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Galen Winsor war Kernchemiker der ersten Stunde. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehörten Planung, Errichtung sowie Betrieb der ersten Urananreicherungsanlage in Hanford, USA, und später der Wiederaufbereitungsanlage in San Jose, Kalifornien, der nur zum geringsten Teil genutzten Brennstäbe aus damaligen Kernkraftnlagen. Hoch vertraut mit den vermeintlichen und realen Gefahren radioaktiver Strahlung, mit der er zeitlebens umging, kämpfte er gegen völlig überzogenene Strahlenschutzbestimmungen.

Michael Tellinger presents a short introduction to the UBUNTU Movement's ONE SMALL TOWN - WILL CHANGE THE WORLD strategy - to create a new alternative social structure for all of humanity - to free us from financial slavery and create prosperity and abundance for all. Find out more at and join the UBUNTU Movement at

Let the truth will be light in the darkness of deception that we live in. It is time to swing pendulum in to other side towards free will.
Those who are awake probably noticed, that in observe able reality, that we all share, can observe and live in, everything is fine. All humans problems are imaginary. Yes, we people kill each other for imaginary reasons. People are delusional version of human beings. What I am saying, some one is telling to us stories, after which, we run, like a dogs after ball. Can help it, it just how dogs are. So our “flying object” to run after is imaginary (=not real). Wake up! in a deeper meaning this time, in to total reality, that we all can observe. Wake up in to the truth which is life it self in a present moment, as we all can observe. Wake up from imaginary right and wrong, good or bad, In to observe able reality (pinch yourself if you need) and see what is actually serving life (our human needs). We all have same human needs which means, in sincereness and awakened truthfulness, there is nothing in the world that any of you, can feel or need something that I wouldn’t need and feel too. Which means, if it is not serving life for everyone, it is not serving at all. Please bring in to awareness, how our actions serves life. We have exactly as we all do collectively and each. Hell and heaven is right here right now, it is all in our hands. There is no gravity, no balls flying in imaginary space, no dinosaurs, no Santa, Pope or President (they just wear different costumes) It is not paper based reality, but we are real and our hearts beats for the same reason.

One of the most introspective songs written by Michael Tellinger - an echo of our times and tribulations. A time when consciousness begins to play an ever increasing role in how we see ourselves in this world and the universe. Pay attention to the lyrics - they will resonate with many of our insecurities and blind determination to make a difference in this world.

Q: if it is truth How it will change our life?

very impotent to have in your mind 23 secunds


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

9 videos

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