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Genetic Bioweapon?

A blast from the past (January 2022). Dr. Lee Merritt describes a vaccine that was designed to kill ovaries in mice; mice in Australia were vaccinated and then shed on other mice and those mice became sterile

She goes on to talk about a PubMed research paper ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity which describes the racial specificity of the ACE2 pathway relation to the spike protein

It shows the Spike protein has different affects on different races. The most upregulation of the ACE2 pathway are white Caucasians from Europe (56%). Then it drops down to 39% in African blacks and right down to 10% in Asians and Finnish (who are genetically different to everybody else in Europe)

Then it drops down to 0% in Ashkenazi Jews and the Amish

The greatest hoax ever is the spinning ball heliocentric model.
Snap out of it.
Learn about the true nature of our world.

Check John Thor's youtube channel.

The deathbed confession about the moon landing hoax.
We never went to the moon!
No one ever has been there.
Research flat earth.

Think twice before you let you or your loved ones get injected with the the experimental poison.

What's realy comming? Exposing The Counterfeit New World Order.

Young Hearts Failing. - athletes collapsing and dying after the covid shot-
Documented timeline by month from March 2021 to the 21st January 2022

Watch as Dr Thomas Cowan explains the possibility that the 5G signal is the cause of the covid cases.

Iedereen heeft zo langzamerhand wel het gevoel dat er iets niet klopt maar wat precies daar kunnen de meeste mensen niet goed de vinger op leggen.
Dit is een van de beste video’s die op een heldere manier uitlegt wat er nu speelt. En hoewel hij inmiddels al bijna een jaar oud is en er nog heel veel meer gebeurd is geeft hij een goed overzicht van het spel dat momenteel gespeeld word.

The Secret masonic victory of world war two
Have a closer look into the puppeteers behind WW2

Auditing NASA - exposing nasa fakery and cgi

LEVELED - 200 Proofs Earth is not a spinning ball - Extended Updated 1080p
Produced by John Thor
Special thanks to Sean Hibbeler

visit John Thor's youtube channel for more great video's

Level - documentary
Is this the biggest secret our controlers are hiding from us, and if so
for what reason are they hiding this?
Could they be hiding even more?
This documentary is not to convince anyone.
This documentary is to question the mainstream narrative.
This documentary is to encourage people to research it or to try to debunk it.

Visit Hibbeler productions for more great documentaries and raw truth

We are trapped in the matrix.

Full length documentary about zionism
Part1 - The Rothschild Declaration
Part 2 - The Wrong Enemy
Part 3 - The Six Million
Part 4 - The Danger of Democracy
Part 5 - The Way of Deception
Part 6 - The War on Terror
Part 7 - The Highest Art of Warfare
Part 8 - The Great Replacement
Part 9 - The Jew World Order

Project Looking Glass - from the mouth of the whistleblowers

Former freemason Altiyan Childs exposes the international cult
of freemasonry in this 5 hour video
What is freemasonry ?
What are they planning?
Who do they Worship?

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary adressing
the issue about geoengineering and chemtrails.
The poisoning of mankind

Retired FBI agent Ted Gunderson exposing some very dark secrets about the us government.

Dr Mr Arno van Kessel - De staat is een criminele organisatie
val van de ene verbazing in de andere terwijl Dr Mr Arno van Kessel uitlegt wat er in nederland aan de hand is.

How is the Netherlands involved in child sex trafficking and pedofilia

The Truth About Freemasonry
What is Freemasonry and why should we worry about this.

Is Israel realy America's greatest ally ???
Or something else?
Have your eyes opened and see the true nature of Israel and the Jews.

The Goyim revolution - what the Jews don’t want you to know about them.
A short documentary about the true nature of the Jews.

Terrain theory vs germ theory

Del Bigtree explains what anti body dependent enhancement is.


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

48 videos

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