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Just a fun game I had earlier today. :)


Just an online race.

Just testing quality and stuff. Probably going to start uploading stuff again. Been bored lately.

They're eating all the treeeeees!

This is my absolute favorite car to race with in the game. Online or Single player. I love it with every little bit of my heart.

Just playing some normals for an hour or so.

Looked pretty with the naked eye.. looks pretty good in video form too. :)

Just doing 3 laps. I recorded this ages ago.. Thought I uploaded to youtube already.

They don't stop

I got tired of losing.. So I won. LOL Sorry for poor quality.. Recorded with the ingame replay thing. xD

Heard the tiniest meow a few times when I was outside getting some air and taking garbage out. Couldn't find him the first time.. Went back out a half hour later and found him under the propane tank. Looks like he's had the poops and might have fleas. Couple girls I work with are going to take care of him. Clean him up and take him to the vet.

Absolutely destroying the skies tonight.

Oh hi there.

Craaaaaaazy huge and not normal in the slightest.


Just out on the dock.. Friggin seasick. (Or Lakesick) :P

I haven't been up that early for a while. lol

Just up on the lookout again. :3

Just a vid from the top of the new lookout they built in the waterfowl park. Couldn't get up there yesterday.. was filled with kids. lol

Haven't uploaded in a long time. Heck.. I haven't played LoL in forever. Watch me suck. lol

The last video I uploaded didn't work. I'm trying again. :) Nothing special.. Just a goal I got in Rocket League.


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

22 videos

Category Gaming

Just a gamer. Live in Iglooville Canada.