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Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition, Introduction: Repetition And Difference, section 6

#philosophy #metaphysics #empiricism #transcendentalempiricism #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Kierkegaard #Kant #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Peter Sloterdijk - Nietzsche Apostle, Chapter 4: Of Suns And Humans

In this final chapter of Sloterdijk's short but delightful book on Nietzsche, he uses his primary thesis- that language itself is essentially selfeulogistic and that Nietzsche realized and utilized this fact, to figure Nietzsche around the origin point of postindustrial individualistic ethos (in relation to Emerson) as well as- quite interestingly, to characterize Nietzsche as more of an Apollonian rather than Dionysian thinker.

I very much enjoyed this short book and will probably write further on it in the future. Sloterdijk is (to my knowledge) one of if not the only contemporary writer who really places as much emphasis on Nietzsche as I personally believe is warranted. He doesn't at all attempt to deify Nietzsche or downplay his more embarrassing dispositions or pronouncements, and yet places him as a seminal figure in marking the cesura between the previous age and our now dawning era. Reading Nietzsche as 'event'- as first symptom or proof of the particular lines of thought that have become possible, is necessary in producing any informed hermeneutic that can account for our current social and cultural conditions; Nietzsche functions as our essential axis logoi.

#philosophy #Nietzsche #Emerson #Sloterdijk #PeterSloterdijk #apocalypse #endtimes

Friedrich Nietzsche, trans. Walter Kaufmann - Thus Spoke Zarathustra: On The New Idol

Easily one of my favorite sections in the first book of Zarathustra: Nietzsche's allusive statement to his brand of noblesse anarchy! I'm guessing this one got redacted from the NS backpack edition..

#philosophy #Nietzsche #Zarathustra #apocalypse #anarchy #anarchism #endtimes

Marvin Meyer (ed.) - The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Gospel Of Thomas

This is the most important primary text imo for attending to any dechiperment of the "real-historical" Jesus(es)- plural, in my estimation. Before the Roman/Flavian cooptation of the messianic movement in the area (from which most likely came all or at least two of our synoptic gospels), this sort of Jesus is what was likely current at the time: itinerant ideological/political speakers spreading an evolutionary eschatology throughout the Hellenic hinterland. This is indisputably at least a second century CE text, and is more likely of forst century or earlier composition.

This text contains many passages and parables that ended up in the canonical Bible, though the attentive reader may notice slight differences in familiar passages. There are many other much more combative and overtly political passages that condemn usury, mercantilism, and circumcision, as well as many nods to an latent Gnostic theology, ontology and eschatology subtending these exoteric proclamations. The persistent theme of Jesus being an emissary from the Light, and the loving Father occupying the realm of Light, is rather ~ahem~ telling..

#philosophy #eschatology #eschaton #gnosis #Gnostic #Gnosticism #Christianity #EarlyChristianity #GospelofThomas #NagHammadi #apocalypse #antichrist #Lucifer #endtimes #Armegeddon

Tarl Warwick (ed.) - The Chaldean Oracles Of Zoroaster

Picked up this nice little print from Tarl Warick, better known for his social and political commentary under the moniker Styxhexenhammer666. I don't accord with most of his takes or political positions, but I scan his channel as a weathervane for American libertarian political sentiments, and I find his series of videos on the occult to be quite informative.

I had heard of but not read The Chaldean Oracles Of Zoroaster before, and it's appended with the crucial Hypostasis Of The Archons, so I thought I'd pick it up for the reasonable price- and I'm glad I did! Its a well formatted and aesthetically pleasing little pamphlet with two absolutely essential classical gnostic texts, with a short forward by Warwick. Will likely pick up a few more of his additions in the future.

#gnosis #Gnostic #Gnosticism #Zoroaster #Zoroastrianism #philosophy #christianphilosophy #Styxhexenhammer666

Hammer Of The Gods - Nietzsche selections translated and arranged by Stephen Metcalf, Introduction: "Even When The Heart Bleeds", Section 3. THE WILL TO THE END/THE ART OF DYING/THE THIRST FOR REVENGE/THE NEW IDOL

Metcalf's characterization in this section seems very reminiscent of portrait Deleuze paints in his Nietzsche book, focussing on the interplay between active and reactive forces. is Nietzsche really a nihilist for advocating that this ontological view is fundamental? Perhaps, if by "nihilist", one means "not believing in the primacy of any moral values", radical relativism etc. But Nietzsche definitely does advocate for active, life affirming forces, as opposed to the forces of reaction and pure negation for negation's sake- so does that itself not betray some ethical core to his thought: that life is preferable to antilife, and should be affirmed? certainly it does, methinks. Zarathustra's ring, the embrace of eternity in all that returns, is a significant and substantial ethical allegiance- and in our current "end times", as the forces of misery and reaction gather in the highest halls of power, intentionally spreading decay and destruction simply for the sake of bolstering their own dissolutive ambitions, an explicit affirmation of life in its totality is as important as ever!

Special appearance from brother beaver at the end! An excellent omen!

#Nietzsche #stephenmetcalf #philosophy #antichrist #apocalypse #endtimes #deathofgod #CCRU

Marvin Meyer (ed.) - The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Gospel Of Thomas With The Greek Gospel Of Thomas, Introduced

Its time- I am going to start diving back more ardently into Gnosticism and Gnostic texts. I spent some significant time studying Gnosticism is my mid to late twenties once I discovered that many of the theological conceptions I'd arrived at independently throughout my childhood and adolescence were by no means conclusions unique to me, but had actually been common within a widespread religio/philosophical movement during the axial age. But I've been somewhat distance from these texts themselves the last few years. Now that I've begun this little recitation project to keep myself busy during these tumultuous isolotory times, I'll be digging back into those I'm familiar with- as well as looking deeper into history of Gnosticism, over the next year. If you have any recommendations or opportunities for dialogue- do let me know!

#philosophy #gnosis #Gnostic #Gnosticism #GospelofThomas #NagHammadi #apocalypse #antichrist #endtimes

Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition, Introduction: Repetition And Difference, section 5

#philosophy #metaphysics #empiricism #transcendentalempiricism #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Kierkegaard #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition: Introduction, section 3

#philosophy #DifferenceAndRepetition #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Kierkegaard #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Gilles Deleuze - Kant's Critical Philosophy, Introduction: The Transcendental Method

Really enjoyed recording this one, such a beautiful evening overlooking 14th street in Mohkinstsis Alberta

#Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Kant #philosophy #empiricism #transcendentalempiricism

Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition, Introduction: Repetition And Difference, section 4

#philosophy #metaphysics #empiricism #transcendentalempiricism #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Kierkegaard #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Friedrich Nietzsche, trans. Walter Kaufmann - Thus Spoke Zarathustra: On War And Warriors

I literally summoned an eagle with this reading, no joke! Heil Odin!!

Also heil to Robert the Bruce! An acclaimed Scottish warrior ancestor who was fighting the colonial English scum a century before contact with Turtle Island. Fuck tyranny! Fuck imperialism! Selfdetermination and selfrule forever!

This is perhaps one of the most odd aphorism in the first book of Zarathustra, because Nietzsche seems to advocate against some ideas he usually propounds: free thinking individualism and selfdirection free from resentment- and yes, for Nietzsche the kshatriya class should disavow uniformity and retain their individual flare- especially in their specific choice of enemy! But they should also embrace obedience and submit to the "thou shalt" of the more cognitively acute class of thinkers above them.

This is a great instance- and there will be many more throughout this book, where Nietzsche makes it clear that there is no specific frame or formula for what the Ubermensch shall or should look like. What overcoming and ascending towards the future ideal specifically requires for an individual entails an account of their specific disposition and situation. There is no singular image of the Ubermesnch- it is an avenue, not an end point.

#Nietzsche #Zarathustra #philosophy #warrior

Hammer Of The Gods - writings of Nietzsche selected, arranged and translated by Stephen Metcalf, Introduction: "Even When The Heart Bleeds", section 4: ETERNAL RETURN

#Nietzsche #Zarathustra #StephenMetcalf #CCRU #apocalypse #endtimes #secondcoming

Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition, Introduction, section 2

Deleuze mobilizes and contrasts Nietzsche and Kierkegaard against Hegel by showing how each in their own way attempts to make a theatrical endeavor of philosophy, to set metaphysics in motion. It's not the same to leap or to dance, but either is superior alternative to stationary somersaults in the void!

#philosophy #DifferenceAndRepetition #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Kierkegaard #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Joe Hughes - Deleuze's Difference & Repetition, Chapter 2: Overview Of Themes

#philosophy #Deleuze #Kant #Husserl #Ricoeur #DifferenceAndRepetition #phenomenology #empiricism #critique #transcendentalempiricism

Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition, Chapter 1, section 1

Reading in conjunction with an instagram/discord reading group hmu or @fake_hector_rottweiler if you'd like to join! we meet online on Saturdays currently

#philosophy #DifferenceAndRepetition #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Kierkegaard #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Joe Hughes - Deleuze's Difference & Repetition, Chapter 1: Context: Kant Meets Husserl

Only pseuds try to tackle texts as tough and as out of immediate sociolinguistic situation as D&R all by their lonesome. The true autodidact knows how tap into the wealth of available secondary literature so as to make best use of their study time! This Joe Hughes book was once recommended to me by Lorraine Markotic, and I definitely think it will prove a valuable readalong while tackling D&R this year. I've read some Husserl and I'm quiet familar with Heidegger, though I've not touched Ricouer yet, so that added figuring D&R within the French reception of Husserl is great for me, and the brisk brush up on the progression of Husserl's thought- and knowing just where Deleuze will be replying to this progression in claiming D&R to be a statement of transcendental empiricism, is delightful context to have!

(One thing I would add though is that the editing in this book is surprisingly subpar- I noticed no less than FIVE typos and missed words in the first chapter along! not a huge deal, but does make the enunciation of the text a little trickier qq)

#philosophy #Deleuze #Kant #Husserl #Ricoeur #DifferenceAndRepetition #phenomenology #empiricism #critique #transcendentalempiricism

Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition, Preface

Soo this is an apocalyptic scifi book?! Oh! My favorite!

Reading in conjunction with an instagram/discord reading group hmu or @fake_hector_rottweiler if you'd like to join! we meet online on Saturdays currently

#philosophy #DifferenceAndRepetition #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Nikos Kazantzakis - The Last Temptation Of Christ, Chapter 3

Kazantzakis' Jesus is psychosexually broken- having a sort epileptic intrusion, specifically related sexual or reproductive impulse, "especially in the spring". This will develop into a central aspect of the way his Jesus mythos unfolds, and we get the first allusions to it this chapter. We also meet our two most crucial Marys- the Mother and the Magdalene, and we receive Kazantzakis' portrayal of the nativity scene, which- as will be the case with so many of his reportrayals, is thoroughly materialist without sacrificing any of the vivid, reverent and writhing significance of the original stories- even enlivening them.

#Kazantzakis #NikosKazantzakis #Nietzsche #philosophy #antichrist #Christ #Judas #Satan #Lucifer #thelasttemptationofchrist #apocalypse #endtimes

Gilles Deleuze - Difference & Repetition, Preface To The English Edition

Okayy, I am diving back into this text- a second attempt, after spending some time on Kant and Deleuze on Kant, picking up some secondary, guidebookish type texts as well (may recite some of those here also). Much excite, wish me luck!

Reading in conjunction with an instagram/discord reading group hmu or @fake_hector_rottweiler if you'd like to join! we meet online on Saturdays currently

#philosophy #DifferenceAndRepetition #Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Nietzsche #Hegel #AntiHegel #apocalypse

Gilles Deleuze - Kant's Critical Philosophy: Preface

Picked up this short book by Deleuze on Kant, stoked to read it preparation to tackle Difference & Repetition with an discord reading group over the next couple months! If you'd like to join the group, hmu or contact @fake_hector_rottweiler on instagram!

#Deleuze #GillesDeleuze #Kant #Critique #Critiqueofpurereason #CriticalPhilosophy #Philosophy #theorygram

Friedrich Nietzsche trans. Walter Kaufmann - Thus Spoke Zarathustra: On The Preachers Of Death

A good ol' dump on antinatalists, afterlifers and all other world weary hangers on that are simply too coward to kms? Pretty much..

#Nietzsche #Zarathustra #philosophy #death #apocalypse #endtimes #antichrist #antinatalism #antinatalist #efilism #prolife #antilife

Friedrich Nietzsche translated by Walter Kaufmann - On The Tree On The Mountainside

Don't bow down Never repent Swallow whole the sordid truth Don't forget Sacred youth Swing while you succumb #Nietzsche #Zarathustra #philosophy ##antichrist #apocalypse #endtimes

Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufmann - Thus Spoke Zarathustra: The Pale Criminal

Nietzsche holds a (sort of) deterministic position whereby we are all inherently innocently irresponsible- and this of course applies to criminals. Applications of guilt and shame simply force the pallid wretch into further abjection- at the behest assuaging the snide sensibilities of the bourgeois poofs who inhabit the upper middle of the social hierarchy. The thug is only enacting their surfeit desires conditioned by albeit abysmal circumstances. It is the moral impositions of the petty which turn these clawed creatures pale.

Reading outside the now defunct money mart used to frequent when refusing to have a bank account

#Nietzsche #Zarathustra #apocalypse #antichrist #endtimes

Friedrich Nietzsche translated by Walter Kaufmann - Thus Spoke Zarathustra: On Reading & Writing

Here we also have one of the few but crucial mentions of Nietzsche's archnemesis- the Spirit ov Gravity. So often our hero is taken to be a gloomy and grey thinker, and if you only read his latest stage stuff and emphasize the unpublished (hence only formative- not final) thoughts, one might glean that impression- but no! That is wrong, and misses the foundational Fritz within the Friedrich! Nietzsche is undoubtedly an ally of the light heart, the chiding and playful, the pouncing and ascending. He is surely no Pangloss or prude. Our fearless Antichristo is an avid ally of the light, the airy, the inflated and experimental- the sanctified Spirit ov Levity.

Begone the morose miserly, the depressed and dreary! All hail the ascendant lord of a dawning eon ov tragic truth! Hail to the Lightbearer!!

Katya stared at me through this whole take and then came in for a cuddle!

#Nietzsche #Zarathustra #apocalypse #endtimes #antichrist #lightbearer #Lucifer


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

49 videos

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