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Dr. Lively challenges Christian churches to end their voluntary submission to government dominance and restore "the lost Doctrine of Christian Sovereignty."

Dr. Lively's "Petition Against CDC Vaccine Bullying" was launched with this video version of his article of the above title. It is an attempt to stop the CDC and those in collusion with the CDC from coercing the public into taking the Covid 19 "vaccine" and explains why such an effort is necessary. The printed article may be read here: https://www.scottlively.net/2021/05/31/pushing-back-against-cdc-vaccine-bullying/ The Petition may be signed here: https://www.scottlively.net/petition-against-cdc-vaccine-bullying-2/

BANNED by YOUTUBE for "medical misinformation" this show is Dr. Lively's discussion of the globalist tyranny of the people of the world under the pretext of a public health emergency they created themselves, and the attempt to force all of humanity to submit to genetic experimentation through "vaccination" with a fake-vaccine that he suggests is also the placeholder for a One World Government global identification card.

Dr. Lively talks about Amazon's recent removal and ban of his book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, and explains the origins of the so-called "Cancel Culture" in the Oregon LGBT community which in part inspired his writing of the book.

From the Archives of December 2019. Dr. Lively discusses the false choice of Socialism vs Capitalism, expanding upon his prior essay "The False Choice of Conservative vs. Progressive." He explains why the debate context of the "culture war" so heavily favors the Marxists.

From the Archives of December 1917. Dr. Lively discusses the religious nature of Marxism and contrasts it with the Biblical model. He details the four primary forms of Marxism and argues that their nearly two-century-long assault on Judeo-Christian civilization is a religious war that modern conservatives are losing for lack of understanding of that fact and of the extent to which Marxists shape conservative perspectives. This essay on which this commentary is based may be found at scottlively.net

Dr. Lively explains how the LGBT movement has exploited the Black civil rights movement for its own political purposes since the 1980s and is one of the primary forces driving the present "Black Lives Matter" campaign to overthrow what's left of the Judeo-Christian foundation and infrastructure of America.

Dr. Lively draws upon his historical research for his book The Pink Swastika, co-authored by Kevin Abrams, to explain the roots of "Antifa" in the Soviet Communist infiltration of Germany just after WWI closely following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. He attributes the rise of German fascism (itself a Marxist faction) to the fear of Soviet Communist street violence by the Socialist leadership of the Weimar regime -- a regime which attempted to counter the Communists by empowering the Fascists to fight them in the streets. Dr. Lively asserts that the Nazi Brownshirts learned their street tactics -- and even the use of "concentration camps," from the Communists.
It was the perception around the world that the German Fascists represented the best answer to Communism that popularized Fascism (and Hitler personally) to such an alarming degree internationally in the 1920s and 30s.


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

8 videos

Category News & Politics

Dr. Scott Lively is an attorney, pastor and thirty-year activist and missionary to the global pro-family movement who specializes in teaching and applying the Biblical worldview to all aspect of politics and culture.