Mortrek Media

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Mortrek Media



This video is a bit different than normal. I compare two seed varieties too see which are most vigorous seeds and seedlings. I compare the bush bean variety Blue Lake 274 from Burpee and Ferry-Morse.

The seed varieties may not be 100% comparable, as one is "Organic" and the other is "Heirloom" but at the time I used the only Burpee seeds I could find of the variety.

If I do make more videos in this style, I will try to include a lot more documentation and data. However, the results in this video are pretty clear, even without the numbers.

While I didn't mention it in the video, the implication is that seed selection really matters. Not all seeds of the same variety are equal.

Music is "We Cruisin'" by Otis MacDonald.

Videos are free to use for non-commercial purposes. If commercial use is desired, please contact me.

A video of a garden over a year, starting in March 2018. This video is full-length and includes all frames except those from night-time, with excessive glare, or frames with people in them. It's also been deflickered, so some frames will look a little washed out when they were excessively dark.

Videos are free to use for non-commercial purposes. If commercial use is desired, please contact me.

A video of a garden over a year, starting in March 2018.

While I technically have a frame every 5 minutes, using all of them would result in a ridiculously long video. I scripted it such that the video starts slow, speeds up, and slows back down near the end, using a small subset of the total frames.

Unfortunately the image changes so much that the low bit rates on Youtube cause a lot of fuzzing/artifacts. I processed it and added some motion blur to try to reduce the degredation, but it didn't help much. I may upload it to another site to get a higher image quality. Supposedly Youtube will boost the quality if the video becomes popular, so there is some chance that it will improve with time.

I have other long term videos in production that should eventually start showing up on my channel.

Videos are free to use for non-commercial purposes. If commercial use is desired, please contact me.

This video took 4 months total, but some of the initial frames without much activity (about 2 weeks worth) are cut out. 1 frame every 40 minutes, played back at 60fps, results in about 40 hours of real time per 1 second of video.

I blended a bunch of individual pieces of Acrocarpous moss and spread the mixture onto soil with the intention of producing a moss growth video, but some liverwort spores (probably Marchantia) stowed away and started growing much faster than the moss, taking over. The resulting video is probably more interesting than moss alone.

Early on in the video what appears to be moss protonema can be seen. I included a piece of moss to see if it would stay alive, but it didn't seem to get enough moisture just from proximity to the soil. The moss and liverworts begin growing, before the vigorous Marchantia takes over a large part of the planter. To keep from interfering with the video, I didn't have a direct watering/misting system and instead relied on deep bottom-watering to keep the soil very moist at all times. This did seem to work relatively well, although by the end of the video, mold was becoming an issue on the fringes of the planter. I wanted to see if the liverwort would produce male or female structures, but it has yet to do so. At least the gemma cups can be seen.

You can license this video for commercial purposes at my Gumroad store at:

A time-lapse video of Spiral or Corkscrew Rush (Juncus effusus var. spiralis) growing after being cut back. The corkscrew growth movement is due to the fact that the grass family has intercalary meristems (they grow from the bottom of the "shoots"), as opposed to most plants that grow from their tips, and the variety happens to be one that grows in a corkscrew shape.

Generally the odd shape causes the grass to become very tangled and bent up, but after cutting it back, the more solitary shoots are much more interesting to watch.

1 Frame per 10 minutes, played at 60fps, resulting in 10 hours per second of video.

Videos are free to use for non-commercial purposes. If commercial use is desired, please contact me.

A "black" variety of rose blooming and wilting, although it really turned out more pink and red in this case. The darkness of the petal color varies a lot based on environmental factors.

I had hoped that the petals would drop and that I could capture them with my special method, but they didn't. I thought the video was still worth posting.

Videos are free to use for non-commercial purposes. If commercial use is desired, please contact me. I'll be adding a purchase link in the future.

This is a time lapse video of a purple daisy (technically an Aster) blooming. The petals have an interesting flow to them, and late in the video the interior disk flowers bloom. The video took about 1 month to shoot.

The second part of the video is slightly out of focus. I'm overhauling my setup so hopefully that won't happen again.

Videos are free to use for non-commercial purposes. If commercial use is desired, please contact me.

You can license this video for commercial purposes at my Gumroad store at:

A video of a hyacinth plant blooming and wilting, set to music. Song is "Never You Find Me" by Kosta T.

Unfortunately I was experiencing some problems with my camera setup and lost some frames, so there are a few jumps.

Time-lapse of a pea plant growing from seed, showing both the shoot and root system.

You can license this video for commercial purposes at my Gumroad store at:

Late in the video, the plant loses its water supply and wilts/desiccates, but bounces back once water is re-added.

I accidentally included the old timing information from the original 15fps video. This one is at 30fps. Thus, time lapse is at 20 min per frame, 30fps. That means that 1 second of video is 10 hours in real time.

timelapse,pea,root,primary,growth,time,lapse,time lapse,plant,development,premature,de-etiolation,etiolation,etiolate,photomorphogenesis,time-lapse,legume,photo,morphogenesis,phytochrome,botany,cotyledon,leaf,leaves,drought,gravitropism,epicotyl,apical,hook,germination,sprout,sprouting,fabaceae,seedling,seed,from seed,time lapes,growing,klicenie,grow,water,water stress,wilt,wilting,cross-section,biology,education,lesson,plant growing time lapse from seed


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

9 videos

Category Science & Technology