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Join Justin Hart to discuss the current state of election affairs. Join us as we enlarge the window of discussion around these topics and crucial questions:

Post-mortem on the 2020 election - What happened? Where did the Republican party fail? Where the Democrats outperform? What was the true outcome of the election based on everything we know now.
State-by-State - Battleground Review - A deep dive into the main states which decided the election. What transpired in those states? What does the evidence show?
Lawsuits and Challenges - Where are the challenges to the lawsuits in each state? Which ones have failed? Which have succeeded? What else can be done?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - Did the challenges to the elections go too far? What information was accurate? What information was dead wrong?
We'll close by discussing the current efforts underway to address the election reforms and what you can do about it in the coming election cycles.

Our children have now lost thousands of hours of in-class learning. Schools across the rest of the world are open while our kids languish in limbo. Join us for a special webinar to get the tools and tactics you need to take back your school. Join data experts and policy pros to find out what has worked elsewhere. Network with others to help form groups to take on government entities quashing your kids' right to an education.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

2 videos

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