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Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ?

This video explains the Gospel in one minute. If you haven't made a decision yet; don't wait until it is too late. Jesus came down to earth and died for your sins and mine. God poured out His wrath onto His Son, while hanging on a cross made of wood.

Jesus took the punishment we deserve, so we don't have to. Please accept His sacrifice for you, and God won't pour His wrath out onto you. All have sinned and deserve Gods punishment. Jesus lived a perfect sinless life as He is God, only to be slaughtered as a sacrificial lamb. The shedding of His blood was necessary, so that you might have eternal life instead of hell.

After three days, Jesus rose from the dead, prevailing over sin and death. He is the only way to the Father in heaven.

You can choose either Gods judgment or His forgiveness through Jesus Christ. It's amazing and redeeming love. If you are in need of prayer, feel free to ask for it.

Prayer or Faith Questions?

A deep dive into the exclusive religion of Islam by Professor Walter J. Veith. The professor takes us on a journey in time, back to the beginnings of Islam and the necessity the Roman Catholic Church felt to create a false religion in order to control both the western as the eastern world.

Faith Questions?

The religion behind feminism is explored. Spencer Smith shows how Satan has caused a shift in mindset from a Biblical worldview to an occult, esoteric worldview in order to hail in a one-world religion and government.

Satan attacked Eve in the Garden through seduction and the twisting of God's words. Today he uses that same strategy through demanding equality and leadership positions for women, destroying God's order within the family unit. The reasoning behind both God's order and Satan's methods for causing disorder are closely examined.

The structure behind this religion is mystical in nature; sensual and agreeable. It has no boundaries on freedom and has female leadership, often blatantly worshiping a female deity, as done in Bethel and Hillsong. It seeks balance, rather than the Biblical order of things. Symbolism and practices within the church, and eastern religions are compared.

Faith Questions?

All three parts:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

This study dives into the deception behind Bethel Church and Hillsong, their gradual morph into a one world religion. How do they fit into the Whore of Babylon the Bible speaks of? The mystery religion is laid bare and it's preachings of lawlessness and experienced based shows exposed.

The effeminate, liberal-charismatic philosophy of seemingly Christian groups are one and the same as Eastern religions. They preach a Gnostic view of God; ultimately claiming He is subject to a female goddess. Each false religion created their own unholy-trinity, each with a female goddess in ultimate charge and power. These beliefs are identical to ancient religions and date back to the worship of Nimrod's mother.

We get an extensive overview of the occult practices, signs and symbols, witchcraft, eastern mysticism in churches. History and present, combined to cause ultimate destruction through vanity and self-acceptance.

Faith Questions?

All three parts:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

The Antichrist is coming and the stage has been set. What is the role of Satan himself, the eastern religions, the occult, the entertainment industry and false churches in deceiving people? What do these groups have in common and how do they bring about a one-world religion?

We examine the "Kundalini" and it's ties to both false Christianity and other belief systems. First-hand examples are given of eastern mystical practices in groups like Bethel Church, Hillsong and Elevation Worship. Are these faiths the Mystery religion of Babylon; the Great Whore and how do they deceive even discerning Christians?

The Kundalini experience in other religions appears to greatly overlap with practices such as yoga, slaying in the spirit, spontanous laughter and speaking in tongues.

Faith Questions?

All three parts:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13

Faith Questions?


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

6 videos

Category None

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ." Romans 10:17.

Also, don't forget Romans 10:13: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Have you been saved by Jesus Christ, who died for your sins? If not, call on Him today. Be sure about your salvation, as your eternity depends on it.

In Mark 8:34-36 we can read what Jesus said to the crowd: "Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?"

The Antichrist is coming, but Jesus will prevail and destroy him with the breath of His voice.

If you'd like to hear more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, get in touch!