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We all suffer from anxiety & dysphoria of various descriptions at some point in our lives, especially through childhood &teen years, our 20's &some, sadly lifelong.

Only through accepting & loving ourselves, our "flaws", only by being confident in ourselves, our bodies &differences, despite their imperfections, being ok with that, standing up for ourselves &our imperfections, knowing there is so much more to you, than those imperfections &proving that, can u reduce the fear.

The "Fear" of not being loved. "Fear" of not being accepted. "Fear" of missing out. "Fear" of being wronged. "Fear" of not being "perfect". "Fear" of loss. "Fear" of being betrayed. "Fear" of being seen as "ugly". "Fear" of being seen as too nice or too mean. "Fear" of being hated, abandoned. "Fear" of being poor. The "Fear" of So Much More.

This fear &dysphoria, brought on by so many people, (social) media, magazines, regularly being ignored or missing out, being betrayed by liars &low moraled people &much more. The "Fear" in one way or another, causes most of the dysphoria &anxieties.

Being put into a state of constant comfort based on comforting lies &false or forced acceptance, to keep the peace, will never get rid of your dysphoria &anxieties, in fact, over time, it will make it much worse! It makes it worse, because, deep down, u know it, u feel fear, u feel self-hatred, u feel lack of self-acceptance!

The only way to “Clear the Fear”, is Not to avoid your “Triggers”! It is to Learn to love &accept yourself, ur “ flaws”, ur “imperfections” & love them, even when no-one else on the planet will. You can choose to work on improving them, to ur standards, not anothers, if u wish.

When you love &accept yourself – “flaws”, “imperfections” &all, other peoples cruel words about them shall no longer trigger you, because your self-confidence, comes from ur self-love!

When you have put your broken, hidden pieces together, &made yourself “whole”, you will no longer be “Triggered” so easily. Being alone, meditation, art, journaling, writing, &other therapies, will reveal pain &inner “Truths” u never knew &mean people &control freaks &disaster lovers &war lovers, of this world, never want u to discover.

Strength comes from surviving &learning from adversity &difficulty -Not from avoiding &hiding from it or covering it up with drugs, comforting lies or forcing others to falsely change their thoughts &behaviors to accommodate ur sensitivities which stem from ur own self-hatred!

I understand, this may be triggering for some, but until you heal yourself, you will always be easily triggered by differences of thought &opinion &blame others, instead of understanding -Everyone is different, carrying their own, individual, hurt, pain, issues &triggers!

Face ur "triggers" -Don't spend ur life avoiding them! Learn from where they stem &work ur way through "jungle of difficulty" to fix it!

I wish you well, in your self-love & self-discovery journey!

Christmas Time, It’s Christmas Time
A fun little family-friendly xmas song I wrote.

I hope you all get to take some time away from your digital life, take some time away from your phone, or put it on silent, for a few hours, to chill out, spend a little time in nature.

I hope you all have your phones on silent, or off, for a few hours, to spend some quality time, focused, fully, on the people – the friends / family – that you are in front of & with at the time!

Enjoy the moments, Enjoy the day, for a few hours, without digital distractions! You may even enjoy yourself more!

Stay Safe
Have Fun

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!


I used a mix of free music creation programs for creating the background music / beat.
Most was done using:
Online Sequencer (

With a small amount of beat, made using:
Hydrogen (

Audio was Mixed to & Put together, using:
Audacity (

A fun, short Christmas song

I wrote, sang (in solo acappella), edited & designed the lyric video & backdrop.

I hope you enjoy!

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays!


I'm a novice / ameture / new hobbyest, doing this on old equipment, learning as I go, on a budget of zero, totally solo, with very limited quiet time to do any of the audio for this in.

I might be interested to collaborate with other, more skilled people, though I'm not very modern tech savvy.


No big deal, but...
If you feel like (and can afford to) support me to produce more creative content, or to help me fix my broken equipment (instead of buying new) feel free do donate a dollar or few to:

If you'd like my content & would like to support, but don't have money, feel free to give a "Like" or a word of support / encouragement / advice would be great too!


Tuesday Truths

We all see the world differently - Sometimes a little differently, Sometimes very differently!
That is Okay!

How boring would this word be, if we all saw eveything in the world the same way at all times? No more spirited discussions, no more new insights, no more new ideas, no more new art, no more new scientifc or other discoveries, no more new ways to help others, no more new foods or experiences, no more new realizations, no more new thoughts, no more new tv shows, no more new music, no more new no more new toys, no more new inventions, etc, no more new anything!

Even when raised in the same households, in the same or different ways, at the same time, each child grows up to have their own thoughts & viewpoints on things, sometimes extremely different, because even similar things, effect people in slightly different was, emotionally and psychologically.

So before judging people too harshly, or not nice way - remember - they are not you! They are a totally seperate entity to you, with different life experiences, different torments, different learnings, diffenert education, most of whom, were raised in different environments & different financial & different social statuses to you, potentiallly, with different languages, different slang & different meanings to words, to what you were, So to understand such, means, you should be more open, calm, understanding & less judgmental to others. Through understanding, comes equality & acceptance!

If you are having difficulty in life, especially in self love, or self acceptance, or self forgiveness, I hope reading this along with me, will help improve your life a little.

Self forgiveness, means trying ones best to not let ones self to make the same mistakes again, but, knowing that, no-one is perfect, not even self.

Only when our heart, mind & soul, are healed, strong & synchronized in honesty & truth, can we truly feel whole.

Good luck in your journey!

Sometimes life gets tough & we make mistakes, or we feel weak & so give in to what's popular or what we believe to be wrong, just to try to fit in & be seen as worthy of praise or companionship even when we believe what we are saying or doing is wrong, as a way to people please or gain popularity, or, sometimes we allow ourselves to become victims of something because we are too scared to say "No" or "Stop" or cause we fear hurting another's feelings, so we knowingly or unknowingly allow ourselves to become victims.

As we age, we often feel we wasted our lives on unimportant people, jobs, or things, that filled our insides, with hidden, secret anxiety, depression, trauma, fears & regret.

We feared judgment, rejection & exile if we were honest & spoke our truth, so we lied, to fit in & be falsely accepted, into a group, who only liked or accepted our fake self, our mask & not our whole, true self in.

So we feel fractured into pieces, inside, causing anxiety, fear, depression, trauma responses, hate, jealousy, anger & more, not know who we really are.

Some people try to solve such issues with bad things like - drugs, alcohol, gambling, violence, revenge, theft, crime, even suicide - rather than to face the real, difficult, underlying issues, head on, with bravery, - cause it's not taught, or not "cool", or can't escape the bad people or situations keeping them down & trapped.

There are many other reasons in this world. Feel free to comment on yours & even on how you plan to slowly overcome it!
If you overcame it, how you successfully overcame it, how long it took, etc.

Who knows, it may help inspire somebody, some day!

Monday Motivation.

The best person to find an affordable, suitable cure for a disease,
Someone who has the disease, themselves
Who are motivated enough
Who refuse to be a helpless victim
Who refuse to believe
That nothing can be done
Just cause there is nothing mainstream known yet

They are motivated to
Research their disease
Keep a diary of their
Symptoms – Times of day – Food & Drinks & Medication diary
Research anatomy, physiology, nerve & cell signaling,
Research the important role of Nutrient Deficiency
Nutrient & Chemical Toxicity
As co-factors in Cell & Signaling Creation & Disruption
Different types of hidden allergies / intolerance, potentially leading to signaling disruption, or cell mutations
They would research
Beneficial bacteria / Microbiome
Danger of Dysbiosis
Neurotransmitters & Hormones in health & disease
Anything else that may cause similar symptoms
To their disease

They mould be motivated enough
To find potential causes in themselves
Only once you find the cause of a disease in yourself, can you try to
Reverse-engineer it in yourself
To find a cure

Someone or something will one day find a cure for it!
Even if it is not from a mainstream source – Look at All Angles!
Even if it hidden from the world
Cause healthy people don’t need expensive surgery or medications!

The Quesetion Is:

Do you want to live & die early, being a Helpless Victim, to your disease?


Are you motivated research, understand & fight it?
Do you want to do your best, using your time & energy, to do everything you can, to find a way to reverse it, fully, or even partially?

If your found a way, would you share it?

Are you ready to stop being a victim?

Are you ready to be your own hero?

I hope this poem / side text, helps to inspire / motivate you or a loved one to research & fight for yours / their health & Not Give Up!

Good Luck!

This song is about old age, the pain of terminal illness, etc, when your life on earth has run it's course, and it's time to let go of this life, and enter the next, to see those who went into spirit world before you, where you & your forever love, will meet again in spirit / heaven, after death.

It's about knowing it is your time to leave, and you are no longer afraid, of leaving the pain of widowhood or cancer pain behind.

It’s about knowing there is no cure, everyone has their time limit, knowing you lived the best you could with what you had, fearless with acceptance towards the end.

It was inspired by listening to people at the end of their life, saying they no longer fear passing on / accept their fate / lived their best / have few or no regrets, from their given time of “in body” earthly human experience. Yes, some of them my family / friends too, but others wisdom of strangers.

Dedicated to the elderly & terminally ill & their families.

Whatever You Set Out To Achieve

Life may be difficult right now,
But just know,
If you put in the time & effort
If you believe in yourself
You Are Capable!

Webs We Weave
A short poem I wrote a while back
Here I have made it into a song in:
Solo Accapella

Lyric Video, of my Spoken Word / Poem "Respectfully Disagree".


You can still have love, care, respect, friendship, family & more, despite disagreeing on many things, even, many of which matter strongly to you, but opposite to them. There is no need to hate, unfriend, cancel opinions of those who disagree to you! To do so,

To hate, unfriend, cancel others, for disagreeing with you, shows only that your thoughts, beliefs & stance is weak, or you dislike learning or trying to understand new & different perspectives, you are a tyrant, control freak, or narcissist.

There is nothing wrong, with hearing others out, & trying to understand their thoughts, reasons, perspectives for their (wildly) different views & opinions, what led them to their beliefs & their conclusions. It can be worth taking a look at yourself, to understand where you got your information & beliefs from of your own perspectives & why you fear, or don't fear other thoughts & perspectives.

You would be very surprised at how freeing & amazing it feels, to listen to & understand beliefs & perspectives from multiple viewpoints of at least some of the other 8.5billion humans on the planet earth!

Live with love, understanding, debate, care & friendship, with the variety of viewpoints in life, from around the globe, not just the 1 narrow minded viewpoint, you do most of your learning about anything from!

Lyric Video, of my indi song, "Why Would I Want To Be You? (When I Can Just Be Me?)" in a solo accapella.

Sick & tired of trying to fake who you are & pretend to be someone you're not, cause you scared you won't be like if you are you? Anxiety / Depression / Hiding away, due to fear of others / situations, etc?

Sick & tired of that fear & just want to be you, & not care if u loved for you honesty of self or not, because honesty & integrity means more than fake love & fake admiration of a fake persona?
I totally understand!

Writing poems / songs like this, helps me explore this sort of thing, within myself. I hope you get some enjoyment, or help (eg. looking inside self), etc from the lyrics.

I will put a spoken word version up at some point in the future.

Thanks For watching / Listening / Reading!

Yeah, I know, I'm not the best at this stuff, & It could be better, if done by someone more talented. But, hey, I'm a newbie & sooo not perfect! Although I’d like to improve, I have zero intention on trying to ever be perfect, as perfection can seem like a slavery to one thing & reduces lifes enjoyment & thought of other things & viewpoints.

It’s more raw & way under-produced, on a zero budget! If you like it, put a thumbs up / like. If you don't like it, feel free to put a thumbs down / dislike.

Feel free to leave a comment. If you leave a "like" style comment, I'd love to know what parts / why!
If you leave a "dislike" / "negatively critical" style comment, I'd love to know what parts / why - be specific & give a potential solution.

As someone who thinks & sees & understands the world differently to most, & also a solo newbie in this area of things, I'd like to improve over time, via helpful suggestions.

Thanks in advance, for your time with reading, listening, thinking, contemplating & advice!

On the off chance anyone would like to use this at any time now or at any time in the future, please contact me on here directly, thankyou.

Lyric Video, of my indi song, "Famine, Without Farmers" in a solo accapella.

A tribute & thanks to all the hard workers farmers, pickers, packers & produce drivers, etc, who do the tough grunt work, for a pittance, to help keep all us humans (parents, kids, family, friends, rich, poor & ourselves), our pets, etc fed! These poor folk work real hard, & regularly do it tough, especially the small, family-run, & generational farms, who rarely or never receive any thanks! Many of you, around the world have been doing it tough for a long time, then there’s droughts, floods, pestilence, etc, and many barely make enough to live off! Many are pretty much being forced out of business. Without them – well, you know what will happen – it’s also in the song! Farmers, pickers, packers, produce drivers, etc, especially small family run / generational farms, I want you to know: You are appreciated by at least some of us on the planet! Without you, there is no us!

Yeah, I know, I'm not the best at this stuff, & It could be better, if done by someone more talented. But, hey, I'm a newbie & sooo not perfect! Although I’d like to improve, I have zero intention on trying to ever be perfect, as perfection can seem like a slavery to one thing & reduces lifes enjoyment & thought of other things & viewpoints.
It’s more raw & way under-produced, on a zero budget!

If you like it, put a thumbs up / like.

If you don't like it, feel free to put a thumbs down.

Feel free to leave a comment. If you leave a "like" style comment, I'd love to know what parts / why!

If you leave a "dislike" / "negatively critical" style comment, I'd love to know what parts / why - be specific & give a potential solution.

As someone who thinks & sees & understands the world differently to most, & also a solo newbie in this area of things, I'd like to improve over time, via helpful suggestions.

Thanks in advance, for your time with reading, listening, thinking, contemplating & advice!

On the off chance anyone would like to use this at any time now or at any time in the future, please contact me on here directly, thankyou.

Lyric Video, of my indi song, "This World Is Made Of" in a solo accapella.

A tribute & thanks to all the hard workers, including, but not limited to: cleaners, customer service & especially those who do the tough grunt work, for a pittance & rarely or never any thanks! You are appreciated by at least some of us on the planet!

Yeah, I know, I'm not the best at this stuff, & It could be better, if done by someone more talented. But, hey, I'm a newbie & sooo not perfect! Although I’d like to improve, I have zero intention on trying to ever be perfect, as perfection can seem like a slavery to one thing & reduces lifes enjoyment & thought of other things & viewpoints.

If you like it, put a thumbs up / like.

If you don't like it, feel free to put a thumbs down. Feel free to leave a comment. If you leave a "like" style comment, I'd love to know what parts / why!

If you leave a "dislike" / "negatively critical" style comment, I'd love to know what parts / why - be specific & give a potential solution.

As someone who thinks & sees & understands the world differently to most, & also a solo newbie in this area of things, I'd like to improve over time, via helpful suggestions.

Thanks in advance, for your time with reading, listening, thinking, contemplating & advice!


Created 1 year, 3 months ago.

13 videos

Category Music

Because we all age & that's ok!
Because we are all different & that's ok!
Just learn who you really are!
Just learn from mistakes to gain wisdom along the way!
Share truth of experience, not perfection!

My Independent, Imperfect Poems & Solo Accapella Songs. Of various themes & challenges, self-searching, tributes to, random, etc.