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Video of the explosion that destroyed the Georgia Guidestones in the early morning hours of July 6th 2022 (today).

Not sure of the context of this video so if anyone knows anything about it, including the original upload etc. please let me know in the comments. It appears to be some kind of protest, with the people who end up getting hit dressed in anarchist/antifa style dress. Not sure who the guy doing the hitting is. I pulled this from facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/259090688965721/posts/407181047490017/

This came from a tweet by Steven Crowder here: https://twitter.com/i/status/1513338756983631880
No idea what the original source is.

This is old now, I thought I had already uploaded it here and I recently had a pretty significant data loss so I am in the process of rebuilding my media collection. This is video from a security cam on the street in the immediate vicinity of the RV that detonated. You can hear the warning message being played over a PA system from the RV on a loop

Steele Talking shit

One of several intersting videos that actor Issac Kappy made in the months leading up to his "supposed" suicide.

You'll just have to watch it.

Ricky Gervais at some award show joking about holly-woods connections to Jeffery Epstein.

This is an older video, at the moment I don't have any of the details like where this happened or exactly when, I know it was a couple of years ago now though.

Video shot, apparently by a member of antifa as a group of them were getting a beating courtesy of patriots at a recall Newsom rally in LA.

Still one of the best speeches he's ever given.

Guy gets out of his car in the middle of traffic with what looks like an AR-15 runs a few cars up and starts shooting into another vehicle.
Links to original Rumble and Youtube videos:

Video of a masked person in what looks to be a walgreens, on a bike, filling a black trashbag with merchandise while security and management standby and do nothing except record with their phones. (security guard tries to pull bag out of his hands as he RIDES past but does nothing else to stop him leaving).

Some encouragement [ this file wouldn't upload a couple of weeks back, we'll see what it does now ]

General Thomas McInerny talks about the current situation

General McInerny on the DS [part two]

General McInerny on the DS [part three]

This video shows the Nashville skyline just before the explosion. You can see a trail of some kind right before it happens. Hard to tell if it's going up from the ground or coming down from the sky (missile/bunker buster?)

From qresearch. Post says video was removed from Twatter and asks for repost. Don't have any details about where this is or who these people are but it really doesn't matter, I'd guess this kind of thing is happening all over the place right about now.


[UPDATE] Here is the original post from twatter. Doesn't seem to be down but I'll leave the repost up anyway.


From Q post 4953 - Last post (as of the uploading of this video here)

Not sure where this is at but its a good clip of a street battle between antifa clowns and trump supporters. If you recognize the location lmk in the comments and I will update this description.


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

34 videos

Category News & Politics

Unless I specifically state otherwise in the description the videos uploaded to this channel are all going to be reposts, not original content created by me. Primarily this is for the purpose of having multiple sources to post from when trying to subvert censorship algorithms on youtube and social media sites like facebook and twitter. If you see a video that belongs to you and want me me to take it down please just message me and I will be happy to do so. I am not making any money from these videos just trying to facilitate the free exchange of information on the internet that is under assault right now.

I will try to include attributions wherever I can but honestly I pull a lot of these from social media with a command line utility/scraper and have no real way to tell where the video might have originated and I don't have the time to go hunting that down for each one regardless.