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Draft sketch of a video written for Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

Corporations and governments join in a criminal scheme to remake people into objects manipulated by unelected bureaucrats.

Because size matters, medical masks block viruses just like chain link fences block mosquitoes. The true purpose of masking is to virtue signal blind obedience; and the true effect of masking is to force a social creature into isolation. For that reason, during mask enforcement, the leading cause of death under age 24 was suicide.

Corporate and government powers unite to use hysterical fear and criminal threats to force citizens into surrendering civil rights.

Introduction to new over-wintering RV park in West Texas


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

5 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

With so many content creators saying so much about so many things, my job is to aggregate the best by cutting videos to key points and eliminating advertising. Contact me at WesTex,[email protected]