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Political correctness is destroying all Western nations and their culture. There is a small group of people behind the PC agenda and they are using it to destroy white culture and enslave everyone, yet most people have know idea what is really going on because they have been dumbed down and brainwashed by this small group of people who own the banks and the media.

The Federal Reserve and the Federal Income Tax were created by acts of a bribed congress in 1913 so that the Rockefeller's and their Zionist Warburg buddies could enslave America and fund the coming planned World Wars. The United States has been systematically gutted by these Zionist elite for their Satanic New World Order ever since.
If you didn't know the Federal Reserve was a private bank and that YOU are a SLAVE, I hope that you will watch this and learn how you became a slave.

John F. Kennedy speaks to a crowd and tells them that ABSOLUTELY NO VACCINE TESTING HAS BEEN DONE SINCE 1989!!!!
He also discusses big-pharma's role in destroying the health of our children for profit.
I personally believe that vaccines are a population reduction scheme just as Bill Gates said.

B'nai B'rith leader Leo Frank rapes, beats and murders his very young and beautiful employee Mary Phagan and tries to pin the murder on a black man with the help of the Anti-Defamation League. (ADL) It shows exactly what kind of organization the ADL truly is. It is a Satanic Christ-Hating organization that will stop at nothing to get a Zionist New World Order. This is a great website that explains everything about the case in detail.

Documentary about the history of the poisonous fluoridation of American drinking water in order to make companies more money AND to reduce IQ, cause cancer, weaken bones, and inflict other illnesses on the American people.

Al Jazeera Investigates the Israeli Lobby and learns that the Israelis are doing everything they can to destroy America and the TRUTH.

Al Jazeera investigates the Israeli Lobby and wheat they find is terrifying to everyone who thinks democracy is real!

Al Jazerra Investigates the Israeli Lobby and its power over Western governments like the United States. What they find is terrifying! Americans are slaves in their own country and all the information they are given by their hijacked government is nothing but Zionist lies.

Al Jazeera Investigates the Israeli Lobby and finds that it has hijacked most Western governments and is systematically destroying their cultures to make their people easier to enslave to the Zionist New World Order and their planned Anti-Christ.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

10 videos

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