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PuppetBrad bitches about flying in the modern age.

A short off-the-cuff rant about dead weight.

Reel as PuppetBrad recounts the night he stayed in the lousiest hotel in PA.

PuppetBrad shares memories a choking victim and a one-armed roast beef slinger at the long gone Morrison's Cafeteria

The interrogation continues...

Puppetbrad has the hots for a British referee

Another video dredged up from the Puppetbrad archives. We once again prove that Puppetbrad has no active knowledge of "pop culture".

This bonehead spent his birthday money on a psychic to discover his totem animals.... what a maroon.

Puppetbrad drops pearls of wisdom

...and more embarrassing answers from Puppetbrad

The secrets out! We're just in it to "sink the pink"!

The blurred lines between puppet and operator grow hazier...

Some damn fool sent me a subscription to Cosmo....Can I solve the problems of their brainlet readers better than the advice column can?

Ask stupid questions....

PuppetBrad recounts a day at lovely "Big Bone Lick"

Before they shat all over the Star Wars franchise, they shat on a tiny puppet's heart...
PuppetBrad regales you with the story of his trip to Walt Disney World in 2012 - the sights, the smells, the doors the general populace floated in on! It's a magical journey indeed!


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

17 videos

Category Vlogging

Hey everybody, I'm PuppetBrad! I am an Appalachian ministry puppet who donned a mustache and dared to dream! I've burst my virtuous bonds and am now able to profess the harsh, acerbic realities of the modern world in this harrowing digital age. Let my divine rage and home-spun cliches wash over your psyche like a shower of bitter, bitter truth.

Interests include: Collecting dust, classic computers, being a baseball, reminiscing about my wild and crazy youth, lifting up the masses, Appalachian folk tales, sharing gut-wrenching private thoughts and feelings with absolute strangers (and the absolutely strange).