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I finished the prayer more series by talking about the importance of having prayer be scheduled as part of your spiritual life.

I continue the pray more series talking about how music helps us to pray more and the many advantages of the modern age, and other benefits like how music can help us memorize scripture and how the 1st prayers of exorcism were from psalms composed by King David.

This video is just an impromptu one made in response to some online Seventh Day Adventists that like to beat the heresy drum on Sunday worship. I mention that ancient Christian practice of honoring the old day, the traditional Jewish Sabbath, as well as the new day, that of Sunday, the Day Christ rose from the dead. This day also had significance in Judaism as far as being the day of circumcision / dedication in the temple, as well as playing a role in other kinds of Old Testament rituals and offerings. 8 in Hebrew numeric symbolism represents a new creation. This topic will be covered in much more detail some time in the future.

Every believer is called to ministry regardless of whether or not they are a professional Christian that does preaching, teaching, evangelizing or making YouTube videos for a living! I had some minor issues with my lighting, (filmed it on a sunny day with some clouds) because I felt good after having my mornings coffee and wanted to put something out. (It also challenges my skill at trying to find new ways to counter this problem using lighting and blocking out windows)

I've had a long standing grievance with preachers preaching things that sound dramatic, but are not historic orthodox Christian teaching that comes from the entire Bible and our theology from the last 2000 years of Christianity.

The obvious common sense purpose of any franchise is to make it's established fan base happy by making a good or even an excellent product based on the general genre and the established world and lore of that universe. The rings of power does not do this most fundamental principle of business and instead makes other issues like diversity of ethnic representation it's main objective.

I describe the cultic practice of Love bombing that cults use to hook their followers and how Narcists similarly do this unofficially. I mention various false positives of how naturally affectionate people can be misinterpreted as love bombing. And give two litmus tests for love bombing in your church or other relationships.

I talk about the main reasons why I do not believe in Universal Reconciliation (the belief that Hell is not eternal). The main ones come from the language of the Bible, and the fact that there were many ways of communicating the idea of Hell being more like a jail sentence, or some place of reform than how the Bible describes it. I also mention possible implications of UR that are not completely positive.

I am revisiting a previous explored topic focusing on tips and advise for encountering people at church who you suspect of either having NPD, or at least act like they the traits of that personality disorder. I also try to explain and describe the difference between grandiose and overt narcists.

From a philosophical standpoint you can get some radically different view of politics and how believers were behave, think about it etc. from the source material of the Bible. It is kind of noteworthy, I think because often it is portrayed that there is one true position on politics, namely the one of the preacher etc. This view I think is especially true for the first position.

1) Apolitical, "My Kingdom is Not of this World"
Where we see Christianity etc. as being completely removed from politics.

A video where I as a Trump supporter find some potential good out of something I consider to be unjust and a political double standard (If Trump arrested or disbarred from future office).

I did notice a "Freudian Slip" some Democrats and non-Trump fans will probably find amusing, I will insert this errata correction. :) "prayed to" should be "prayed for" (as in his fans especially his full Gospel / Pentecostal /Charismatic followers like to have in person prayer meeting for him and he seems to really appreciate that).

PS - if the Spanish Grammar is bad/wrong, I will just say I have no formal education in Spanish! I picked the saying because it seemed the best summation of my thoughts from what would have been a wordy, awkward, and conflicted introduction for my video.

I do a video covering Greg Gutfeld's commentary on the trip and liberal reaction to that coming from the liberal end of Christian Forums.

The first episode deals with Boredom and short attention span and an easy fix around it.

Excerpts from prep my notes

In thinking of topics to do I remembered a statement from a book I have somewhere in my library talking about how people can spend “Hours reading books on prayer, yet spend little time actually doing it”. And I realized a lot of times that could be true of myself, and various people where people’s prayer time can be really affected by various issues especially short attention spans, and maybe feeling boredom.


The Practice of the Presence of God is a book of collected teachings of Brother Lawrence (born Nicolas Herman), a 17th-century Carmelite friar, compiled by Father Joseph de Beaufort. The compilation includes letters, as well as records of his conversations kept by Brother Lawrence's interlocutors. The basic theme of the book is the development of an awareness of the presence of God.

I give my own rendition of a talk originally given by an old priest of mine 15+ years ago on how the early churches in Christianity came about and spread throughout the ancient landscape. I especially debunk a few modern "house church" ideas that various kinds of neo-Evangelicals have.

Lies and Misconceptions (Concerning the Jehovah's Witnesses and some propaganda in regards to Catholics and other folks using the Fish-head miter).

Still plinking away on my own channel or ministry. I want to cover ancient Christian theology, liturgical practice etc. coming directly out of Judaism. I forgot one important piece of info since I outlined my talk pretty quickly, and also like to improv things as well, anyway I forgot the importance of "The Sign of the Fish" in ancient Christianity (It was the first big symbol beating out the cross and the lamb).

The video brings into question how some Christians have their church services and other efforts at evangelism structured vs an approach that I'm advocating that is "incarnational" and based on the church as a kind of family.

I plug 3 different online tools that I use that I think can really help just about anyone: The Bible Project videos, online interlinears with built in Lexicons, and Bible Gateway, especially it's audio feature that people often don't know about!

This video begins to cover “the Perfect Storm” subject that charismatic minister John Paul Jackson covered in the last few years of his life. Jackson had a series of visions before the Stock Market crash that seems to eerily describe the time we are living in now with such problems as Covid, The Supply Chain problems, and inflation due to the war in Ukraine. Recently, I also watched a video describing new problems arising in the island of Sri Lanka that especially exemplify “the Perfect Storm”, and that kind of language was literally used in the video, the link I am including in this video description.

I do some brief commentary on the passage of Ephesians 6. I also recommend the Zondervan video below and found it very useful for preparing.

I do a follow up video on my "Sign of the Apocalypse" thread and video. This time talking about the verses and biblical themes around knowing the kind the signs of the times. I especially speak out against the message and assumption that just because we don't know the exact time and day of Christ return, that looking at the events in terms of the end times is pointless and a waste of time.

I complain that I think the Gay Pride month promotions have gone too far based on not only my perceptions watching TV and online but also shopping on Amazon where pride products were heavily pushed and I also talk a little about a recent Bill Maher video on the same basic topic.

I talk a little about the advice that best selling author, marketing expert, and career coach Seth Godin gives in some of his books and lectures for making a living off your work rather than working a day job. As well as my own plans, the video itself is me "doing my homework" since that is one of the biggest pieces of advice (see your writing, art etc. as simply a skill that has to be learned from exercise rather needing bursts of inspiration etc.)

I tell an a story from late evangelist Reinhard Bonke and talk a bit about the analogy of faith being like our development of trust with out parents, aka parental attachment (inspired by pastor Rick Warren's sermons on faith). I talk about some limitations to that point of view (an uncle who was traumatized as a child during world war II). I spend time, how God actually furnished the Israelites with lots of proof that they can trust him in light of the famous atheist and skeptic saying of "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof". And finish saying, that we need to make an Existential decision to trust God, when we are scared by our present we should reflect on various times he came through for us in our past.

Covering Seth Godin's advice for business people and content creators etc. For some reason I inserted a W into his name at the start, like my tongue got confused between him and Rick Godwin.

I give a story of a person I knew from Facebook and You-tube who ran an online ministry. I explore his case as an example of my previous videos point of the need for "Being ALL In For God", (The person made a very sad video of "resigning from ministry" over bitterness from God not coming through for him in his life). Besides that, I talk about other aspects of the case. I actually saw his resignation as a positive thing because I actually worried about him for various reasons, and I believe it is better to take a sabbatical and leave for a few years than to soldier on with a bad attitude and rub that attitude off on other people and be a bad witness.


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

33 videos

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