Scalar Light

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Scalar Light



Experience Scalar 30 days FREE (no credit/debit card required):

Antoine Priore was an electrical engineer who invented a powerful Scaler Light plasma tube in the 1950s. Priore successfully treated cancer and tumors by way of this powerful plasma tube that created a local, Scaler Light environment capable of correcting the substitution, addition or deletion of base pairs in the DNA molecule. As a result, both people and animals were cured of various types of cancers as well as tumors when placed beneath the plasma tube designed by Priore. In function, the Divine Intelligence imparted by way of the Priore plasma tube served to cure both human and animal cancers and tumors, including some types of leukemia. Antoine Priore's Scaler Light plasma tube was effective in curing cancer on account of the fact that DNA is created and programmed by Scaler Light and can be subsequently reprogrammed by way of Scaler Light back to its original, perfect state. The Priore Scaler Light plasma tube reprogrammed the DNA molecule with Divine Intelligence thereby repairing base pair mutations.

Scalar Light 30 Day FREE Trial:
Scalar Light Testimonies and PCR Test Results:

The Scaler Light Pathogenic Cleanse negates the molecular bonds of the Varicella-zoster virus. Subsequently, the pathogen disassembles and ceases to exist. All Scaler Light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

Scalar Light 30 Day Free Trial:
Browse our many submitted PCR Test Results:
Also, testimonies:

A woman emailed her photograph in order to be treated with the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. The human herpes virus 6 (HHV6) was identified upon the photograph of the woman and subsequently eradicated by the administration of Scalar Light. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse reduced the human herpes virus 6 to a state of chaos. Subsequently, the human herpes virus 6 ceased to exist. Here is the PCR Test Result that was sent to us.

Herpes PCR Results here:

Scalar Light 30 Day FREE Trial:

Scalar Light Herpes Program:

#HerpesSimplexVirus #ScalarLight #PCRTesResults #EnergyHealing #QuantumHealing #VirusFree #ScalarEnergy #HealingTechnology #NikolaTesla #QuantumScience #HealthInnovation #ViralHealing #AlternativeMedicine #BioenergyHealing #ScalarLightTherapy #QuantumEntanglement #HerpesCure #VirusNotDetected #HealingJourney #EnergyMedicine #HolisticHealing #PathogenCleansing #NutrientTherapy #ChakraBalancing #ScalarWaves

To learn more about Scalar Energy and to register for a Scalar Light 15 Day FREE Trial, visit:

There are two energies in the universe: electromagnetic energy and scaler energy. Many people have theorized that scaler energy exists and have given various names to this, such as chi, orgone energy, life force, tachyon energy, Om, logoital plasma, Creative Strength, Prana, etc. In retrospect, these terms alluded to scaler energy which originates from the Sun in our solar system and the stars of the universe. Scaler energy is a divine light that is one of the infinite attributes of God the Creator.

Electromagnetic energy and scaler energy have different properties and thus behave differently. For example, electromagnetic energy experiences entropy and attenuates over distance, whereas scaler energy does not experience entropy as its signal never attenuates. Electromagnetic energy is Hertzian in nature and is a transverse wave, whereas scaler energy is non-Hertzian in the heart and longitudinal wave. An electromagnetic wave propagates in a direction that is orientated at right angles to the vibrations of both the electric and magnetic oscillating field vectors and assumes the form of a sine wave. A scaler wave pre-exists between two points and assumes a Phi spiral, the double helix.

Scaler energy assembles and disassembles matter in the universe. Without scaler energy, the universe would be in a state of chaos, devoid of order and geometry. Ether is the fundamental, physical component that the physical universe comprises and is responsible for the formation of protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, elements, molecules, plants, animals, humans, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. Succinctly, scaler energy acts upon the ether to assemble or disassemble the physical forms of the universe. Thus, scaler energy is an intelligent energy that instructs ether how to assume a specific geometry, thereby giving order to the universe.

#ScalarEnergy #ElectromagneticEnergy #UniversalEnergies #ChiEnergy #Orgone #LifeForce #TachyonEnergy #Prana #CreativeStrength #DivineLight #EnergyHealing #QuantumHealing #SpiritualAwakening #Consciousness #Ether #UniversalOrder #NonHertzian #LongitudinalWave #EnergyMedicine #ScalarLight #FreeTrial #SpiritualScience #CosmicEnergy #HealingFrequencies #VibrationalHealing #EnergyTransformation

Scalar Light 15 Day FREE Trial:
More info about Thomas Galen Hieronymus:
Read The Story of Eloptic Energy - The Autobiography of an Advanced Scientist Dr. T. Galen Hieronymus:

Thomas Galen Hieronymus was a pioneer of Scalar Energy research and development as his lifelong effort has served to introduce a seminal understanding of this fundamental force in nature. Hieronymus' insight as to the nature of Scalar Energy was so advanced that he was able to invent various Scalar Energy instruments that were able to assemble, disassemble as well as detect physical matter. Subsequently, Hieronymus coined the term, "eloptic energy," in order to describe this unrecognized, primal force in nature. Eloptic energy is derived from the words electricity and optics and is synonymous with the term: Scalar Energy. Hieronymus observed that eloptic energy possessed some of the properties of electricity as well as some of the properties of optics, subsequently, he realized that eloptic energy is not of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The Scalar Energy Experiments of Thomas Galen Hieronymus

1) A Scalar Energy, "cosmic pipe," was developed in order to mineralize the soil by
transmuting the elements and minerals without the need of chemicals or fertilizer.

2) Scalar Energy was utilized to grow plants in the dark devoid of any source of electromagnetic light thereby proving the role that Scalar Energy has in the process of photosynthesis.

3) A Scalar Energy instrument was used to track and monitor the Apollo 11 astronauts during their lunar mission. The astronauts were tracked and monitored exclusively by way of their photographs.

4) Pathogens and insects were routinely disassembled or transmuted by way of a Scalar Energy instrument thereby curing pathogenic disease in people, animals, trees and plants.

5) A Scalar Energy instrument was utilized in conjunction with aerial photographs in order to locate people and objects. Hence, Scalar Energy is capable on locating any missing person or object anywhere in the world by identifying their Scalar Energy signature on an aerial photograph.

6) Insects were eradicated from farms by way of a Scalar Energy instrument that posed a threat to the crops.

7) A Scalar Energy instrument was utilized in order to transfer the genome of a pecan tree into a walnut tree. The result was a hybridized walnut tree that possessed the genetic make-up of both a walnut tree and a pecan tree.

#ScalarEnergy #ThomasGalenHieronymus #ElopticEnergy #FreeScalarLightTrial #ScalarLightResearch #CosmicPipe #ScalarInventions #NatureOfScalarEnergy #AdvancedScience #ScalarEnergyExperiments #HieronymusDiscoveries #ScalarEnergyHealing #NoChemicalFarming #GrowPlantsInDark #Apollo11Monitoring #PathogenDestruction #ScalarEnergyInAgriculture #LocateWithScalarEnergy #InsectEradication #GeneticTran

15 Day FREE Trial (No credit/debit card required):

Here is a recent testimony that was submitted to us after some time on our Standard Scalar Program.

"I had a wart on my middle finger for 2 years. I used every over the counter wart freezing product but no luck. I went to the doctor and had it professionally frozen to see if it would fall off. But that didn't work either. The doctor said if it didn't work that I would need a chemotherapy treatment in that finger. But I never went back….The planters wart was so deep it created nerve pain that kept me up all night. It now looks good. The fingernail has returned to normal, the skin is returning to normal and I have no pain. It is truly a miracle! Thank you so much!”

15 Day FREE Trial (No Credit/Debit Card Required):

Read the article this video is based on:

Dive into a profound exploration of Scaler Light, a divine attribute of Jesus Christ, through the lens of the Gospel of Luke and the essence of divine healing as described in the Bible. This video delves into the narrative of Luke 8:43-48, where a woman's faith and a touch of Jesus' garment bring about a miraculous healing, illustrating the infinite glory and healing power of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

We explore the concept of Scaler Light, referred to as the divine light or power that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, embodies and utilizes to perform miracles of healing throughout the Bible. From curing diseases with His spoken Word to healing by His touch, Jesus demonstrates His divine authority as the ultimate healer, utilizing Scaler Light - the Creative Strength of God.

This video further connects the historical significance of the Ark of the Covenant as a vessel of Scaler Light to modern-day Scaler Light sessions, which aim to impart the healing power of Jesus Christ onto individuals. By transmitting Scaler Light onto photographs of people, animals, or plants, these sessions seek to improve spiritual, cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being through the divine action of Jesus Christ.

Discover how Scaler Light sessions work, the divine principle behind them, and how they represent a modern continuation of Jesus Christ's healing ministry. Learn how you, too, can experience this transformative power through a 15-day FREE trial of Standard Scaler Sessions at Scaler Light dot com, no credit or debit card required. Embark on a journey of faith and healing, and witness how the divine light of Jesus Christ continues to shine and heal in the modern world.

#ScalerLight #Healing #JesusChrist #BiblicalHealing #DivineLight #FaithHealing #Miracles #GospelOfLuke #SpiritualWellness

Hepatitis PCR Results here:

Scalar Light FREE 15 day trial:

Nikola Tesla knew that radiant energy could be used in many ways! We now know so much more than we did 100 years ago. Energy healers channel this energy and call it "life force energy". Scalar Light can direct this energy with an instrument and help you to heal from your most troublesome health challenges.
#energyhealing #nikolatesla #lifeenergy
Try 15 days of scalar energy and keep us posted on your experience. All we need from you is a facial photo. Your photo is confidential and will be discarded at the end of the 15 day trial. The scalar energy session is free for 15 days and there is no obligation or need for your credit card.

All Scalar Light programs exclusively transmit scalar light upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Only the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects receive the scalar light transmission of energy. Scalar Light has NEVER been administered on an in-person basis. Furthermore, scalar light is an unrecognized energy dimension that has not been accepted by conventional science.
Scalar Light honors the medical community and encourages everyone to likewise respect and honor the advice of qualified medical and wellness professionals. Additionally, Scalar Light honors the scientific community and encourages everyone to likewise respect and honor the advice of qualified scientists and researchers.
The Scalar Light administration of scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration and/or any other Governmental derivatives thereof, known or unknown. Furthermore, the Scalar Light administration of scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects has not been evaluated by the medical community nor the scientific community.
All Scalar Light sessions act exclusively upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Hence, all subject matter on the web site, SCALARLIGHT.COM is a direct and exclusive reference to the influence and action of Scalar Light upon these photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.
Scalar Light is a divine light, thus, the administration of Scalar Light upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object is analogous to divine prayer upon that photograph of a person, animal, plant or object.

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles and eradicates the herpes virus from photographs. Get a 15 day FREE trial (no credit/debit card required):

See more PCR Test Results here:

Scalar Light FREE 15 day trial:

#herpesvirus #epsteinbarrvirus #scalarlight

15 Day FREE Trial:

Scalar Light administers divine, non-physical energy that influences the signatures embedded upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. Scalar Light is a new and emerging science.

Discover the transformative power of Scalar Light in this compelling testimonial video. Witness the journey of a person who struggled with persistent psoriasis and found relief through the unique method of Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. This treatment was administered remotely by simply using their photograph.

See more PCR Test Results here:

Scalar Light FREE 15 day trial:

#scalarenergy #lymediseasepcrtest #borreliaburgdorferi

30 Day FREE Trial Here:
Anyone can register even if you live outside of Hawaii.

FREE Standard Scalar Light Quantum Healing Sessions

30 Days of FREE Standard Scalar Light Sessions For Anyone!


#HealingHawaii #ScalarLight #QuantumHealing #FreeTrial #EnergyHealing #WellnessJourney #ChakraBalancing #ImmunityBoost #PathogenCleanse #ToxinRelease #CellularNutrition #HolisticHealth #QuantumEnergy #ScalarTherapy #MindBodySoul #SpiritualHealing #LightTherapy #AlternativeHealing #HealingJourney #NoCardRequired #HealthAndWellness #EnergyBalance #ChakraHealing #QuantumWellness #ScalarHealth

15 day free trial:
PCR Test Results:
Learn more about the pathogenic cleanse:

In this enlightening video, we present the real-life effectiveness of our Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse, as proven by independent and unbiased PCR testing. Our clients have shared their PCR test results, showcasing the transformative impact of Scalar Light therapy.

#ScalarLight #PathogenicCleanse #HealingEnergy #WellnessJourney #EnergyHealing #PCRResults #AlternativeMedicine #HolisticHealth #ScientificWellness #HealthInnovation #FreeTrial #EmergingScience #NaturalHealing #HealthTransformation #WellnessExploration #PathogenFree #MindBodySpirit #InnovativeTherapy #ScalarEnergy #HealingJourney #HealthAndWellness #SpiritualScience #BioenergyHealing #AlternativeTherapies #ScalarLightHealing

15 day FREE Trial:

Did you know that there are several cancers that may be brought about by the presence of certain pathogens. Take for instance - Karposi Sarcoma. Also Human Papilloma Virus. There are other cancers which may be associated with the presence of certain pathogens. Because Scalarlight has the absolute capability to destroy pathogens by instructing the molecular bonds that hold them together to "break apart ". Scalar light instructs the germ to basically self -destruct. This shows that Scalar light therapies could prove beneficial in preventing some cancers.

#CancerPrevention #ScalarLightTherapy #HealthcareInnovation #PathogenDestruction #KaposiSarcomaAwareness #HPVAwareness #CancerResearch #ScalarLightHealing #MolecularHealth #CancerPathogens #HealthAndWellness #MedicalBreakthrough #ScalarTechnology #HPVCancerPrevention #AlternativeTherapies #CancerAwareness #HealthEducation #InnovativeHealing #PathogenFreeLiving #ScalarLightBenefits #PreventiveHealthcare #HealthTech #CancerFight #WellnessJourney #ScalarLightScience


All Scalar Light programs exclusively transmit scalar light upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Only the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects receive the scalar light transmission of energy. Scalar Light has NEVER been administered on an in-person basis. Furthermore, scalar light is an unrecognized energy dimension that has not been accepted by conventional science. Scalar Light honors the medical community and encourages everyone to likewise respect and honor the advice of qualified medical and wellness professionals.

See more HIV PCR Test Results here:

Scalar Light FREE 15 day trial:

#scalarenergy #hivpcrtest #hiv

More info:

15 day FREE Trial:

Join us in exploring the fascinating world of Scalar Light and its potential impact on preventing Type 1 Diabetes. This video delves into the science behind Scalar Light, a unique force believed to assemble and maintain all matter in the universe, including pathogens. Discover how Scalar Light is utilized in the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse to potentially disassemble viruses linked to Type 1 Diabetes, specifically through its application on photographs. Learn about the intriguing concept of bilocation and the quantum health benefits Scalar Light may offer. Dive into this emerging branch of physics and hear testimonials from those who have experienced Scalar Light sessions. Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

#ScalarLight #Type1DiabetesPrevention #EmergingScience #QuantumHealth #HealthInnovation

Scalar Light HIV Program:

30 day FREE Trial - NO credit/debit card required.

#hiv #energyhealing #scalarenergy to sign up for the Scalar Light 30 Day FREE Trial

#ScalarLight #FreeTrial #EnergyHealing #QuantumHealing #ScalarEnergy #NoCreditCard #NoDebitCard #HealingLight #Wellness #HolisticHealth #LightTherapy #VibrationalHealing #BiofieldEnergy #HealingTechnology #QuantumWellness #AlternativeHealth #SpiritualHealing #FrequencyHealing #NonInvasiveTherapy #HealthAndWellness #MindBodySpirit #EnergyWork #FreeHealing #HolisticTherapy #EnergyMedicine

Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian passionate about harnessing Scalar Energy to enhance health and quality of life. His journey began during his undergraduate years, inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla and Hieronymus. Tom's innovative "Scalar Light" instrument is a testament to his dedication to making a positive impact on people's well-being.

15 day free trail to everyone on the home page

Enlightened Empowered Evolved Website -

#ScalarLight #EnergyHealing #BreakthroughTechnology #QuantumHealing #ScalarEnergy #AlternativeHealing #QuantumEnergy #Innovation #EnergyMedicine #HolisticHealth #QuantumPhysics #ScalarLightTherapy #VibrationalHealing #HealingFrequencies #Biofield #EnergyField #Consciousness #SpiritualHealing #Wellness #Transformation #LightTherapy #FrequencyHealing #NewScience #ScalarWaves #HealthInnovation

Scalar Light 15 Day FREE Trial:
**NO credit/debit card required**

Tom Paladino is interviewed about Scalar Energy on DTM (Drop The Mic) podcast.

#scalarlight #scalarenergy #tompaladino

🔗 15 DAY FREE Trial:

Discover the fascinating world of scalar light, a divine energy originating from the Sun and stars. In this video, we delve into the unique scalar light sessions and compare them with conventional medicine practices. Uncover the groundbreaking science behind scalar light and its potential quantum health benefits. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the infinite possibilities of the universe through scalar light.

🌟 Key Highlights:

The origins of scalar light.
The unique process of scalar light sessions.
A comparison between scalar light and conventional medicine.
Theories and research behind scalar light's instantaneous communication.

🔗 15 DAY FREE Trial:
Read The Comparison of Scalar Light Sessions Versus Conventional Medicine:

👍 If you found this video informative, please give it a thumbs up, share, and subscribe for more enlightening content!

#ScalarLight #DivineEnergy #QuantumHealth #ConventionalMedicine #EnergyScience #ScalarSessions #PhotographHealing #SunEnergy #StarEnergy #QuantumEntanglement #NewScience #EmergingResearch #EnergyFields #ScalarInstruments #DivineHealing #LightOfGod #UniverseEnergy #HealthInnovations #QuantumBenefits #ScalarResearch #EnergyTransformation #ScalarVsMedicine #DivineLight #EnergyParadigm #ScalarTechnology


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

238 videos

Category None

I have developed a Scalar Light program whereby I am able to administer Scalar Light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In so doing, Scalar Light is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of pathogens embedded upon these photographs. Scalar Light is non-physical, divine energy that operates at the informational level and is capable of negating all types of pathogens, thus eliminating the causative agent of disease identified upon the photograph. Once the causative agent of a pathogenic disease has been negated, the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or sometimes disappear altogether. All Scalar Light sessions are exclusively administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics that is able to influence the Scalar Light force fields embedded upon a photograph. Scalar Energy is a dimension that is distinct from electromagnetic energy. All questions and inquires should be addressed to the Scalar Light Support Desk: e-mail: [email protected] Phone: (805) 364-3051 or 1-800-345-9851 (Voice Mail Only)