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Early Mosaic Art and Wall Art from the Middle Ages.

Zechariah 13; "Two thirds will be cut off and die, but the third shall be saved."

Originally posted by Arleen Purcell.

A compilation of Cushites (Ham) in South Africa joyfully singing about genocide.

Original Video by Arleen Purcell

Ham is mixed with fallen angel DNA, via intermarriage with a descendant of Cain. Y haplogroup E, and Bantu peoples that carry it, used to be Eurasian or Olive people, with Central/ West Asian roots, and ties to Anatolia, before they encountered a mysterious hominid race (the rainbow serpent) and intermingled with their women. The hominid "Homo Erectus" was a hybrid born from this relationship, half Adamite (man) and half Serpent/ hominid (Cain's seed). The pigmentation in Homo Erectus came from a woman of Cain's line, the straight hair came from Ham. All Black Africans share the genetics or DNA of the hybrid race called Homo Erectus. The first or second generation of the hybrid offspring looked somewhat like the Khoisan (Pre-Dutch colonization), and they continued to procreate with women from the Serpent seed (who's remnants are still in East Africa, Madagascar and the Andaman Islands), this short period of procreation coupled with inbreeding and marrying within the family changed the very appearance and phenotype of these tribes. Some Africans will admit that they originally weren't heavily pigmented as they are today. Others proclaim with pride that they always were. The phenotype of the "Black African" in Sub Saharan Africa (as we know it today) is largely due to inbreeding following that first period of miscegenation. The "Serpent" people (or race) had already left Africa long ago, via the Arabian sea and Indian Ocean, by the time the earliest African tribes were formed, Cain was living in Southeast Asia and the (Cannibal) Pacific isles.

The lost generations of Cain revealed.

Powerful lecture by Dr. James Wickstrom.

Dr. James Naismith (the Inventor of Basketball) speaks.

White Western Europeans (Israelites) from Cornwall perfected and excelled in Metallurgy and were expert blacksmiths, traders, and warriors. Cornwall, the epicenter of the Arthurian legends of Albion, was the hub of the weapons trade during the Bronze age period. The Cimmerians, or Cymry, who became the Celtic Britons, used tin to prevent iron knives, swords, and helms, from rusting, a similar technique was utilized by the Saxons or Sacasons/ Scythians who invaded Southern Britain and were known as Germanic britons. Celtic Britons/ Cimmerians = Northern kingdom of Israel, Germanic Britons/ Scythians = Southern kingdom of Israel.

The children of Israel are White Western Europeans, descendants of the Cimmerians and Scythians, or the Cymry and Sacasons (Saxons); Great Britain (the UK), America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

The crucifixion scene from the 2011 anime film "My Last Day." My Last Day is a 2011 Christian anime short film created by The Jesus Film Project, with Barry Cook and STUDIO4°C. The story unfolds through the eyes of a criminal who receives the same brutal crucifixion sentence as Jesus Christ. This is a short film of regret, repentance and redemption. The film is available in several different languages.

Great clip from Son of God (2013) where Jesus is almost tempted by the devil/ serpent seed, but resists the temptation.

Jesus heals a blind man and restores his sight in "My Last Day." My Last Day is a 2011 Christian anime short film created by The Jesus Film Project, with Barry Cook and STUDIO4°C. The story unfolds through the eyes of a criminal who receives the same brutal crucifixion sentence as Jesus Christ. This is a short film of regret, repentance and redemption. The film is available in several different languages.

A scene from "The Young Messiah" (2016), where Jesus heals a bird.

White Western Europeans = Israelites.
The 12 Tribes Of Israel are White Western nations, mainly America and the UK, New Zealand, Australia and some parts of Canada and South Africa. The tribe of Joseph is split into two separate groups, Manasseh the older son, and Ephraim the younger of Joseph's two sons.

The false doctrine of "Confusion of faces", which is pushed by the Black Hebrew Israelites, suggests that the true descendants of Jacob Israel are Multiracial and mixed among the nations, this is a lie, the seedline of Jacob is pure and untainted by the other nations. To suggest otherwise is simply calculated deception. The scriptures never alluded to Israelites being a melting pot, in fact it's quite the opposite, Israelites are found in every country today (including South Africa), but the Africans are not of Jacob, they're predominantly Cush.

Youtube Link:
The true meaning of Isaiah chapter 19 verse 25.

Youtube Link:
Black Hebrew Israelites debunked, again. The only time "black" is used in the bible is when it denotes "famine" or "death." On the contrary, the words; white, ruddy, milk, snow, and fair are used constantly and interchangeably. True Israelites are ruddy, fair, and white as snow and milk. Only White Western Europeans match this description. King Solomon was white, King David was white, all descendants of Jacob/ Israel are Hwhite. Africans are Hamites, from the seedline of Cush, who intermingled with Cain (Serpent).

Youtube Link:
The Hebrew meaning of "Beguiled" as defined in Strong's Concordance.

The modern-day descendants of Cain.

Cushite Hamites (who are mixed with Cain/ the serpent seed) are obsessed with Israelite women.

Jacob's Trouble is the spiritual and physical refinement of Israel.

Youtube Link:
Men Of Albion = Men Of Zion. The Arthurian legends of Cornwall and Great Britain come from the bible.

Youtube Link:
Medieval and Neolithic violence/ Civil war in Europe is biblical.


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

59 videos

Category Education



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