cults, who run the world, obey.

These world rulers are executing the wishes of the devil: to kill, to destroy, to lie and deceive. And that's exactly what Jesus said about satan.

The whole Covid-19 deception condensed in one video. A brilliant piece of work by Hibbeler Productions

Interesting documentary about the 911 attacks. Hibbeler proves here that there were no planes involved in the 911 attacks. Good 'food' for anyone still in the belief that the buildings were hit by planes.
Second point: we cannot trust the governments, the media and the tv programming.


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

70 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

A tree is recognised by its fruit. In order to get to the real truth of things happening in the world, one first needs to identify the visible part of the events, after which the spiritual implications can be dealt with. Every event that occurs, whether it is in your life of anywhere in the world, is subject to spiritual decisions and considerations.

I created this channel to show the lies and deception of the world.
The media is indoctrinating the masses
The science (falsely so called) manipulates the masses by poisoning them with lies
The medical industry is totally evil
The governments are not out there to protect the masses.
The 'news' is bought as well as the newspapers
Watch out for the alternative media. The evil forces have penetrated them too.

The world is under the control of the evil one. The 'top' of the wordt leaders, world cooperations, media, medical and scientific community is all satanic. Their primary goal is to hurt Jehovah by destroying creation and humanity. The satanists and luciferians, all combined in many secret societies like the Freemasonry are the work tools of the devil. No good comes out of them. Check my video's that prove everything.