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Chapter One, Continued: Germs require a certain ‘terrain’ to be able to live and thrive! So SCIENCE says that gut health and intestinal flora may be key to keeping ‘bad bugs’ in check…
You may not have time to read these incredibly detailed books that outline the heart of the issue our country faces right now: our health and wellness that has been hijacked by big pharma practicing bad witchcraft. I have already summarized the book on Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Find the summary here on Amazon: and now we will look at "Virus Mania" by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey MD, Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD.

Intestinal health may actually be the MOST IMPORTANT thing to protect you from "bad" bacteria and viruses! Be sure and educate yourself to protect yourself from the upcoming planned pandemic!

What qualifies as "research" and why aren't we looking for what is CAUSING so much cancer? We are in VIRUS MANIA!!! If you have wanted to read this book, but don't have time, I am summarizing the video for you in quick easy-to-watch video segments! Find them on Rumble @FatesABitch and BitChute @RebelWoo

If you have wanted to read this book, but don't have time, I am summarizing the video for you in quick easy-to-watch video segments! Find them on Rumble @FatesABitch and BitChute @RebelWoo

I hope you have enjoyed the 41 summary videos of this tremendous book! Please share and if you love my work, support me with coffee, food, beer, or gas money at $FatesABitch!

If you’re paying any attention to what is ACTUALLY going on around us, you will know that there has been a complete take-over of the media and the narrative.

For instance, Wired Magazine, whose BOOK, page 410,”funding came from MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte whose brother, John Negroponte, was the first Director of National Intelligence, notorious for his support of Central American death squads”.

Sounds like a standup kind of guy. Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 12 Germ Games staged by military, medical and intelligence planners were “played out” - all with a focus - NOT ON BUILDING PEOPLE’S HEALTH AND IMMUNITY - but on controlling populations through fear. Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military-industrial complex needed a reason to continue to take taxpayer money and justify its share of our GDP.

“Terrorism” represented a great potential thing to have a war against, since in fact, it is impossible to vanquish, thereby ensuring a continual fear-war-take-all-your-wealth fighting an unknown enemy cycle.

Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Taxpayer money is being used to fund a whole bunch of things that you may find disturbing.

For instance, did you know that the CIA actually has an investment arm called “In-Q-Tel” – this is how United States intelligence services invest in start-up firms on the cutting edge of innovations… innovations focused on military and pharmaceutical applications! Awesome!

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Remember, there have been zero functional double-blind placebo control studies with ANY of the vaccines we are taking – so there is zero way to assess effectiveness and risk of side-effects.

After Daddy Fauci reassured the public that (BOOK PAGE 365), “…the risks of serious adverse events for the influenza vaccine are “very, very, very small”.”…. “…an explosion of grave side effects, including miscarriages, narcolepsy, and febrile convulsions, was causing carnage in multiple countries”.

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Infectious diseases – those that can be transferred from human to human – are actually dramatically DOWN from the 1900’s. But you sure wouldn’t know that from the inflated attention and fear-mongering of epidemics, pandemics, and virus mania!

Gird up your loins!

Bill Gates is obsessed with population control. BOOK, Page 332, “In 1999, Gates’s $2.2 billion commitment to the UN Population Fund doubled the size of the Gates Foundation.”

The goal of this was to administer contraceptives to 214 million women in poor countries and the contraceptive of choice was Depo-Provera. Low-income, black and hispanic women are targeted with this shot.

Did you know the Depo shot has a BLACK BOX WARNING due to its potential of causing fatal bone loss?

The FDA warns to not take Depo-Provera for more than 2 years but Gates’ program prescribes at least a 4-year course or preferably, indefinitely.

Because he cares!

Oh and another fun fact? Depo-Provera DOUBLES a woman’s risk of contracting and transmitting HIV - this injection thins the vaginal wall which eases the transmission of HIV.

I though Bill Gates was against the spread of HIV in Africa?

Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Isn’t it awesome we have the CIA, the World Health Organization, and Bill Gates all worrying about sterilizing people so that we aren’t able to make babies?

BOOK, Page 339, “In the years 1993 and 1994, WHO launched antifertility vaccination campaigns in Nicaragua, Mexico, the Philippines, and Kenya in 1995. In each country, WHO and local government clinicians vaccinated women of childbearing age, telling them that the purpose of the WHO immunizations was to “eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus”.”

Dear God, watch out for the tetanus shot… or maybe we should worry about ALL of the shots?

These lying sacks of …

On to Polio. Polio has been pretty much eradicated for a period of time, that may actually be because of improvements in health versus vaccinations, but we will leave that for another TikTok. The few negligible cases have not been a concern for society, but Bill Gates will NOT BE STOPPED from carpet bombing third world countries with vaccines to prevent something that no longer is a threat.

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Ah, to continue on the topic of population control… The World Health Organization and Rockefeller Foundation scientists started researching “anti-fertility” vaccines for “birth control” as early as 1972.

After Gates pledged $10 billion to the WHO with the purpose of reducing the population with new “vaccines” is when the Kenyan tetanus campaign started.

BOOK, page 336, “On November 6, 2014, four years after Gates pledged at a Ted Talk to use vaccines to lower birth rates…. the WHO, UNICEF, and GAVI…” were accused of “…secretly conducting a mass sterilization program against Kenyan women, under the veil of eradicating tetanus disease”.

The tetanus vaccines were LACED WITH a formal the Rockefeller Foundation developed to sterilize women against their will. The red flag? Normally a single “tetanus vaccine” provides a decade of immunity and is given to men and women at equal rates… but THIS tetanus shot was only given to girls of childbearing years and giving in five administrations, six months apart.

Come on over little girl, it’s time for your bi-yearly tetanus shot!

Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Chapter 10, part A was taken down. BOO! Find it on Telegram and Rumble at FatesABitch.

This is probably going to get taken down too, but it is all verifiable facts – like not George-Soros-Funded Facts but like real-world facts.

According to a 2017 study, the DTP immunization, caused a tenfold higher mortality in girls versus children who were not exposed to the DTP injection, These girls were dying from a wide range of diseases – anemia, pneumonia, malaria, dysentry – well it turns out that although that DTP injection may have “protected” the girls from diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis – it had actually decimated their immune system at the same time.

Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Pages 323-356

Most of us have stumbled through life believing that our bureaucratic overlords, who we pay with our taxpayer money, are making some attempt to “keep us safe” since we have deemed these 3-letter agencies to be capable of doing that.

We are so stupid.

Did you know that none of the ‘mandated’ 69 childhood vaccines for America’s schoolchildren have EVER been tested against a placebo – the ONLY way to actually see if the vaccine is safe or effective? NOT ONE. Even with a Freedom of Information Act request, BOOK, Page 323, “…HHS admitted that we were, in fact, correct: none of the mandated childhood vaccines had been tested for safety in pre-licensing inert placebo tests”.

Well, I guess since the pharmaceutical companies have immunity from liability it would make sense that they don’t care if their vaccines are safe. 😀

In the 1970’s, after the first wave of DTP vaccines in the U.S. in Europe, there was a wave of gruesome brain injuries and deaths that followed. BOOK, Page 325, “Six years later, a 1983 NIH-funded study found that Wyeth’s DTP vaccine was killing or causing sever brain injury, including seizures and death, in 1 in every 300 vaccinated children”.

Well, the manufacturer, Wyeth (which is now Pfizer) saw that this could badly affect their bottom line, so they lobbied our worthless representative in Congress to pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act – which shields vaccine makers from liability. Hey, if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you… well it actually doesn’t matter if it kills you – it’s all good for Pfizer!

In the U.S. the original whole cell version of DTP was abandoned because of safety issues, and replaced with a new “dead cell” vaccine DTaP, which was safer but even less effective. However, the original whole cell version DTP was cheaper to manufacture and therefore more profitable for Big Pharma, and so…. BOOK, Page 325 “…Gates and his surrogates, GAVI, WHO, and Global Fund made DTP the flagship for their African vaccine program and continued giving this neurotoxic and often lethal vaccine to some 156 million African children annually”.

How does this keep happening, you may ask. Well, Health Ministries across the world have to demonstrate “uptake goals” – in other words – they have to keep jabbing their citizens with shots – in order to “qualify” for MONEY form the WHO. If you don’t jabby jab, and jabby jab ALL THE f-ing time, then you don’t get money from the overlords.


More in the next installment!

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There exists a power structure amongst our government and bureaucratic agencies that ensures a chain of command, and in the case of NIH, a chain of compliance.

BOOK, Page 297, “NIH alone controls an annual $42 billion budget mainly distributed in over 50,000 grants supporting over 300,000 positions globally in medical research.”

Here is a graphical representation.

Since all of these people’s salaries and livelihoods are dependent upon this money coming from NIH, Gates, and the Wellcome Trust, you can be assured loyalty to whatever ideology is held by them. Duh.

So imagine the possibilities with this power structure when COVID-19 was declared an emergency. What happened? The entire “health” establishment fell lock-step in line with the narrative given by the people who control the purse-strings. It always goes back to money, not necessarily human health.

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As we have summarized in earlier chapters, the ABYSMAL failure of NIH to find a cure or vaccine for HIV and AIDS has never raised any red flags, although it should. The track record for throwing away taxpayer money and actually inflicting HARM should warrant some type of investigation and people should be held accountable, but they’re not.

Because our federal government is so completely corrupt and out of hand, we recently had a new announcement from Fauci and NIH, BOOK, page 299: “He told his giddy media acolytes that NIH had just committed to a $200 million join initiative with the Gates Foundation to fund the next generation of AIDS vaccines using NIAID’s new mRNA technology.”

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In simulations of a COVID pandemic, yes you heard that right, in war-game strategies conducted by Bill Gates, Lord Fauci, and our taxpayer-funded intelligence agencies like the CIA, there was anticipated resistance to jabby-jabs from benevolent (but formerly criminally indicted) pharmaceutical companies.

Melinda Gates, as early as April of 2020, talked about how much she worried about the “vulnerable population in Africa”. And in June of 2020, Bill Gates’ then-wife, BOOK Page 307, “…told Time Magazine that, in the United States, Black people should get the COVID-19 vaccine first”.

Wow, it is awesome that they really care.

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Rockefeller and Bill Gates did something ingenious, when it came to avoiding taxes, they created “non-profit” foundations and donated that money to these entities.

I can’t keep all this money, so I am going to give it away.. to ME!

But these “benevolent” “gifts” … BOOK, Page 291 … can be strategically targeted to give these multi-billion dollar foundations control of international health and agricultural agencies as well as the media.

As you are aware of by now – the MONEY controls the NARRATIVE. Another word for what is happening is “Philanthrocapitalism”. It looks like charity but it is really still a capitalist enterprise!

So, in the name of “humanitarianism” Fauci, Gates, and Pharmaceutical Companies have… BOOK, Page 292… shifted the focus away from nutrition, sanitation, and economic development to solving Africa’s HIV crisis with drugs and vaccines.

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There are actually 2 different competing theories when it comes to health. The leading theory before nefarious people and forces like Rockefeller and Pharmaceutical companies got involved – was “miasma theory” – this was a more holistic approach to medicine that believed that fortifying the immune system through nutrition and reducing exposure to environmental toxins was the best way to maintain optimum health. Mind-Blown. Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Did you know that your body is getting pummeled with not only EMF waves that you can measure but also scalar EMF waves that are 5 times more powerful/damaging? I try out the Blushield Phi Series 3 protection device and take you on my journey! Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Did you know that your body is getting pummeled with not only EMF waves that you can measure but also scalar EMF waves that are 5 times more powerful/damaging? I try out the Blushield Phi Series 3 protection device and take you on my journey! Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

There is now no line between public and private entities, allowing our tax-payer funded “public servants” to profit from for-profit companies business adventures.

BOOK, Page 245: “The 1980 Bayh-Dole Act allowed NIAID – and Dr. Fauci personally – to file patents on the hundreds of new drugs that his agency-funded PIs were incubating, and then to license those drugs to pharmaceutical companies and collect royalties on their sales.

Hmm, is it a conflict of interest to have the person mandating drugs be the one who patented them and makes royalties from them?

Join Tisha Casida from RebelWOO - and Telegram: RebelWOO Instagram @votefortisha

Remember watching Dr. Robert Redfield and Dr. Deborah Birx during the press conferences? I sure do!

Did you know that both of these people are former Army medical officers who led the military’s AIDS research in the 1980’s and 1990’s? If you’re not up to speed on why this is a harbinger for corruption, please check out my videos on Chapters 3 through 8 (backed up on Rumble).

In 1992 Redfield was accused of data manipulation and inappropriate statistical analyses in order to promote the GP160 AIDS vaccine. This potentially misleading or deceptive info could have threatened not only his credibility, but ongoing funding for AIDS research.

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Created 1 year, 5 months ago.

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