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This young woman (22 now) was put on accutane at age 11 and a year or two later developed two chronic pain disorders: chronic migraines and fibromyalgia. These disorders are not normal in young children and they are incurable. Unfortunately accutane is more widely prescribed in children today than ever before in history, and parents don’t realize it will give their children chronic and health conditions in the future.

All of my social media accounts have deleted for talking about my family’s vaccine injury and death. The censorship is off the hook, it seems like Bitchute and a few smaller independent uncensored platforms are the only places where we can still talk about this.

We need to be having this conversation. How is it ethical to impose vaccine mandates for a pharmaceutical product which has variable risks to your health and safety based on your genes? How is this not genetic discrimination? If someone’s genetics puts them at higher risk for an adverse reaction to a vaccine, yet we are ALL REQUIRED to have the same vaccine, that individual is being forcibly burdened with a higher risk compared to the average person. Not to mention that forcing/coercing ANYONE to do ANY medical intervention they don’t want is plain wrong.

Again - apologies for the terrible video quality (saved video from my deleted TikTok account)

Ex-liberal here, I’m pretty pissed about what Biden did to Afghanistan (I still have some extended family over there) and what he did to America with 🐂💩 vaccine mandates. Liberals preach about peace & love, “safe spaces”, “my body my choice”, and then support policies & a president who do the EXACT opposite. The people of Afghanistan are terrified, being raped and murdered, and the people of America are being killed and injured by vaccines they were forced/pressed/coerced into getting. We all know that Joe is demented and simply being used like a puppet by his handlers, but that’s not a politically correct observation. Thanks for absolutely nothing, Brandon.
(Sorry for the shitty video quality, this is just a silly video saved from my deleted Tiktok account)

Joe asked us “what more do you need to see?” Nothing, Joe. There’s nothing more to see.
(Video saved my deleted TikTok and Instagram accounts)

I shared my family’s story of vaccine injury and was accused of lying. Here’s some proof that I’m not. Again sorry for the poor video quality, this was saved from my (now deleted) TikTok account.


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

6 videos

Category None

This account is mostly a place for me to upload my deleted tiktok videos. I was harassed and then eventually censored for sharing my family’s vaccine injury story. I am technologically challenged, lazy, and extremely tired of continuously uploading videos/posts just to have them censored and deleted by all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok) so I apologize for the poor video quality.