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DJT refuses to bend the knee. Down below in the comment section name all the other Republicans who refused to bend the knee to the Globalists.
1) Lincoln
2) Limbaugh
3) Reagan (in his first term as POTUS)
4) ????????

What should we call the extinctionist wing of humanity? Leftists ... or Deathtists. I vote for Deathtists.

Bullet Points:

"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it". Your values determine how you interpret that. Is it a call to arms, or a call to lay down arms?


Let's say the husband is a descendant of slave owners and the wife is a descendant of slaves, the left wants them to hate each other, and then act on that hate by killing each other. Their solution to EVERYTHING is murder because that is the only thing which satisfies their emotional hunger for extreme cruelty.

The left needs you to not understand the past and the present ... recording devices make that increasingly difficult. We have a chance to create a race of people who understand that revenge politics just creates more injustice, it doesn't fix the past. It actually disrespects the past by not learning from it.

In this video I define what a conservative is, and isn't. Spoiler alert, my definition differs from Webster's.
One thing is for certain, if you're not involved in fighting leftism ... you're NOT a conservative.

Michael Crichton said it best shortly before he died: "Catastrophism is a religion. It started thousands of years ago, then it was refined by Christians, Hebrews, Muslims and many others. Then it was perfected by the political movement that grew out of the French Revolution. That political movement is called leftism. Today we know it as Globalism. Mysticism + ambition + suicidal tendencies, rebranded as modern science ... when in fact it is the product of people with degrees in POLITICAL SCIENCE."

This clip is from a movie released in 1978. In the comment section tell me the name of the movie and why it is significant today.

Nixon re-established diplomatic relations with CHINA in the 70s. That was a bad idea.
In the 1960s battles were waged in the named of civil rights. The good guys won. In the 1970s evil took those "civil rights" tactics and stood them on their head to erase all the victories from the 60s, and replace those victories with a pro-enslavement movement which has gained steam every decade since that time.
And here we are now in 2024, the WEST trapped inside of a death camp it built for itself ... with the help of EASTERN leftists.

So if our side makes a video like this it is FACT-CHECKED. See how this works?

2 songs are presented here. One "song" produced by the grievance industry full of condescension and self-pity. The other song a statement of facts.
It's a divided world, because one side has healthy values and standards, the other side is a suicide cult.

IMO 1973 was the Zenith for the American Experiment. 1999 was the Zenith for global humanity.
In this video I attempt to answer that question.

A few months ago I was targeted by a software program designed to gather my personal data.
I almost fell for it. Watch this video to learn how you can identify these bots and avoid falling into their trap.



Check the ending of link 1 ... then check the beginning of link 2 ... notice anything ??

He loves the word "should", that's a problem. "We should all get along" ... "we should be in agreement on this issue" ... "we should come together" ... "the republican party should be a big tent ... "we should be able to find common ground" ... "they should understand it's in their own best interest" ... "we should refrain from labels" ... "it should in principle transcend politics" ... "we should focus on bipartisanship" ... "Bernie Sanders should be angry he was cheated by the DNC". Until you can admit to yourself that the left doesn't share your definition of what "should" happen, you'll struggle to figure out how to deal with the true insurrectionists (the leftocrats).
^^^^^ The people in the comment section say they don't trust Vivek. While I'm not as negative, I think it is wise to make Vivek prove himself over the coming years. If he does, great ... if he doesn't, give him the boot.

Remember when they said "A pandemic of the unvaccinated". And then they encouraged millions of the unvaccinated to come to the USA so they can spread disease, vote and join the paramilitary leftist armies they create using virtue-signaling names?

In this video I tell you how much I hate John Stossel and why. Pretty cool huh?

The US Supreme Court on Monday March 4th 2024 unanimously ruled Trump can stay on the Colorado primary 2024 ballot.
But why did they all agree?
I explain it in this video.

******EPISODE ALERT!!!******** In this episode I incorrectly state that retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal is a good guy. I WAS WRONG.

Since they have said it is self-evident Trump is Hitler why would they fear losing to him? The left could change and win elections without cheating, what does it tell you that they won't ??
COLONEL MCGREGOR ... seems like a good guy
Cathy McMorris ... not perfect, but not horrible
Andrew McCarthy ... has a long way to go, but he's on the right path

Now for the bad news ...

O’Sullivan’s Law, a product of British journalist and former Margaret Thatcher aide John O’Sullivan, states that any organization that is not explicitly right-wing will drift to the left over time.
You know why people of Faith attend religious services on a regular basis? Because it keeps their beliefs strong and reminds them of their duty to their faith.
The same thing MUST happen if you are to stay a patriotic, civilization-loving conservative.

The political left is many things ... among them is being a bumper-sticker-slogan movement.
Stupid people who love unprovoked violence while enslaving their fellow earthling know they can't persuade civilization to embrace hell-on-earth, so they rely on brain-dead slogans to get their pro-dystopian agenda adopted by corrupt leaders everywhere.
Sadly, since 30-40% of the human race has an IQ below plant life, their propaganda techniques work far more often than they should.

You know how the left likes to call everyone who isn't on the left, "Science-deniers"? Watch this video and comment down below on what you think of their claim.
Why don't Christians kick atheist-leftists (like Pelosi, Obama, Biden, Reverend Wright, Reverand Al Sharpton, etc etc etc) out of their club???
I'll tell you why, because just like the Republican party they have made a deal with the devil.
The deal goes like this: "We want to be the most popular club on earth, so we don't care how we grow our numbers."
Can you see the problem with this strategy? The answer has to do with one of the 7 deadly sins. PRIDE!!!!!
It all goes back to wanting to be voted Prom King and Prom Queen. Some people never get over high school. They hate themselves for not being voted "most popular". Then they spend the rest of their life wanting to be members of the "most popular club" on Earth ... Christianity or Leftism.
Leftists and Christians spend every waking second virtue signaling. A whole lot of virtue signaling, too often devoid of actual virtue.

I've never met someone who likes to debate. If you want to know why I criticize the human race so much, the previous sentence is why.
The majority of people on earth should LUV to debate, instead they love to remain silent in the face of evil ... or ... they love to AGREE with evil.


Created 2 years ago.

222 videos

Category News & Politics

Welcome to Rules4Rationals (a.k.a. The Power Accountability League). This channel exists to make Courageous Wisdom a virus that infects all of humanity.
Here, I won't tell you what to think. Instead I will attempt to give you the tools to think for yourself. If there is one thing you should learn early in life, it is that others cannot and should not do your thinking for you. Once you adopt that position, you will quickly discover that those in power hate the idea of anyone thinking for themselves. You might wonder if that is true for 100% of the powerful? No, just 95%, which is 95% too many.
The key to wisdom is critical thinking skills. To enhance those you need curiosity and reverence for logic, skepticism and history, both human and non-human.
Now that you've consumed the above, I invite you to dive into the waters of wisdom and courage.