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Paul Miil talks about a recent misadventure he had with the surveillance establishment and gives you a heads up

Paul Miil talks about one of the biggest errors we could make, fighting on behalf of our enemy

Paul Miil talks about how creatures are not conscious about why they (or we) do the things they do and what that could possibly mean if we allow ourselves to hypothesize

Paul Miil talks about the possibility of CIA's apparent belief that parapsychological mind-bendery is real and if so what the logical consequences of that would be

Paul Miil talks about the possibility of CIA's apparent belief that parapsychological mind-bendery is real and if so what the logical consequences of that would be

Paul Miil talks about how creatures are not conscious about why they (or we) do the things they do and what that could possibly mean if we allow ourselves to hypothesize

Paul Miil talks about Joe Rogan being a CIA asset as well as the massive red flags many people are still blind to

Paul Miil talks about Joe Rogan being a CIA asset as well as the massive red flags many people are still blind to

The full video is on Rumble and Bitchute

You should be watching videos on Rumble anyway

You have to copy and paste the link because Youtube is revoking my "rights"

Paul Miil talks about how insane he thinks David Grusch is as well as evidence that points to alien literature and folklore being (at least compromised to) a CIA psyop since their inception in 1947, also the globalists are involved somehow... and Harvard too ;)

Paul Miil talks about how insane he thinks David Grusch is as well as evidence that points to alien literature and folklore being (at least compromised to) a CIA psyop since their inception in 1947, also the globalists are involved somehow... and Harvard too ;)

Paul Miil talks about the framing of noumena as a phenomenon

Paul Miil talks about the latest Sean Strickland outburst, Alex Baldwin indicted and can't sell one of his mansions, Woke-hate in US military, Aristotle's views on collectivism and independence, Bolsonaro being raided by Brazilian vaccine pigs and vaccine injury related to heart attacks

Paul Miil talks about the pedophile president of an LGBT organization that is charged with damaging children, science behind jab boosters not working, military secret biowarfare tests on citizens, WEF don't need that many humans, and how Tom Cruise's Scientology may actually be the good guys

Paul Miil talks with a bunch of dudes who worked with Neil Peart before Rush

Paul Miil talks about Colosseum theatre of distraction and what possible scope it may be being used against us

Paul Miil talks about aliens, bees and globalists and how they are evidence that you are dumb

Paul Miil talks about how it is impossible to remove dissidents, to have unanimous agreement and the evil plans of the post humanist movement

Paul Miil talks about Lies by Conflation, a common rhetorical tool of manipulation used today specifically with the disinformation of saying vaccines are safe. Despite the fact that during the Reagan era pharma argued that vaccines are so dangerous that they need indemnity from people injured from their "vaccines", which pharma has been given. What's worse is then arguing because of the false assertion that "vaccines are safe" we are to assume any new vaccine is safe regardless of it having no long-term studies, added to that negligent manufacturing techniques, added to that the FDA arguing in court to hide the data from the pathetic 1 month "trial" for 75 YEARS. That is NOT transparent science.

Paul Miil talks about the suss collapse of WTC building 7 and its "owner" Larry Silverstein

Paul Miil talks about the globalist threat, Soviet threat, Rasputin and how to protect yourself from interdimensional communist hobgoblins - hypothetically of course

Paul Miil talks about our interpretations, ideas from the Muse and explores consciousness

Paul Miil talks about day 1 and 2 of the Congressional Health Subcommittee hearing on Fauci the JABroni

Paul Miil talks about the wrongful arrest of newsguy David Menzies, the insane Jewish Tunnel in NYC, Fauci squirming, Jab Death Spin and Jellyfish aliens

If you can't sleep listen to Paul Miil drone on about public opinion and you'll be out before the end. Glad Yule and Merry Christmas!

How do they answer without answering, or apologize with out apologizing? Spin. You don't want a limited hang-out, and yes it means what you think it does.


Created 3 years ago.

30 videos

Category Education