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Holy Crap-Balls - even MSM are now discussing the toxic shots.

“Discovery billions fragments of DNA in every dose” - Florida Surgeon General

The masses are going to be severely pissed off when they finally find out what they’ve injected themselves with numerous times.

Because blood clots, heart problems and sudden death are small prices to pay for free fast food!

🇵🇸🇮🇱 How Was Israel Formed?

These men who took part in the Nakba will tell you:

"He grabbed a woman, young and good looking, went into a house, prepared a bedroom and wanted to fu** her."

"The girl came back half dead, like a rag."

"One guy raped there a sixteen year old girl or something of the sort." *he says while smiling.*

"Some guys took flamethrowers and ran after people and incinerated them."

Listen to the desperation creaking in her voice.

Trump lives in her head and probably in her nightmares!




VIDEO INSIDE THE CIA; Project Manager Says Execs and Directors of CIA withheld information from Trump

Bill Gates explains the various ways lab-grown meat will be used to bring about a "large-scale change in dietary habits".

"Almost every type of food—milk, cheese—there's interesting work going on. And so if you can get, say beef or pork to be made this way, amazingly, that would even help with things like deforestation."

Pharmacist admits that he knew the jibby jab was for depopulation and was coerced into giving it to people.

He doesn't seem to be phased one bit in killing and disabling people because of his job. His excuse was, he was "forced" to do it. No, he wasn't. He could have quit. No one put a gun to his head.

This pharmacist is done.

Pharmacist admits that he knew the jibby jab was for depopulation and was coerced into giving it to people.

He doesn't seem to be phased one bit in killing and disabling people because of his job. His excuse was, he was "forced" to do it. No, he wasn't. He could have quit. No one put a gun to his head. This pharmacist is done.

Stop uploading your children’s pictures on to social media, go find a photo album and get them printed like how things used to be. Stop giving pedophiles access to your children!

It turns out for pedophiles in Hollywood, "It's A Small World After All."

'Conspiracy of Silence' is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government.

Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia.

Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, “Conspiracy of Silence” was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom demonstrates his mating call wiggle...

The WHO (World Health Organization) is planning to control every aspect of your life!

This is a video of the little baby that was stabbed today by the Islamist terrorist in Sydney.
She is in serious condition undergoing surgery in hospital.
Her mother died in the attack.


Created 4 years ago.

63 videos

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