Robert Keogh

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Robert Keogh

[email protected]


Meditation on the Lords Prayer

See the link for the church website and you are welcome to join the church facebook page
Also the churches will be reopening on Sunday 13th December 2020: Drumclamph at 10:00 am and Langfield at 11:15 am

This is a video of Jesus's teaching on the greatest commandment and the way of salvation. See the link for the church website and you are welcome to join the church facebook page

Forgiveness, The Parable of the unforgiving servant Text sermons are available here on the parish website

The parable of the prodigal son

The rich young ruler talks to Jesus about salvation

This video shows that true friendship is very important in our lives and that Jesus is a true friend. He is the example of what true friendship should be.

This is a meditation on the faith of Jairus, a synagogue ruler whose daughter Jesus rose from the dead.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

7 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

This channel preaches the bible as the word of God and follows protestant reformed theology such as salvation by faith rather than works.