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Prof. Tony Martin on his book "The Jewish Onslaught," presented by Alternative Forum November 8, 2000.

The Controversy Surrounding the Jewish Role in the Trade in African Slaves - Dr. Tony Martin
Introduction by David Irving.

Jewish Leaders Demand Farrakhan Denounce Secret Relationship Book

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews - Minister Farrakhan

Texe Marrs Power of Prophecy Show 4/24/2015

Ernst Zundel Interviews Michael Hoffman on the history of slavery.

The lies we are taught about the so called White enslavement of blacks.

This is an excerpt from Thomas Sowell discussing the founding fathers views concerning slavery.

This essay titled "The Real History of Slavery" presents a re-examination of that tragic institution and the narrow and distorted way it is too often seen today. The reasons for the venomous hatred of Jews, and of other groups like them in countries around the world, are explored in an essay that asks, "Are Jews Generic?"

The Jewish Role in the Slave Trade.

Hebrew sources, official decrees, judicial records and reports from European travelers indicate that European slaves in Jewish households was a widespread occurrence.

Dr. David Duke quotes Jewish sources on their domination of slave trade.

David Duke quotes Jewish sources on their domination of the slave trade on infowars with Alex Jones.


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

13 videos

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