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How my life is a yin yang, a red drop in white and a white drop in red.

Great news in the Journey to Healing.


I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO TELL THE TRUTH and it has pissed everyone off and no one cares that the CONTENT of the Truth hurt and embarrassed and shamed me for YEARS. Yet I get banished.
Jesus was not kidding when he said the Truth, The LIght and The Way will turn kids against parents and friends against each other.
I am literally punished and ignored for speaking publicly about being raped. The sooner that we ACCEPT the TRUTH, the sooner it will not Trigger us. I Have no choice. The family that raised me is being made an example of.
And it is rippling outward.
It is time to Repent and get the Truth out before God intervenes.
Are you strong enough to Share the Truth? Are you strong enough to Handle the Truth?

It is through Truth, that we will find The Way to Salvation.

Unfortunately, Denial and The poison that was injected into some of us is clouding our ability to critical think .

We must pray for them. Daily.

I love you.

It is time. 🙏🏽

How words affect kids and how we can get over what we heard as kids part 1

This is survival of the fittest.

We need to teach people to be healthier and no longer wait for those not willing, because they are holding us back.

Help those that help themselves and others first.

Help the selfless with provisions to continue doing Gods Work.

I have to change my thumbnails, because “it is nt all about me?
And I am no longer wearing belly shirts. I am shown modesty. I am now being shown more manners haha
And to hold my chin up and maintain eye contact until they look away. I did it once with a man and wow was it ever empowering. From someone that couldn’t make eye contact when alone to staring men down.
Jesus moves mountains, I am living proof.

Dont forget to take my free online course Making Spiritual Progress without Religion. No credit card needed, just your email to be sent login information.
I love you! I will make you proud. 🌹
Ps. remember I am human and will make mistakes because I literally have no idea what I am doing. I Am nervous as heck but taught to regulate the panic and then told to refer to it as “excitement”/
I am supposed to be a lady, I have to change my language.
This is what evolution is apparently. Maturing, being refined, letting go of lies and so many limiting beliefs.
AKA Purifying our Bodies from impurities .

What is left?
I have no idea, but I know that I am headed there fast and I am freaking out.
The idea of having everyone know me is sheer excitement. Breathe….

Well, I love you,
There is nothing to Fear,

Blessings of Strength


This will help you accomplish more and make more progress on your Journey

This should be done every morning and throughout the day

Easy explanation

What demonic possession is and how it happens

Importance of intention setting.
Creating consciousness

What is quantum entanglement and examples

Using your imagination to visualize what you want as what you imagine and believe become true.

What is quantum resonance

What is the meaning of high and low vibe in life?


Created 10 months ago.

18 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I Grew up never meeting biological family and experienced Spirit save my life, my family’s lives and a kitten in September, October and December of 2013.

I then received Divine Interaction again as I was gifted Quantum Physics, Universal Knowledge, Dying and Sinning every way possible, Christ Consciousness, being Jesus Christ on the cross, walking with the cross and when he died more than once among many other experiences including purification of my mind, body and spirit so that I can guide Humanity to The Way to Salvation from Pain and Suffering without Religion.

Blessings of Encouragement,
