Robert Hutchinson

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Robert Hutchinson

Robert J. Hutchinson


Robert J. Hutchinson's book, What Really Happened: The Death of Hitler, available now at:

Newsmax anchor Greg Kelly interviews author Robert J. Hutchinson about what really happened to Adolf Hitler and whether he managed to escape justice in the final days of World War II.

After World War II, 50 percent of Americans polled said they didn't believe Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun had committed suicide in their bunker in 1945, as captured Nazi officials claimed. Instead, they believed the dictator faked his death and escaped, perhaps to Argentina. This wasn't a crazy opinion: Joseph Stalin told Allied leaders that Soviet forces never discovered Hitler's body and that he personally believed the Nazi leader had escaped justice.

At least two German submarines crossed the Atlantic and landed on the coast of Argentina in July 1945. Plus, there were numerous reports of top Nazi officials successfully fleeing to South America where there was a large German colony. Incredible as it sounds, the mystery surrounding Adolf Hitler's final days only deepened in 2009 when a U.S. forensic team announced that a piece of Hitler's skull held in Soviet archives was not actually Hitler's. International interest increased further in 2014 when the FBI released previously classified files detailing investigations surrounding Hitler's possible escape. And the following year, The History Channel launched a three-year reality TV series investigating if it was possible Hitler did somehow survive.

So what really happened? Hutchinson , author of What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination, takes a fresh look at the evidence and discovers, once and for all, the truth about Hitler's last week in Berlin. Among the questions the book explores are...
* What did surviving Nazi eyewitnesses really say about the Führer's final days in the bunker - and could they have been lying to aid Hitler's escape?
* If Hitler didn't escape, w..

To order the book, What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination, click on the link:

After 155 years, many unsolved mysteries and enduring urban legends still surround the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by the popular stage actor John Wilkes Booth.

In a new look at the case, award-winning author Robert Hutchinson (What Really Happened: The Death of Hitler) explores what we know, and don't know, about what really happened at Ford's Theatre on the night of April 14, 1865. In addition, he argues that the deep-seated political hatreds that roiled Washington, DC, in the final weeks of the Civil War are particularly relevant to our own polarized age.

Among the tantalizing questions Hutchinson explores are:

** Why Abraham Lincoln's final day on earth one of the happiest of his life.

** Whether desperate Confederate political leaders, fearing for their lives, had a hand in the assassination plot.

** How a talented family of actors, poets and physicians opposed to slavery somehow produced a presidential assassin.

** The mystery of Lincoln's police bodyguard - why he disappeared at Ford's Theatre when Lincoln had already been the subject of an assassination attempt the previous year.

** What led Booth to give up on his original plan to kidnap Lincoln and decide on assassination instead

** Whether Lucy Hale, Booth's secret fiancée and the daughter of a U.S. senator, who once caught the eye of Lincoln's son Robert, knew about Booth's plans to kill Lincoln.

** How Booth evaded the largest manhunt in U.S. history for nearly two weeks despite being unable to walk.

** Why the government insisted on the death penalty for Mary Surratt, who ran a boardinghouse where Booth used to visit, but allowed most of the Confederate sympathizers who aided his escape to get off scot-free.

** Who gave the order to shoot Booth in the Garrett barn - and what happened to his body.

** What became of the Booth and Lincoln families a..

Of all the fans outraged by the final season of “Game of Thrones,” perhaps no group is as apoplectic as progressives.

After all, Daenerys Targaryen, who is killed in the last episode, is a progressive heroine.
An intelligent, kind, visionary leader who treats her servants with respect and her enemies with contempt, Daenerys is the kind of woke politician progressives dream about.

Yet there is a hidden warning for progressives in the debacle that is the final season -- one that should give them, and all those involved with politics, pause.

For those who missed it, the penultimate episode of the popular series involves the long-anticipated final assault on King’s Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. With her weapon of mass destruction, the fire-spewing dragon Drogon, Daenerys has the power to destroy the city and everyone in it.

Her closest aides – the dwarf advisor Tyrion Lannister and her lover Jon Snow, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne – beg Daenerys to spare the civilian population. She reluctantly agrees that if the city signals surrender by ringing a massive bell , she will stop the assault.

Yet when the battle ensues, Daenerys ignores her promise – and systematically slaughters most of the civilian population in an act of deliberate genocide.

Her supporters are devastated as her character is finally revealed.
And this is the warning that should give progressives pause.
In the final episode of the series, Daenerys argues that, in politics, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, that the ends always and inevitably justify the means.

If your cause is just – and Daenerys aims at nothing less than the liberation of the entire world – then “small mercies,” such as pardoning Tyrion Lannister or, for that matter, the entire city of King’s Landing, have no place.

“I saw them executing Lannister prisoners in the street,” her enraged lover, Jon Snow, shouts as he finally confronts his queen.
“It was necessary,” she replies coolly...

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Increasingly, the Catholic Left in general, and Commonweal Magazine in particular, no longer feels it has to make a case at all. It has joined the secular “progressive” Left in thinking that all that is necessary is to scream loud enough – and people will be persuaded.

The most egregious recent example of this is an article in the upcoming February 7th issue, “Suiting Up for Team Racist,” by Commonweal associate editor Mollie Wilson O'Reilly.

Here is O’Reilly, speaking for all Catholics:

“Is Donald J. Trump personally prejudiced against nonwhites? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that he traffics openly in racism as a means of riling up his supporters. Trump’s presidential campaign was racist. His administration is racist. His ongoing campaign to win the next election is racist. Standing with Trump is racist. It is racist regardless of what motivates you to do it—your desire to see the Supreme Court filled with conservative judges; your enthusiasm for low taxes for the very wealthy; your earnest belief that Vladimir Putin is an ally worth courting.”

O’Reilly, a white woman, cites no evidence, because she believes none is needed. She believes screaming “racist” is enough.

But, of course, it is not enough.

According to polling done by Rasmussen Reports, some 36 percent of black Americans support Donald Trump and 28% say that young black Americans are better off now than they were in the closing year of Obama’s presidency.

According to a NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll taken in January 2019, an astonishing 50% of self-identified Hispanic voters say they approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as president.

It’s difficult to see how a lily-white New York editor thinks she has a right to call black and Hispanic Trump supporters “racists” – but, apparently, ..

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The corporate controlled news media's deliberate smear campaign against a group of Catholic high school students in Washington, DC, has backfired big time. And he consequences of this smear campaign and attempted social media lynching will continue to reverberate for the next year or two.

It will, along with a similar orchestrated smear campaign against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, help reelect Donald Trump in 2020. That's because this incident "red pilled" Middle America more than just about anything we've seen recently. For the first time, ordinary, sane Americans in small towns across the United States could see the unbridled hate and derision with which the elite media (including the conservative elite media) and Hollywood celebrities really feel for ordinary people. And ordinary people, it turns out, really don't like to vote for politicians who despise everything they are and believe in. As a result, the Democrats have to hope and pray that there are ENOUGH intersectional transgendered people of color to compensate for the two thirds of the country they are, with media stunts like this, successfully alienating.

Over the past 20 years, new discoveries in archaeology and New Testament studies have supported the overall portrait of Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospels -- and refute claims by advocates of so-called Christ Myth theory that Jesus of Nazareth never even existed. In this talk, delivered at the Catholic Business and Professional Club of Fresno, California, on November 9, 2018, author Robert Hutchinson provides an overview of recent archaeological discoveries that support the Gospel accounts. One of the most dramatic was the discovery, in 2009, of the foundations of stone houses in Nazareth that date back to the Roman era -- proving that the traditional site of Jesus' childhood was settled by Jews in the Roman period. This is significant because one of the arguments used by skeptics to prove Jesus of Nazareth is a fictional character is that the town of Nazareth wasn't even settled in Roman times.

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Press Freedom Tracker:

According to Newsweek Magazine, President Donald Trump has fueled "a hostile climate toward journalists in America who now need extra protection to carry out their jobs free from intimidation and violence." As a result, a group of Democrats declared on February 8, 2018, that America needs a new law to protect reporters. The group of 13 congressional Democrats are sponsoring the "Journalist Protection Act," which would make it a federal crime to intentionally injure a journalist or intimidate reporters while they’re working. “President Donald Trump’s campaign and administration have created a toxic atmosphere,” said California Representative Eric Swalwell, a Democrat who sits on the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees, in a press release announcing the bill.

Critics, including some journalists, have called the law unnecessary and too broad, seemingly making any verbal criticism of journalists to be "intimidation."

Others point out that the overwhelming majority of physical attacks on journalists in the United States, as documented by the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker website, have been perpetrated by left-wing groups, Democrat political activists and protesters on behalf of illegal immigrants. Of the 40 documented physical attacks on journalists in the United States in 2017, 30 occurred during political protests and all but one were performed by left-wing political protesters. As a result, critics have claimed that Democrats calling for laws protecting journalists is a lot like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton calling for stronger laws protecting women from sexual assault.

Still others criticize the bill for not address the primary threat to journalists working in the U.S. today -- which is the federal government. During the Obama Administration,..

Before his conversion to Catholicism and a new career as a biographer and literary critic, Joseph Pearce was a rising star in Britain's far-right National Front -- the anti-immigrant nationalist party that was the forerunner to today's British National Party (BNP). He twice served time in prison for his extremist political activities. In the 1980s, Pearce participated in street fights and riots against "anti-fascist" demonstrators and read many of the books and manifestos now popular with members of the Alt Right. For him, streets battles between so-called "Antifa" demonstrators and supporters of Donald Trump are, as Yogi Berra put it, "déjà vu all over again." Pearce is therefore uniquely qualified to comment on today's increasingly volatile racial politics, the rise of anti-immigrant parties in Europe, and how Christians, Jews and people of good will should respond to the global migrant crisis.

Pearce is co-editor of the St. Austin Review and editor-in-chief of Sapientia Press and appears regularly on EWTN, the Catholic television network. He also teaches Shakespearian literature for Homeschool Connections, an online Catholic curriculum provider. He is the author of more than two dozen books on Shakespeare, G.K. Chesterton, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and other literary giants. Pearce is also the author of an autobiographical account of his youth as a right-wing activist, "Race With the Devil: My Journey from Racial Hatred to Rational Love (2013)."

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Popular Catholic blogger, author and priest Fr. Dwight Longenecker joins Robert Hutchinson in a discussion of Longenecker's new book, "The Mystery of the Magi." Longenecker argues that Matthew's story of the "wise men from the East" was not just a pious fable, as many New Testament scholars believe, but likely referred to diplomatic envoys from the kingdom of Nabatea located southeast of the Dead Sea. An Oxford graduate, Longenecker steers a middle course between the unquestioning piety of some Christians and the equally unquestioning skepticism of some New Testament scholars.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker's book:
Fr. Dwight Longenecker's website:

Also, Fr. Dwight Longenecker and Robert Hutchinson will be leading a pilgrimage to Israel and the scenes of Fr. Longenecker's book (Petra) this coming Fall 2018. If you would like information about this pilgrimage, email: [email protected].

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As a form of mental chemotherapy, libertarianism can be necessary to stop the cancer of socialism from spreading. However, like all forms of chemotherapy, libertarianism is itself a dangerous, potentially lethal poison that can destroy the very thing it is supposed to save. Over the past 10 years, people in the West have surveyed the wreckage that radical libertarian principles have wrought in many countries -- through open borders, sex trafficking, drug cartels, stagnant wages and growing income inequality. No one wants to return to the cancer of socialism and statism... yet no one wants to die from the chemotherapy, either. The task of the next decade, therefore, will be to figure out how to balance the good of free markets with the protection of cultural ecosystems that makes a free market possible in the first place.

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Life hacks for overcoming the small obstacles that keep us from achieving what we want in life.

Public disclosure of political bias at the FBI and Department of Just has revealed the existence of a permanent government class, or Deep State, that is working to thwart the results of a valid democratic election.

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An essay on how you discover (at last) the meaning of life. If you’re fortunate, you can raise your family in peace, stay married to a long-time love, and die, contented, at the end of a productive and meaningful life.

Perhaps faith is easy for people like this. Life does seem on balance good. The only tragedy seems that it has to end. For others, though, for parents who lose a child to some horrible disease or experience unusual suffering, life isn’t quite so happy. For them, faith is either not easy or not possible. It goes without saying that stock sermons on God’s benevolence ring hollow and false to them. It takes a special kind of minister... someone who has suffered at least as much as they... to reach people like this with any message of hope or grace.

You are a lucky person indeed if you have someone who depends upon you, who needs you, the way children need their parents and husbands need their wives (and vice versa). The feeling of being needed is what gives people purpose and a meaning to live – not some abstract spiritual vision or theory. That is why both the very young and the very old face such a struggle: they have fewer people in their lives who need them. The lucky seniors have their dysfunctional children and grandchildren who still depend upon their wisdom, advice and checkbook. Unlucky ones, who have no family members left living, or no friends, have a tough time. No one needs them. It’s a horrible situation. Their only hope, at this stage of their lives, is to find someone more desperate than themselves who needs help – and to be of service that way.

The same is true of the very young, people in their twenties and even thirties. Too many young people feel that no one actually needs them – unless they’re lucky enough to have a disabled mother or sibling they care for. Early adulthood is about having fun, exploring the world, meeting new people and discovering what you enjoy doing – and, most important of all, whom you want to care for, who needs you. If you neglect this last part of the young adult mission – if you focus solely on having fun and your career and don’t spend time looking for people who need your help – then your life does become literally meaningless and sad.

The reason family is so important for most people’s happiness is precisely because it’s a built-in need generating machine: once you have a family, the needs and problems keep coming like a rushing river. The very thing we think we want the least – needs, problems, responsibilities – is actually what we need the most to be happy. This is Viktor Frankl’s message. “The meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour,” Frankl writes. “What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at a given moment.” Asking what the meaning of life is, Frankl says, is like asking a chess master what the best move in chess is. It’s an absurd question. That’s because the best move depends upon the specific situation of an actual game. It’s the same for life. “One should not search for an abstract meaning for life,” Frankl concludes. “Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life to carry out a concrete assignment which demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, not can his life be repeated.”

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Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

14 videos

Category News & Politics

I write and talk about politics, faith, culture and ideas... as well as my adventures traveling around the world. I occasionally write for conservative websites such as Fox News, The Blaze, Mercatornet and

Politically, I'm a traditional conservative and recovering libertarian, anti-war, opposed to the surveillance state, pro-Israel, anti-racism. I support the police and our troops except when they kill people unnecessarily. A free speech absolutist, I'll talk to pretty much anyone about anything especially if enough beer is involved.

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