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In this video we talk about how New Zealand (like most of the West) is a victim of endless mass migration, which has many ill-effects.

Odysee: https://odysee.com/ (My channel will be linked when it has synced and is on the Odysee/LBRY network)

In this video, we discuss the soft effort being made by our media, companies and in some cases Government to allow a change of the country's name from New Zealand to Aotearoa.

Link to Absolutely Right's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMOmHJD9AVA

It's very likely that over the coming years, there will be an exodus of White, middle class Aucklanders moving to other parts of the country. I explore what this might mean for Christchurch and Hamilton in particular.

Auckland's median house price is now $1m: https://www.interest.co.nz/property/107926/aucklands-median-house-price-now-1-million-45000-month

Average Auckland house price could reach $3m by 2040: https://www.oneroof.co.nz/news/average-house-price-in-auckland-could-hit-3m-by-2040-37028

National house prices are likely to double within 7 years: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2020/11/house-prices-to-double-in-seven-years-and-there-s-nothing-jacinda-ardern-can-do-about-it-property-expert.html

New Zealand's Government is set to sign the RCEP agreement this weekend, with the idea of extending NZ's free trade program to 14 other countries, allowing New Zealand's domestic economy to be further destroyed.

Read the RCEP Information here: https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/trade/free-trade-agreements/agreements-under-negotiation/regional-comprehensive-economic-partnership-rcep/rcep-overview/

Please, try it. Even if you start late it's better to try in vain and fail than to have never tried at all.

Twitter thread which includes links to sources: https://twitter.com/thuletide/status/1249437488579579905
More NoFap Benefits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcnzsQGO3Rw

This article run by Stuff highlights the "2019 Islamicity Index", which has rated New Zealand as the world's most Islamic country.

Story here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/123197239/new-zealand-ranked-the-most-islamic-country-in-the-world-in-annual-index

In this video we're taking a look at the newest member of Parliament that the Green Party has to offer, Ricardo Menendez March.

This "proudly queer" Tijuana-born social warrior made New Zealand his home many years ago and is now seemingly intent on turning it into the Mexico of the South Pacific.

Over 60 sexual assault allegations are being investigated by police in Wellington, with a Zimbabwean immigrant rapper allegedly responsible.

Read here: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/police-investigating-after-at-least-60-sexual-assault-allegations-made-against-wellington-musicians/ZCN3CRG3WEYJL6HUKHILSE47UA

Was the New Zealand election stolen by globalist elites? Probably not.

Read the article here: http://eternalvigilance.nz/2020/10/very-very-suspect-election-results-for-the-south-island

These people are some of the most disgusting specimens you'll see. This video will not be posted to YouTube.

Read it for yourself here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/kea-kids-news/300125288/kea-kids-news-going-behind-the-glitter-and-glee-of-new-zealands-first-drag-musical-for-kids

This is the sixth in my series of videos in which we take a look at the major parties contesting the upcoming New Zealand election.

We're taking a look at the centrist fake-nationalist New Zealand First party this time.

This is the fourth in my series of videos in which we take a look at the major parties contesting the upcoming New Zealand election.

We're taking a look at the right-wing, (mostly) civic nationalist New Conservative party this time. This video also hones in on some of the Zionist-friendly policies that the New Conservatives have employed.

Today's video is about the fact that New Zealanders and New Zealand companies actually own very little of our largest domestic industries. We explore a few major ones to learn more.

This is the fifth in my series of videos in which we take a look at the major parties contesting the upcoming New Zealand election.

We're taking a look at the libertarian right-wing ACT party this time.

This is the third in my series of videos in which we take a look at the major parties contesting the upcoming New Zealand election.

We're taking a look at the far-left Green Party this time.

According to the Taxpayers' Union, over $469,000 was spent on these 20 projects alone, which they consider bizarre enough to bring to your attention.

This is part of a wider scheme by the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage (which Jacinda Ardern is the Minister of) to "revitalise art post-COVID).

This is the second in my series of videos in which we take a look at the major parties contesting the upcoming New Zealand election.

We're taking a look at the neoliberal centre-right National Party this time.

This is the second in my series of videos in which we take a look at the major parties contesting the upcoming New Zealand election.

We're taking a look at the neoliberal but social-democratic centre-left Labour Party this time.

These people represent a dangerous set of ideas, but unfortunately this is only the beginning.

You can read it all from TVNZ if you want: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/m-ori-party-reveals-policy-change-nzs-name-aotearoa-make-history-core-part-school-curriculum

They are coming for your kids. The musical is aimed at "ages 3 - 8", and yes, the story even says so.

Read for yourself here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/stage-and-theatre/122745728/worldfirst-drag-musical-for-children-coming-to-wellingtons-circa-theatre

What's your opinion on the subject of Maori/Te Reo? Put it in the comments down below!

You often hear of this kind of thing going on in the United States, but not in the heart of rural New Zealand, but here we are.

This video takes a look at Jacinda Ardern's rise to power and her potential future fall from grace.


Created 4 years, 8 months ago.

23 videos

Category News & Politics

New Zealand's news and politics from a Nationalist perspective. I am not affiliated with any Nationalist group.