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"In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccinations mandatory, and these vaccines will make it possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will be hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro receivers of electromagnetic fields, where waves of very very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you'll be turned into a zombie. Don't think of this as hypothesis, this has been done. Think of Ruanda."

Doing a quick search, Ruanda is some sort of Hotel where something of this nature took place in 1995.

Shared from The Deprogram:

They want to make you and I more machine like, while making the machines more like you and I.
They also want to replace you as your children's main influence in life with A.I. Biometric toys that can spy and collect data along the way which can be used to form a permanent record behind the scenes.

Shared from PainAndMurphy, made by Wolfpox:

PainandMurphy YT:

I am not sure where I pulled this from, I'm also not sure who the guy is with the tie either.
But here you have Zuck in his own words... and yet the rest of us are not allowed to discuss this out in public or in private groups on their social media platform!

This was snuffed out early on and not many people spoke about these actors so I'm sharing it here.
It is a combination of 2 clips from two different news stations, one where they speak about how the plunger was all the way down, the other claimed he got a 2nd dose... which at that time a 2nd dose was unheard of and not a thing.

(From what I remember)People were commenting on the 2nd video, displeased because the reporters/writers made it out that people were more worried about the nurse not getting the V rather than the obvious fact that these people are actors! Many people were confirming it as propaganda.

What nurse in the right mind would stick an empty syringe in the arm of another while in front of a camera?

Ever watch the movie The Island? Different plot, same vibe.
This is dystopian af to me.
In the original on YT the comments are turned off, I want to know what people think of this so I'm sharing it here!

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A type and example of how dystopian our world has become.

Shared from Daria Sergienko:

Transcript as best as I could hear:
Woman:"I don't know why I bring all these papers, I never look at them."
Man: "and when you're giving numbers all I do is go 'oh! oh! oh!!..' (unintelligible)
Woman: "heh heh, I just say whatever they write down for me."
Man: (Unintelligible)

Shared from Jeff Censored, RIP:

Reporter slips up. Truth exposed

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Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

12 videos

Category None

Food/Water/Fire/Shelter/Tracking/Trapping/Hunting/Processing/Safety/Medicine/First Aid/Hygiene/Bushcraft